Connecting Signals to Digital I/O

The digital lines can be configured as input or output. Each channel includes an RC filter, protection circuitry, and a programmable pull resistor. When an NI ELVIS III application board is detected, they are all automatically configured as pull-up resistors. The following table shows the channel mapping.

Table 5. Digital I/O Signal Mapping
Application Board Terminals Signals
Bank A A/DIO0, ..., A/DIO19 DIO 0, ..., DIO 19
Bank B B/DIO0, ..., B/DIO19 DIO 0, ..., DIO 19
DGND Digital Ground
Notice Use DGND for digital signals and power supplies only.

You can use the NI ELVIS III Prototyping Board to access these signals. The following diagram shows the NI ELVIS III with the digital I/O terminals highlighted.


Note The Digital I/O instrument does not use the DIO 16 - 19 terminals.