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Arbitrary Waveform

Arbitrary Waveform

Owning Palette: Waveform Control
Installed With: NI-FGEN

Use the NI-FGEN Arbitrary Waveform VIs to configure, define, and clear an arbitrary waveform.

Palette Object Description
niFgen Query Arb Waveform Capabilities

Returns the attributes of the signal generator that are related to creating arbitrary waveforms. These properties are the maximum number of waveforms, waveform quantum, minimum waveform size, and maximum waveform size.

niFgen Create Waveform (poly)

Takes the data provided and creates an onboard waveform of the same size for use in Arbitrary Waveform or Arbitrary Sequence output mode.

niFgen Configure Arbitrary Waveform

Configures the properties of the signal generator that affect arbitrary waveform generation. Selects the arbitrary waveform to produce and sets the gain and offset.

niFgen Clear Arbitrary Waveform

Removes a previously created arbitrary waveform from the signal generator memory and invalidates the waveform handle.

niFgen Clear Arbitrary Memory

Removes all previously created arbitrary waveforms, sequences, and scripts from the signal generator memory, and invalidates all waveform handles, sequence handles, and waveform names.

niFgen Allocate Waveform

Specifies the size of a waveform up front so that it can be allocated in onboard memory before loading the associated data. Data can then be loaded in smaller blocks with the niFgen Write Waveform (poly) VI.

niFgen Set Waveform Next Write Position

Sets the position in the waveform at which data is written during the next write. This VI allows you to write to arbitrary locations within the waveform. These settings apply only to the next write to the waveform specified by the Waveform Handle parameter. Subsequent writes to that waveform begin where the last write left off, unless this VI is called again. The Waveform Handle passed in must have been created by a call to the niFgen Allocate Waveform VI or the niFgen Clear Arbitrary Waveform VI.

niFgen Write Waveform (poly)

Writes data to the waveform in onboard memory.

The Waveform Handle passed in must have been created by a call to the niFgen Allocate Waveform VI or the niFgen Create Waveform (poly) VI. By default, the subsequent call to the niFgen Write Waveform (poly) VI continues writing data from the position of the last sample written. You can change the write position and offset using the niFgen Set Waveform Next Write Position VI. If streaming is enabled, you can write more data than the allocated waveform size in onboard memory. Refer to the Streaming topic for more information about streaming data.

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