RFmxSpecAn Check Measurement Status VI

Checks the status of the measurement. Use this VI to check for any errors that may occur during measurement or to check whether the measurement is complete and results are available.



  • cstr.png Selector String

    Selector String specifies a selector string comprising of the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. If you do not specify the result name, the default result instance is used. The default value is "" (empty string).






    You can use the RFmxSpecAn Build Signal String VI to build the selector string.

  • cgenclassrntag.png Instrument Handle In

    Instrument Handle In specifies the RFmx session refnum. Instrument Handle In is obtained from the RFmxInstr Initialize NIRFSA VI.

  • cerrcodeclst.png error in (no error)

    error in describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.

  • igenclassrntag.png Instrument Handle Out

    Instrument Handle Out passes a reference of your RFmx session to the next VI.

  • ibool.png done?

    done? indicates whether the measurement is complete.

  • ierrcodeclst.png error out

    error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.