- Updated2023-02-17
- 3 minute(s) read
Reads the oldest element in an RT FIFO.
If no new data exists in the RT FIFO or if the RT FIFO is empty, this node waits for the amount of time specified in timeout in ms for new data. If the value of timeout in ms expires, the node returns the value wired to element in the element out output and returns True in the empty? output.


rt fifo
References an existing RT FIFO.

Sets the default return value of an empty RT FIFO. This data type changes to match the type of the default return value you wire.

timeout in ms
Time, in milliseconds, that the node waits to receive a new value if the RT FIFO is empty. Wire a -1 to the timeout in ms input to wait indefinitely.
Default value: 0

error in
Error conditions that occur before this node runs.
The node responds to this input according to standard error behavior.
Default value: No error

rt fifo out
A reference to the RT FIFO defined in rt fifo.

element out
The data read from the RT FIFO. If the node does not read new data, the node returns the default element.

A Boolean that indicates whether the RT FIFO is empty when you read it.
True | The RT FIFO is empty and the FIFO timed out. |
False | The RT FIFO is not empty. |

error out
Error information.
The node produces this output according to standard error behavior.

number of elements
Number of elements remaining in the RT FIFO after the read or write operation.