Simulating the Instruments

Learn to use the major instruments on the NI ELVIS III device before connecting to a real device.

The following two typical pairs of instruments are pre-connected and configured for you to simulate, covering the common use cases in labs, such as generating, acquiring, and analyzing waveforms.
  • Oscilloscope & Function and Arbitrary Waveform Generator
  • Variable Power Supply & Digital Multimeter
Complete the following steps to simulate the instruments.
  1. Go directly to
  2. Click DEVICE SIMULATION to connect Measurements Live to a simulated NI ELVIS III device.
  3. On the top right corner, choose a pair of instruments to simulate by clicking a checkbox.
    You launch the corresponding Soft Front Panels (SFPs) and the SFPs run immediately.
  4. Observe the measurements on the SFPs.
  5. Adjust the configuration options as needed.
Some configuration options are dimmed because they do not work on a simulated device. Refer to Channel Connections and Supported Features for Simulated Instruments to learn what tasks you can perform by simulating the instruments. To experience full functionality of the NI ELVIS III, connect to a real device!