PXIe-5841 Specifications
- Updated2024-06-17
- 30 minute(s) read
PXIe-5841 Specifications
PXIe-5841 Specifications
This specifications document contains specifications for both the PXIe-5841 Vector Signal Transceiver (VST) and the PXIe-5841 when paired with the optional PXIe-5655 local oscillator (LO).
Warranted specifications describe the performance of a model under stated operating conditions and are covered by the model warranty. Warranted specifications account for measurement uncertainties, temperature drift, and aging. Warranted specifications are ensured by design or verified during production and calibration.
Characteristics describe values that are relevant to the use of the model under stated operating conditions but are not covered by the model warranty.
- Typical specifications describe the performance met by a majority of models.
- Typical-95 specifications describe the performance met by 95% (≈2σ) of models with a 95% confidence.
- Nominal specifications describe an attribute that is based on design, conformance testing, or supplemental testing.
- Measured specifications describe the measured performance of a representative model.
All specifications are valid under the following conditions unless otherwise noted.
- 30 minute warm-up time
- Self-calibration is performed after the specified warm-up period has completed
- Calibration cycle is maintained
- The chassis fan mode is set to Auto when used in a chassis with ≥58 W slot-cooling capability or the fan mode is set to High when used in any other chassis
- Empty chassis slots contain slot blockers and EMC filler panels to minimize temperature drift and reduce emissions
- Modules are connected with NI cables as shown in the PXIe-5841 Getting Started Guide
- RFmx, NI-RFSA, or NI-RFSG instrument driver is used
- Calibration IP is used properly during the creation of custom FPGA bitfiles
Typical specifications do not include measurement uncertainty and are measured immediately after a device self-calibration is performed.
- Reference Clock source: Onboard
- RF IN reference level: 0 dBm
- RF IN preamplifier: AUTO
- RF OUT power level: 0 dBm
- LO tuning mode: Fractional
- LO PLL loop bandwidth: Medium
- LO step size: 500 kHz
- LO frequency: 2.4 GHz
- LO source: Onboard LO
- Reference Clock source: Onboard (from the PXIe-5655)
- RF IN reference level: 0 dBm
- RF IN preamplifier: AUTO
- RF OUT power level: 0 dBm
- LO tuning mode: Fractional
- LO PLL loop bandwidth: Low
- LO step size: 500 kHz
- LO frequency: 2.4 GHz
- LO source: Onboard LO (from the PXIe-5655)
Warranted specifications are valid over temperature ranges described in the Environmental Characteristics section of this document unless otherwise noted.
Specifications are identical for the PXIe-5841 and the PXIe-5841 with the PXIe-5655 unless otherwise noted.
Common NI Terminology for RF
Refer to the following list for definitions of common NI terms related to software-configured settings for the PXIe-5841 and used throughout this document.
Term | Definition |
Center Frequency |
Refers to the IQ Carrier Frequency property in NI-RFSA, the Frequency property in NI-RFSG, and the Center Frequency property in RFmx. |
Offset Mode is Automatic |
Refers to the NI-RFSA Downconverter Frequency Offset Mode property or NI-RFSG Upconverter Frequency Offset Mode property set to Automatic. The PXIe-5841 uses a direct conversion architecture. Offset Mode allows the instrument to operate in low IF mode, which increases the separation between the signal of interest and the residual sideband image and residual LO leakage power. However, low IF mode limits the available instantaneous bandwidth. A setting of Automatic allows the driver to set Offset Mode to Enabled when the signal bandwidth is configured as small enough to allow it. You can read back the Offset Mode to determine if the driver selected Enabled or User-Defined. Automatic is the default value. NI recommends keeping Offset Mode set to the default value. |
Offset Mode is Enabled |
Refers to the NI-RFSA Downconverter Frequency Offset Mode property or NI-RFSG Upconverter Frequency Offset Mode property set to Enabled. Equivalent to Signal Bandwidth ≤ Maximum Offset Bandwidth. The PXIe-5841 uses a direct conversion architecture. Offset Mode allows the instrument to operate in low IF mode, which increases the separation between the signal of interest and the residual sideband image and residual LO leakage power. |
Offset Mode is User-Defined |
Refers to the NI-RFSA Downconverter Frequency Offset Mode property or NI-RFSG Upconverter Frequency Offset Mode property set to User-Defined. Equivalent to Signal Bandwidth > Maximum Offset Bandwidth. The PXIe-5841 uses a direct conversion architecture. Offset Mode set to User-Defined allows the instrument to operate with maximum instantaneous bandwidth. |
Onboard |
Refers to the value of the LO Source property. A value of Onboard configures the hardware to use the PXIe-5841 LO on an associated PXIe-5655 (if present). |
The following characteristics are common to both RF IN and RF OUT ports.
Frequency range | 9 kHz to 6 GHz |
Center Frequency | Instantaneous Bandwidth |
9 kHz to <120 MHz | <120 MHz |
120 MHz to 410 MHz | 50 MHz |
>410 MHz to 650 MHz | 100 MHz |
>650 MHz to 1.3 GHz | 200 MHz |
>1.3 GHz to 2.2 GHz | 500 MHz |
>2.2 GHz to 6 GHz | 1 GHz |
The PXIe-5841 uses the low frequency subsystem to directly acquire or generate the RF signal below 120 MHz. |
I/Q Carrier Frequency | Maximum Signal Bandwidth |
9 kHz to <120 MHz | — |
120 MHz to 378 MHz | 10 MHz |
>378 MHz to 593 MHz | 35 MHz |
>593 MHz to 1.168 GHz | 85 MHz |
>1.168 GHz to 1.943 GHz | 235 MHz |
>1.943 GHz to 6 GHz | 485 MHz |
The PXIe-5841 uses the low frequency subsystem to directly acquire or generate the RF signal below 120 MHz. |
Tuning resolution | 888 nHz |
Fractional mode | Programmable step size, 500 kHz default | |
Integer mode | LO ≤ 4 GHz | 10 MHz, 20 MHz, 25 MHz, 50 MHz, 100 MHz |
LO > 4 GHz | 20 MHz, 50 MHz, 100 MHz, 200 MHz | |
In integer mode, larger step sizes improve phase noise performance. |
Frequency Settling Time
Accuracy | Settling Time (μs) |
≤1.0 × 10-6 of final frequency | <380 |
≤0.1 × 10-6 of final frequency | <400 |
This specification includes only frequency settling and excludes any residual amplitude settling. |
Accuracy | Maximum Time (μs), 0 °C to 55 °C |
≤1.0 × 10-6 of final frequency | <175 μs |
≤0.1 × 10-6 of final frequency or ± 25 Hz, whichever is greater | <200 μs |
Internal Frequency Reference
Initial adjustment accuracy | ±200 × 10 -9 |
Temperature stability | ±1 × 10 -6, maximum |
Aging | ±1 × 10 -6 per year, maximum |
Accuracy | Initial adjustment accuracy ± Aging ± Temperature stability |
Spectral Purity
LO Frequency | Phase Noise (dBc/Hz, Single Sideband), 20 kHz Offset, Self-Calibration °C ± 10 °C |
<3 GHz | -102 |
3 GHz to 4 GHz | -102 |
>4 GHz to 6 GHz | -96 |
LO Frequency | Phase Noise (dBc/Hz, Single Sideband), 10 kHz Offset | Phase Noise (dBc/Hz, Single Sideband), 100 kHz Offset | ||
Specification | Typical | Specification | Typical | |
900 MHz | — | -134.0 | — | -141.0 |
2.4 GHz | -122.0 | -127.0 | — | -133.6 |
5.8 GHz | -115.0 | -120.9 | -123.0 | -130.6 |
Warranted specification is for 23°C ± 5 °C . Reference clock is PXIe-5655 internal OCXO. |
Conditions: Measured Port: RF OUT; Reference Clock: Onboard; Spurs not shown.
RF Input
RF Input Amplitude Range
Downconverter Center Frequency | Preamp | RF Input (dB) |
9 kHz to <120 MHz | Disabled | Average noise level to +15 dBm continuous wave root-mean-square (CW RMS) |
Auto | ||
120 MHz to 6 GHz | Disabled | Average noise level to +30 dBm CW RMS |
Auto | ||
Enabled | Average noise level to -10 dBm CW RMS |
RF gain resolution | 1 dB, nominal |
Downconverter Center Frequency | RF Analog Gain Range (dB) |
10 MHz to <120 MHz | ≥35 |
120 MHz to 500 MHz | ≥65 |
>500 MHz to 1.5 GHz | ≥65 |
>1.5 GHz to 2.3 GHz | ≥60 |
>2.3 GHz to 2.9 GHz | ≥60 |
>2.9 GHz to 4.8 GHz | ≥55 |
>4.8 GHz to 6 GHz | ≥50 |
Downconverter Center Frequency | RF Analog Gain Range (dB) |
120 MHz to 500 MHz | ≥30 |
>500 MHz to 1.5 GHz | ≥30 |
>1.5 GHz to 2.3 GHz | ≥25 |
>2.3 GHz to 2.9 GHz | ≥25 |
>2.9 GHz to 4.8 GHz | ≥25 |
>4.8 GHz to 6 GHz | ≥20 |
RF Input Amplitude Settling Time
<0.5 dB of final value | 40 μs, typical |
<0.1 dB of final value | 70 μs, typical |
Conditions: constant RF input signal, varying input reference level.
RF Input Relative Amplitude Accuracy
Center Frequency | Typical |
10 MHz to <120 MHz | ±0.35 |
120 MHz to 6 GHz | ±0.2 |
Relative accuracy describes the residual absolute error when compared to the absolute accuracy error at 0 dBm reference level. Conditions (10 MHz to <120 MHz): Reference level -30 dBm to +15 dBm; measured at the configured frequency; measurement performed after the PXIe-5841 has settled. Measured with a sine tone between -25 dBr to -5 dBr, where dBr is referenced to the configured RF reference level. Conditions (120 MHz to 6 GHz): Reference level -30 dBm to +30 dBm; measured at 3.75 MHz offset from the configured center frequency when NI-RFSA Downconverter Frequency Offset Mode is User-Defined; measured at the configured center frequency when the NI-RFSA Downconverter Frequency Offset Mode is Enabled; measurement performed after the PXIe-5841 has settled. Preamplifier mode set to automatic. Measured with a sine tone within -25 dBr to -5 dBr, where dBr is referenced to the configured RF reference level. Center frequency refers to NI-RFSA Downconverter Center Frequency when NI-RFSA Downconverter Frequency Offset Mode is User-Defined. Center frequency refers to NI-RFSA I/Q Carrier Frequency when NI-RFSA Downconverter Frequency Offset Mode is Enabled. |
RF Input Absolute Amplitude Accuracy
Center Frequency | Typical | Specification 0 °C to 55 °C Self-Cal °C ± 5 °C |
10 MHz to <120 MHz | ±0.35 | — |
120 MHz to 2.2 GHz | ±0.25 | ±0.7 |
>2.2 GHz to 4.4 GHz | ±0.25 | ±0.65 |
>4.4 GHz to 5 GHz | ±0.25 | ±0.7 |
>5 GHz to 6 GHz | ±0.25 | ±0.75 |
Conditions (10 MHz to <120 MHz): Reference level -30 dBm to +15 dBm; measured at the configured frequency; measurement performed after the PXIe-5841 has settled. Conditions (120 MHz to 6 GHz): Reference level -30 dBm to +30 dBm; measured at 3.75 MHz offset from the configured center frequency when NI-RFSA Downconverter Frequency Offset Mode is User-Defined and measured at the configured center frequency when NI-RFSA Downconverter Frequency Offset Mode is Enabled; measurement performed after the PXIe-5841 has settled. Preamplifier mode set to automatic. Center frequency refers to NI-RFSA Downconverter Center Frequency when NI-RFSA Downconverter Frequency Offset Mode is User-Defined. Center frequency refers to NI-RFSA I/Q Carrier Frequency when NI-RFSA Downconverter Frequency Offset Mode is Enabled. |
RF Input Frequency Response
Downconverter Center Frequency | NI-RFSA Device Instantaneous Bandwidth | Frequency Response (dB) |
≥250 MHz to 410 MHz | 50 MHz | ±0.45 |
±0.35, typical | ||
>410 MHz to 650 MHz | 100 MHz | ±0.6 |
±0.45, typical | ||
>650 MHz to 1.5 GHz | 200 MHz | ±0.55 |
±0.4, typical | ||
>1.5 GHz to 2.2 GHz | 200 MHz | ±0.5 |
±0.35, typical | ||
>2.2 GHz to 2.9 GHz | 200 MHz | ±0.5 |
±0.3, typical | ||
1 GHz | ±1.1 | |
±0.75, typical | ||
>2.9 GHz to 4.8 GHz | 200 MHz | ±0.5 |
±0.35, typical | ||
1 GHz | ±1.15 | |
±0.75, typical | ||
>4.8 GHz to 6 GHz | 200 MHz | ±0.5 |
±0.35, typical | ||
1 GHz | ±1.3 | |
±0.85, typical | ||
Conditions: Reference level -30 dBm to +30 dBm; module temperature within ± 5 °C of last self-calibration temperature. Frequency response is defined as the maximum relative amplitude deviation from the reference offset frequency. For the PXIe-5841 RF input, the reference offset frequency is 3.75 MHz. For the absolute amplitude accuracy at the reference offset, refer to the RF Input Absolute Amplitude Accuracy section. |
I/Q Carrier Frequency | NI-RFSA Signal Bandwidth | Frequency Response (dB) |
≥250 MHz to 378 MHz | 10 MHz | ±0.35 |
±0.2, typical | ||
>378 MHz to 593 MHz | 35 MHz | ±0.35 |
±0.25, typical | ||
>593 MHz to 1.168 GHz | 85 MHz | ±0.5 |
±0.35, typical | ||
>1.168 GHz to 1.943 GHz | 235 MHz | ±0.6 |
±0.4, typical | ||
>1.943 GHz to 6 GHz | 235 MHz | ±0.6 |
±0.4, typical | ||
485 MHz | ±1.05 | |
±0.7, typical | ||
Conditions: Reference level -30 dBm to +30 dBm; module temperature within ± 5 °C of last self-calibration temperature. Frequency response is defined as the maximum relative amplitude deviation from the specified I/Q carrier frequency. For the absolute amplitude accuracy at the I/Q carrier frequency, refer to the RF Input Absolute Amplitude Accuracy section. |
RF Input Average Noise Density
Downconverter Center Frequency | -50 dBm Reference Level | -10 dBm Reference Level | -5 dBm Reference Level |
>120 MHz to 410 MHz | -163 | -152 | -148 |
>410 MHz to 2.7 GHz | -164 | -151 | -147 |
>2.7 GHz to 4.5 GHz | -164 | -149 | -145 |
>4.5 GHz to 6.0 GHz | -162 | -149 | -145 |
Conditions: Input terminated with a 50 Ω load; 50 averages; noise measured at 4 MHz offset, normalized to 1 Hz bandwidth. The -50 dBm reference level configuration has the preamplifier enabled. The -10 dBm and -5 dBm reference level configurations have the preamplifier disabled. |
RF Input Spurious Responses
RF Input Third-Order Input Intermodulation
Downconverter Center Frequency | -5 dBm Reference Level | -20 dBm Reference Level (Preamp Disabled) | -20 dBm Reference Level (Preamp Enabled) |
120 MHz to 410 MHz | 20 | 9 | 4 |
>410 MHz to 1.3 GHz | 21 | 9 | 9 |
>1.3 GHz to 2.7 GHz | 22 | 9 | 7 |
>2.7 GHz to 4.5 GHz | 21 | 9 | 7 |
>4.5 GHz to 6.0 GHz | 16 | 3 | 0 |
Conditions: Two tones at offsets of 10 MHz and 10.7 MHz. Tone powers are -10 dBm and -25 dBm for -5 dBm and -20 dBm reference levels, respectively. |
RF Input Nonharmonic Spurs
Downconverter Center Frequency | 10 kHz ≤ Offset < 100 kHz | 100 kHz ≤ Offset < 1 MHz | 1 MHz ≤ Offset | |||
PXIe-5841 | PXIe-5655 | PXIe-5841 | PXIe-5655 | PXIe-5841 | PXIe-5655 | |
>120 MHz to 650 MHz | -71 | -77 | -74 | -77 | -68 | -77 |
>650 MHz to 1.3 GHz | -71 | -77 | -72 | -77 | -73 | -77 |
>1.3 GHz to 2.7 GHz | -69 | -76 | -70 | -78 | -74 | -71 |
>2.7 GHz to 4.5 GHz | -66 | -76 | -64 | -73 | -67 | -69 |
>4.5 GHz to 6 GHz | -62 | -75 | -62 | -73 | -63 | -66 |
Conditions: Reference level 0 dBm. Preamplifier disabled. Measured with a single
tone, -6 dBr, where dBr is referenced to the
configured RF reference level. LO set to integer mode for downconverter center
frequency ≤500 MHz. Offset refers to ±desired signal offset (Hz) around the current downconverter center frequency. (1 MHz ≤ offset): tthe maximum offset is limited to within the equalized bandwidth of the referenced LO frequency. |
RF Input LO Residual Power
Downconverter Center Frequency | Reference Level | |
-30 dBm to <-20 dBm | -20 dBm to +30 dBm | |
≥120 MHz to 650 MHz | -50 | -53 |
>650 MHz to 1.3 GHz | -53 | -61 |
>1.3 GHz to 2.7 GHz | -57 | -61 |
>2.7 GHz to 4.5 GHz | -45 | -53 |
>4.5 GHz to 6 GHz | -48 | -51 |
Maximum residual LO power across full device bandwidth using the internal LO of the PXIe-5841. Input tone power at a maximum of -6 dBr. Measurement performed immediately after device self-calibration. The PXIe-5841 uses the low frequency subsystem to directly acquire the RF input signal below 120 MHz. Here dBr is relative to the full scale of the configured RF reference level. |
RF Input Residual Sideband Image
Downconverter Center Frequency | NI-RFSA Device Instantaneous Bandwidth Setting | Input Bandwidth | Residual Sideband Image (dBc) |
≥120 MHz to 410 MHz | 50 MHz | 50 MHz | -55 |
>410 MHz to 650 MHz | 100 MHz | 100 MHz | -55 |
>650 MHz to 1.3 GHz | 200 MHz | 200 MHz | -60 |
>1.3 GHz to 2.2 GHz | 500 MHz | 200 MHz | -57 |
500 MHz | -54 | ||
>2.2 GHz to 2.7 GHz | 1 GHz | 200 MHz | -60 |
500 MHz | -55 | ||
1 GHz | -49 | ||
>2.7 GHz to 5.2 GHz | 200 MHz | -57 | |
500 MHz | -56 | ||
1 GHz | -53 | ||
>5.2 GHz to 6 GHz | 200 MHz | -55 | |
500 MHz | -53 | ||
1 GHz | -49 | ||
Conditions: Reference levels -30 dBm to +30 dBm. The PXIe-5841 uses the low frequency subsystem to directly acquire the RF signal below 120 MHz. This specification describes the maximum residual sideband image within the device bandwidth centered around a given RF center frequency. Measurement performed immediately after device self-calibration. The input bandwidth describes the occupied bandwidth of the input signal centered at the downconverter center frequency. |
RF Output
RF Output Power Range
NI-RFSG Bandwidth Setting | Upconverter Center Frequency | Power Range, CW, Average Power | ||
Specification | Nominal | |||
<120 MHz | 9 kHz to <120 MHz | Noise Floor to +5 dBm | Noise Floor to +8 dBm | |
≤200 MHz | 120 MHz to 4 GHz | Noise Floor to +18 dBm | Noise Floor to ≥+20 dBm | |
>4 GHz to 6 GHz | Noise Floor to +15 dBm | Noise Floor to ≥+17 dBm | ||
1 GHz | ≥2.2 GHz to 4 GHz | Noise Floor to +18 dBm | Noise Floor to ≥+20 dBm | |
>4 GHz to 6 GHz | Noise Floor to +10 dBm | Noise Floor to ≥+15 dBm | ||
The power range refers to CW average power. For modulated signal generation, it is important to consider the impact of peak to average power ratio (PAPR). For example, a modulated 20 MHz signal between 120 MHz to 4 GHz with a 12 dB PAPR can be generated with up to +6 dBm (+8 dBm, nominal) average modulated power. |
Output attenuator resolution | 1 dB, nominal |
Digital attenuation resolution (average output power ≥-100 dBm) | <0.1 dB |
RF Output Amplitude Settling Time
<0.5 dB of final value | 60 μs, typical |
<0.1 dB of final value | 85 μs, typical |
Conditions: varying RF output power range.
RF Output Power Level Accuracy
Center Frequency | Typical | Specification 0 °C to 55 °C Self-Cal °C ± 5 °C |
10 MHz to <120 MHz | ±0.35 | — |
>120 MHz to 200 MHz | ±0.25 | ±0.8 |
>200 MHz to 500 MHz | ±0.25 | ±0.7 |
>500 MHz to 2.2 GHz | ±0.25 | ±0.65 |
>2.2 GHz to 6 GHz | ±0.25 | ±0.7 |
Relative accuracy describes the residual absolute accuracy error when compared to the absolute accuracy error at 0 dBm power level. Conditions (10 MHz to <120 MHz): Power level -30 dBm to +5 dBm; measured at the configured frequency. Measurement performed after the PXIe-5841 has settled. Conditions (120 MHz to 6 GHz): Power level -30 dBm to +15 dBm; measured at 3.75 MHz offset from the configured center frequency when NI-RFSG Upconverter Frequency Offset Mode is User-Defined; measured at the configured center frequency when NI-RFSG Upconverter Frequency Offset Mode is Enabled. Measurement performed after the PXIe-5841 has settled. This specification is valid only when the module is operating within the specified ambient temperature range and within ±5 °C from the last self-calibration temperature, as measured with the onboard temperature sensors. This specification requires that temperature correction is being performed. Temperature correction is applied automatically if NIRFSG_ATTR_AUTOMATIC_THERMAL_CORRECTION is enabled (default). Temperature correction is applied if necessary only when NI-RFSG settings are adjusted. If NIRFSG_ATTR_AUTOMATIC_THERMAL_CORRECTION is disabled, the niRFSG_PerformThermalCorrection must be explicitly called. Center frequency refers to NI-RFSG Upconverter Center Frequency when NI-RFSG Upconverter Frequency Offset Mode is User-Defined. Center frequency refers to NI-RFSG I/Q Carrier Frequency when NI-RFSG Upconverter Frequency Offset Mode is Enabled. |
RF Output Relative Power Level Accuracy
Center Frequency | Typical |
10 MHz to <120 MHz | ±0.35 |
120 MHz to 6 GHz | ±0.2 |
Conditions (10 MHz to <120 MHz): Power level -30 dBm to +5 dBm; measured at the configured frequency. Measurement performed after the PXIe-5841 has settled. Conditions (120 MHz to 6 GHz): Power level -30 dBm to +15 dBm; measured at 3.75 MHz offset from the configured center frequency when NI-RFSG Upconverter Frequency Offset Mode is User-Defined; measured at the configured center frequency when NI-RFSG Upconverter Frequency Offset Mode is Enabled. Measurement performed after the PXIe-5841 has settled. This specification requires that temperature correction is being performed. Temperature correction is applied automatically if NIRFSG_ATTR_AUTOMATIC_THERMAL_CORRECTION is enabled (default). Temperature correction is applied if necessary only when NI-RFSG settings are adjusted. If NIRFSG_ATTR_AUTOMATIC_THERMAL_CORRECTION is disabled, the niRFSG_PerformThermalCorrection must be explicitly called. Center frequency refers to NI-RFSG Upconverter Center Frequency when NI-RFSG Upconverter Frequency Offset Mode is User-Defined. Center frequency refers to I/Q Carrier Frequency when NI-RFSG Upconverter Frequency Offset Mode is Enabled. |
RF Output Frequency Response
Upconverter Center Frequency | NI-RFSG Signal Bandwidth Setting | Frequency Response (dB) |
≥250 MHz to 410 MHz | 50 MHz | ±0.55 |
±0.45, typical | ||
>410 MHz to 650 MHz | 100 MHz | ±0.6 |
±0.45, typical | ||
>650 MHz to 1.5 GHz | 200 MHz | ±0.55 |
±0.4, typical | ||
>1.5 GHz to 2.2 GHz | 200 MHz | ±0.4 |
±0.3, typical | ||
>2.2 GHz to 2.9 GHz | 200 MHz | ±0.4 |
±0.3, typical | ||
1 GHz | ±1.2 | |
±0.8, typical | ||
>2.9 GHz to 4.8 GHz | 200 MHz | ±0.6 |
±0.45, typical | ||
1 GHz | ±1.25 | |
±0.85, typical | ||
>4.8 GHz to 6 GHz | 200 MHz | ±0.55 |
±0.4, typical | ||
1 GHz | ±1.9 | |
±1.35, typical | ||
Conditions: Output peak power level -30 dBm to +15 dBm; module temperature within ±5 °C of last self-calibration temperature. Frequency response is defined as the maximum relative amplitude deviation from the reference offset frequency. For the PXIe-5841 RF Output the reference offset frequency is 3.75 MHz. For the absolute amplitude accuracy at the reference offset, refer to the RF Output Power Level Accuracy section. |
I/Q Carrier Frequency | NI-RFSG Signal Bandwidth | Frequency Response (dB) |
≥120 MHz to 378 MHz | 10 MHz | ±0.3 |
±0.2, typical | ||
>378 MHz to 593 MHz | 35 MHz | ±0.55 |
±0.4, typical | ||
>593 MHz to 1.168 GHz | 85 MHz | ±0.4 |
±0.25, typical | ||
>1.168 GHz to 1.943 GHz | 235 MHz | ±0.5 |
±0.45, typical | ||
>1.943 GHz to 6 GHz | 235 MHz | ±0.65 |
±0.45, typical | ||
485 MHz | ±1.0 | |
±0.7, typical | ||
Conditions: Output peak power level -30 dBm to +15 dBm; module temperature within ±5 °C of last self-calibration temperature. Frequency response is defined as the maximum relative amplitude deviation from the specified I/Q carrier frequency. For the absolute amplitude accuracy at the reference offset, refer to the RF Output Power Level Accuracy section. |
RF Output Average Noise Density
Upconverter Center Frequency | Output Power Level (Peak) | ||
-30 dBm | 0 dBm | 10 dBm | |
10 MHz to <120 MHz | -151 | -147 | — |
120 MHz to 410 MHz | -165 | -140 | -131 |
>410 MHz to 1.3 GHz | -165 | -143 | -134 |
>1.3 GHz to 2.7 GHz | -164 | -142 | -132 |
>2.7 GHz to 4.5 GHz | -162 | -144 | -134 |
>4.5 GHz to 6.0 GHz | -163 | -139 | -128 |
Conditions: 50 averages; -40 dB baseband signal attenuation; noise measurement frequency offset 4 MHz relative to output frequency. |
RF Output Spurious Responses
RF Output Third-Order Intermodulation (IMD3)
Upconverter Center Frequency | Baseband DAC: -2 dBFS Peak Power Level: 2 dBm | Baseband DAC: -6 dBFS Peak Power Level: 6 dBm |
10 MHz to 120 MHz | -65 | -70 |
>120 MHz to 410 MHz | -61 | -67 |
>410 MHz to 1.3 GHz | -58 | -66 |
>1.3 GHz to 2.7 GHz | -57 | -68 |
>2.7 GHz to 4.5 GHz | -55 | -64 |
>4.5 GHz to 6.0 GHz | -58 | -63 |
Conditions: -6 dBm tones at 1.6 MHz and 2.3 MHz offset from the LO. Output power level set to achieve the desired output power per tone allowing specified digital headroom. |
Upconverter Center Frequency | Baseband DAC: -2 dBFS Peak Power Level: -28 dBm | Baseband DAC: -6 dBFS Peak Power Level: -24 dBm |
10 MHz to 120 MHz | -71 | -72 |
>120 MHz to 410 MHz | -61 | -65 |
>410 MHz to 1.3 GHz | -59 | -65 |
>1.3 GHz to 2.7 GHz | -62 | -69 |
>2.7 GHz to 4.5 GHz | -60 | -70 |
>4.5 GHz to 6.0 GHz | -61 | -68 |
Conditions: -36 dBm tones at 1.6 MHz and 2.3 MHz offset from the LO. Output power level set to achieve the desired output power per tone allowing specified digital headroom. |
RF Output Harmonics
Upconverter Center Frequency | CW Average Power | ||
-10 dBm | 6 dBm | 15 dBm | |
10 MHz to 120 MHz | -63 | -45 | — |
>120 MHz to 410 MHz | -52 | -39 | -31 |
>410 MHz to 1.3 GHz | -49 | -41 | -35 |
>1.3 GHz to 2.7 GHz | -45 | -40 | -34 |
>2.7 GHz to 4.5 GHz | -45 | -40 | -34 |
>4.5 GHz to 6 GHz | -47 | -44 | -33 |
Conditions: Measured using a -1 dBFS baseband signal with 1 MHz offset. |
RF Output Nonharmonic Spurs
Upconverter Center Frequency | 10 kHz ≤ Offset < 100 kHz | 100 kHz ≤ Offset < 1 MHz | 1 MHz ≤ Offset | |||
PXIe-5841 | PXIe-5655 | PXIe-5841 | PXIe-5655 | PXIe-5841 | PXIe-5655 | |
120 MHz to 650 MHz (LO PLL Fractional Mode disabled.) | -82 | -95 | -77 | -78 | -65 | -72 |
>650 MHz to 1.3 GHz | -83 | -97 | -75 | -74 | -71 | -73 |
>1.3 GHz to 2.2 GHz | -78 | -95 | -74 | -76 | -72 | -74 |
>2.2 GHz to 4.5 GHz | -72 | -89 | -68 | -89 | -66 | -66 |
>4.5 GHz to 6 GHz | -73 | -86 | -68 | -89 | -67 | -65 |
Conditions: Output full scale 0 dBm. Measured with a single tone at 0 dBFS. Offset refers to ±desired signal offset (Hz) around the current LO frequency. The maximum offset is limited to within the equalized bandwidth of the referenced LO Frequency. |
RF Output LO Residual Power
Upconverter Center Frequency | LO Residual Power |
≥120 MHz to 650 MHz | -55 |
>650 MHz to 2.2 GHz | -60 |
>2.2 GHz to 4.5 GHz | -57 |
>4.5 GHz to 6 GHz | -51 |
Conditions: Maximum residual LO power across full device bandwidth using the internal LO of the PXIe-5841. Peak output power -30 dBm to +15 dBm, tone at -6 dBFS. Measurement performed immediately after device self-calibration. The PXIe-5841 uses the low frequency subsystem to directly generate the RF signal below 120 MHz. |
Conditions: LO is not exported; degradation when LO export is enabled.
RF Output Residual Sideband Image
Upconverter Center Frequency | NI-RFSG Signal Bandwidth Setting | Output Bandwidth | Residual Sideband Image |
≥120 MHz to 410 MHz | 50 MHz | 50 MHz | -46 |
>410 MHz to 650 MHz | 100 MHz | 100 MHz | -62 |
>650 MHz to 1.3 GHz | 200 MHz | 200 MHz | -60 |
>1.3 GHz to 2.2 GHz | 200 MHz | 200 MHz | -65 |
500 MHz | 500 MHz | -63 | |
>2.2 GHz to 4.5 GHz | 200 MHz | 200 MHz | -63 |
500 MHz | 500 MHz | -58 | |
1 GHz | 1 GHz | -53 | |
>4.5 GHz to 6 GHz | 200 MHz | 200 MHz | -57 |
500 MHz | 500 MHz | -52 | |
1 GHz | 1 GHz | -43 | |
Conditions: Reference levels -30 dBm to +15 dBm. The PXIe-5841 uses the low frequency subsystem to directly acquire the RF input signal below 120 MHz. This specification describes the maximum residual sideband image within the device bandwidth centered around a given RF center frequency. Measurement performed immediately after device self-calibration. |
Error Vector Magnitude (EVM)
I/Q carrier frequency | 400 MHz to <4 GHz | -48 |
5 GHz to 6 GHz | -47 | |
Conditions: Modulated signal with 20 MHz bandwidth 64-QAM modulated signal; Pulse-shape filtering: root-raised cosine, alpha=0.25; RF input reference level: 0 dBm; PXIe-5841; Offset Mode: Enabled; PXIe-5841 RF output peak power level: 0 dBm; Reference Clock source: Onboard; Acquisition length: 300 µs |
Conditions: 20 MHz bandwidth 64-QAM modulated signal. Pulse-shape filtering: Root-raised cosine, alpha=0.25; PXIe-5841 RF Input reference level, RF output peak power level set to value specified in legend; Offset Mode: Enabled; Reference Clock source: Onboard; Acquisition length: 300 µs
Application-Specific Modulation Quality (PXIe-5841 with PXIe-5655)
Conditions: RF output loopback to RF input; Waveform bandwidth: 100 MHz; Subcarrier spacing: 30 kHz, uplink, 256 QAM; Offset Mode: Enabled; Reference Level Headroom: Default (1 dB); Measurement length: 3 slots
Conditions: RF output loopback to RF input; Reference/power level: average power +PAPR; Waveform bandwidth: 100 MHz; Subcarrier spacing: 30 kHz, uplink, 256 QAM; Offset Mode: Enabled; Reference Level Headroom: Default (1 dB); Measurement length : 3 slots
WLAN 802.11ax
Conditions: RF output loopback to RF input; Waveform bandwidth: 80 MHz; MCS index: 11; Offset Mode: Enabled; RF output average power: -15 dBm; Reference level: average power + PAPR
Conditions: RF output loopback to RF input; Waveform bandwidth: 80 MHz; MCS index: 11; Offset Mode: Enabled; Carrier frequency: 5.5 GHz
WLAN 802.11ac
Conditions: RF output loopback to RF input; Offset Mode: Enabled; MCS index: 9; RF output average power: 0 dBm; Reference level: average power + PAPR; Internal LO
Conditions: RF Output loopback to RF Input; Offset Mode: Enabled; Independent onboard LOs; 20 MHz BW, Uplink, FDD; Average power + PAPR
Conditions: RF output loopback to RF input; Offset Mode: Enabled; Independent onboard LOs.
Application-Specific Modulation Quality (PXIe-5841)
Conditions: RF output loopback to RF input; Waveform bandwidth: 100 MHz; Subcarrier spacing: 30 kHz, uplink, 256 QAM; Offset Mode: Enabled; Reference Level Headroom: Default (1 dB); Measurement length: 3 slots
Conditions: RF output loopback to RF input; Reference/power level: average power +PAPR; Waveform bandwidth: 100 MHz; Subcarrier spacing: 30 kHz, uplink, 256 QAM; Offset Mode: Enabled; Reference Level Headroom: Default (1 dB); Measurement length: 3 slots
Conditions: RF Output loopback to RF Input; Offset Mode: Enabled; Independent onboard LOs; 20 MHz BW, Uplink, FDD; Average power + PAPR
Conditions: RF output loopback to RF input; Offset Mode: Enabled; Independent onboard LOs.
Baseband Characteristics
Converter Type | I/Q data rate |
Analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) | 19 kS/s to 1.25 GS/s |
Digital-to-analog converters (DACs) | 19 kS/s to 1.25 GS/s |
(ADCs) Using fractional decimation below 1.25 GS/s. (DACs) Using fractional interpolation below 1.25 GS/s. |
Onboard FPGA
FPGA | Xilinx Virtex-7 X690T |
LUTs | 433,200 |
Flip-flops | 866,400 |
DSP48 slices | 3,600 |
Embedded block RAM | 52.9 Mbits |
Data transfers | DMA, interrupts, programmed I/O |
Number of DMA channels | 56 |
Onboard DRAM
Memory size | 2 banks, 2 GB per bank |
Theoretical maximum data rate | 12 GB/s per bank |
Onboard SRAM
Memory size | 2 MB |
Maximum data rate (read) | 31 MB/s |
Maximum data rate (write) | 29 MB/s |
Front Panel I/O
Connector | SMA (female) |
Input impedance | 50 Ω, nominal, AC coupled |
Maximum DC input voltage without damage | ±10 VDC |
<120 MHz | +24 dBm (CW RMS) |
≥120 MHz | +33 dBm (CW RMS) |
Input Return Loss (VSWR)
Frequency | Preamp Disabled | Preamp Enabled, Auto |
100 kHz to <500 MHz | 13.5 (1.51:1) | 13.5 (1.51:1) |
500 MHz to <1.2 GHz | 15.0 (1.43:1) | 13.5 (1.51:1) |
1.2 GHz to <3.8 GHz | 15.0 (1.43:1) | 15.0 (1.43:1) |
3.8 GHz to <4.2 GHz | 15.0 (1.43:1) | 13.5 (1.51:1) |
4.2 GHz to <5.8 GHz | 15.0 (1.43:1) | 15.0 (1.43:1) |
5.8 GHz to 6.0 GHz | 13.5 (1.51:1) | 13.5 (1.51:1) |
Connector | SMA (female) |
Output impedance | 50 Ω, nominal, AC coupled |
<120 MHz | +24 dBm (CW RMS) |
≥120 MHz | +33 dBm (CW RMS) |
Output Return Loss (VSWR)
Frequency | Typical |
100 kHz to <500 MHz | 12.0 (1.67:1) |
500 MHz to <2.8 GHz | 17.0 (1.33:1) |
2.8 GHz to <4.5 GHz | 14.5 (1.46:1) |
4.5 GHz to <5.8 GHz | 16.0 (1.38:1) |
5.8 GHz to 6.0 GHz | 15.0 (1.43:1) |
Connectors | MMPX (female) |
Frequency range | 120 MHz to 6 GHz |
Output power | 0 dBm ± 2 dB, typical |
Output power resolution | 0.25 dB, nominal |
Output impedance | 50 Ω, nominal, AC coupled |
120 MHz to 2 GHz | >12 dB (VSWR < 1.67:1), nominal |
>2 GHz to 6 GHz | >8 dB (VSWR < 2.32:1), nominal |
Connectors | MMPX (female) |
Frequency range | 120 MHz to 6 GHz |
Input power range | -4 dBm to 0 dBm, nominal |
Input impedance | 50 Ω, nominal, AC coupled |
Absolute maximum input power | +15 dBm |
Maximum DC voltage | ±5 VDC |
120 MHz to 3.6 GHz | >20 dB (VSWR <1.22:1), nominal |
>3.6 GHz to 6 GHz | >12 dB (VSWR <1.67:1), nominal |
120 MHz to 3 GHz | >18 dB (VSWR <1.29:1), nominal |
>3 GHz to 6 GHz | >15 dB (VSWR <1.43:1), nominal |
Connector | MMPX (female) |
Frequency | 10 MHz |
Tolerance | ±10 × 10-6 |
Amplitude | 0.7 Vpk-pk to 3.3 Vpk-pk into 50 Ω, typical. |
Input impedance | 50 Ω, nominal |
Coupling | AC |
Connector | MMPX (female) |
Frequency | 10 MHz, nominal |
Amplitude | 1.65 V pk-pk into 50 Ω, nominal |
Output impedance | 50 Ω, nominal |
Coupling | AC |
Connector | MMPX (female) |
Input impedance | 10 kΩ, nominal |
Output impedance | 50 Ω, nominal |
Maximum DC drive strength | 24 mA |
Absolute maximum input range | -0.5 V to 5.5 V |
VIL, maximum | 0.8 V |
VIH, minimum | 2.0 V |
VOL, maximum | 0.2 V with 100 μA load |
VOH, minimum | 2.9 V with 100 μA load |
Connector | Molex Nano-Pitch I/O |
5.0 V Power | ±5%, 50 mA maximum, nominal |
Signal | Type | Direction |
MGT Tx± <3..0> | Xilinx Virtex-7 GTH | Output |
MGT Rx± <3..0> | Xilinx Virtex-7 GTH | Input |
MGT REF± | Differential | Input |
DIO <1..0> | Single-ended | Bidirectional |
DIO <7..2> | Single-ended | Bidirectional |
5.0 V | DC | Output |
GND | Ground | — |
Digital I/O Single-Ended Channels
Number of channels | 8 |
Signal type | Single-ended |
Voltage families | 3.3 V, 2.5 V, 1.8 V, 1.5 V, 1.2 V |
Output impedance | 50 Ω, nominal |
Direction control | Per channel |
Minimum required direction change latency | 200 ns |
Maximum output toggle rate | 60 MHz with 100 μA load, nominal |
DIO <1..0> | 10 kΩ, nominal |
DIO <7..2> | 100 kΩ, nominal |
Voltage Family | VIL Max | VIH Min | VOL Max
(100µA load) |
(100µA load) |
Maximum DC Drive Strength |
3.3 V | 0.8 V | 2.0 V | 0.2 V | 3.0 V | 24 mA |
2.5 V | 0.7 V | 1.6 V | 0.2 V | 2.2 V | 18 mA |
1.8 V | 0.62 V | 1.29 V | 0.2 V | 1.5 V | 16 mA |
1.5 V | 0.51 V | 1.07 V | 0.2 V | 1.2 V | 12 mA |
1.2 V | 0.42 V | 0.87 V | 0.2 V | 0.9 V | 6 mA |
Digital I/O High Speed Serial MGT
Data rate | 500 Mbps to 12 Gbps, nominal |
Number of Tx channels | 4 |
Number of Rx channels | 4 |
I/O AC coupling capacitor | 100 nF |
MGT Tx± <3..0> Channels
Minimum differential output voltage | 800 mVpk-pk into 100 Ω, nominal |
Conditions: transmitter output swing at maximum setting.
MGT Rx± <3..0> Channels
≤6.6 GB/s | 150 mVpk-pk to 2,000 mVpk-pk, nominal |
>6.6 GB/s | 150 mVpk-pk to 1,250 mVpk-pk, nominal |
Differential input resistance | 100 Ω, nominal |
MGT Reference Clock
Data Clock | 156.25 MHz |
MGT REF± Input | 60 MHz to 820 MHz, nominal |
MGT REF± Input
AC coupling capacitors | 100 nF |
Differential input resistance | 100 Ω, nominal |
Differential input Vpk-pk range | 350 mV to 2000 mV, nominal |
Absolute maximum input range | -1.25 V to 4.5 V |

Power Requirements
Voltage (VDC) | Typical Current (A) |
+3.3 | 3.3 |
+12 | 5.8 |
Power is 80 W, typical. Consumption is from both PXI Express backplane power connectors. Conditions: Simultaneous generation and acquisition using NI-RFSG and NI-RFSA at 1.25 GS/s IQ rate, 45 °C ambient temperature. Power consumption depends on FPGA image being used. |
Interval | 1 year |
Physical Characteristics
PXIe-5841 module dimensions | 2U, two slot, PXI Express module 4.1 cm × 12.9 cm × 21.1 cm (1.6 in. × 5.6 in. × 8.3 in.) |
Weight | 794 g (28.0 oz) |
Environmental Characteristics
Temperature and Humidity
Chassis with slot cooling capacity ≥58 W | 0 °C to 55 °C |
All other compatible chassis | 0 °C to 40 °C |
Conditions (chassis with slot cooling capacity ≥58 W): tested with chassis fan mode set to Auto and cooling profile set to 58 W/82 W in NI MAX. Not all chassis with slot cooling capacity ≥58 W can achieve this ambient temperature range. Refer to PXI chassis specifications to determine the ambient temperature ranges your chassis can achieve. Conditions (all other compatible chassis): for chassis with slot cooling capacity = 38 W, the fan speed must be set to HIGH to achieve this ambient temperature range. |
Operating Humidity | 10% to 90%, noncondensing |
Storage Humidity | 5% to 95%, noncondensing |
Pollution Degree | 2 |
Maximum altitude | 2,000 m (800 mbar) (at 25 °C ambient temperature) |
Shock and Vibration
Random vibration (operating) | 5 Hz to 500 Hz, 0.3 g RMS |
Random vibration (non-operating) | 5 Hz to 500 Hz, 2.4 g RMS |
Operating shock | 30 g, half-sine, 11 ms pulse |
Environmental Management
NI is committed to designing and manufacturing products in an environmentally responsible manner. NI recognizes that eliminating certain hazardous substances from our products is beneficial to the environment and to NI customers.
For additional environmental information, refer to the Engineering a Healthy Planet web page at ni.com/environment. This page contains the environmental regulations and directives with which NI complies, as well as other environmental information not included in this document.
EU and UK Customers
In This Section
- PXIe-5841 Specifications
- Definitions
- Conditions
- Common NI Terminology for RF
- Frequency
- RF Input
- RF Output
- Error Vector Magnitude (EVM)
- Application-Specific Modulation Quality (PXIe-5841 with PXIe-5655)
- Application-Specific Modulation Quality (PXIe-5841)
- Baseband Characteristics
- Front Panel I/O
- Power Requirements
- Calibration
- Physical Characteristics
- Environmental Characteristics
- Definitions