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niFgen Export Attribute Configuration (poly) VI

niFgen Export Attribute Configuration (poly) VI

Installed With: NI-FGEN

Exports a session configuration to either a file or a buffer.

You can export and import supported configurations only between NI‑FGEN devices with identical bus types, model numbers, and channel counts, as well as the same number of initialized channels.

This VI verifies that the attributes you have configured for the session are valid. If the configuration is invalid, NI‑FGEN returns an error.

Supported Configurations

You can export and import the following between NI‑FGEN sessions:

  • Attribute configurations
  • Arbitrary waveforms

Related topics:

Setting Attributes Before Reading Attributes

Output Modes


niFgen Export Attribute Configuration File

Exports a session configuration to the specified file.

niFgen Export Attribute Configuration File


Instrument Handle identifies your instrument session.

Instrument Handle is obtained from the niFgen Initialize VI, niFgen Initialize With Options VI, or the niFgen Initialize With Channels VI.


file path is the absolute path to a placeholder file you must create to contain the configuration you want to export.

If you specify an empty or relative path, this VI returns an error.

Default file extension: .nifgenconfig


error in describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.

Default value: no error


Instrument Handle Out passes a reference to your instrument session to the next VI.


error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.

niFgen Export Attribute Configuration Buffer

Exports a session configuration to a buffer.

niFgen Export Attribute Configuration Buffer


Instrument Handle identifies your instrument session.

Instrument Handle is obtained from the niFgen Initialize VI, niFgen Initialize With Options VI, or the niFgen Initialize With Channels VI.


error in describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.

Default value: no error


Instrument Handle Out passes a reference to your instrument session to the next VI.


buffer is a byte array that contains the exported configuration.


error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.


Requirements for Exporting and Importing Arbitrary Waveforms

Arbitrary waveforms you export and import between sessions using this VI must meet the following criteria:

  • All waveforms in the exporting session are created from files, other than HWS files, using the niFgen Create Waveform (poly) VI
  • The full file path of the file containing the arbitrary waveform still exists upon import
  • All waveforms are defined using handles rather than names
  • All waveforms are complete—none are streamed or incrementally written

You can set the device mode with the niFgen Configure Output Mode VI. For more information on arbitrary waveform mode, refer to Arbitrary Waveform Output Mode and Configure Arbitrary Waveform Mode.

Channel Mapping Behavior

When exporting and importing configurations between NI‑FGEN sessions that were initialized with different channels using the channel name input to the niFgen Initialize With Channels VI, the configuration of the exporting channel is mapped to the importing channel.

For example, if your entry for channel name is 0 for the exporting session and 1 for the importing session, the configuration exported from channel 0 is imported into channel 1.

Note  This VI will return an error if the total number of channels initialized for the exporting session is not equal to the total number of channels initialized for the importing session.
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