PXIe-5832 Specifications

These specifications apply to the PXIe-5832 Vector Signal Transceiver for intermediate frequency (IF) and millimeter wave (mmWave) frequencies.

The PXIe-5832 IF only instrument configuration comprises the following modules:

  • PXIe-5820 Vector Signal Transceiver
  • PXIe-3623 Vector Signal Up/Down Converter

The PXIe-5832 IF and mmWave instrument configuration comprises the following modules:

  • PXIe-5820 Vector Signal Transceiver
  • PXIe-3623 Vector Signal Up/Down Converter
  • PXIe-5653 RF Analog Signal Generator (LO source)
  • One or two mmRH-5582 mmWave Radio Heads

There is no single instrument labeled "PXIe-5832."


In this document, the terms RF, RF Input, and RF Output refer to the specifications applicable to the mmWave TRX ports. The terms IF, IF Input, and IF Output refer to the specifications applicable to the IF IN/OUT ports. Leveled power refers to an output power level setting that has been adjusted to meet the published amplitude accuracy specifications.

Warranted specifications describe the performance of a model under stated operating conditions and are covered by the model warranty. Warranted specifications account for measurement uncertainties, temperature drift, and aging. Warranted specifications are ensured by design or verified during production and calibration.

Characteristics describe values that are relevant to the use of the model under stated operating conditions but are not covered by the model warranty.

  • Typical specifications describe the performance met by a majority of models.
  • Typical-95 specifications describe the performance met by 95% (≈2σ) of models with a 95% confidence.
  • Nominal specifications describe an attribute that is based on design, conformance testing, or supplemental testing.
  • Measured specifications describe the measured performance of a representative model.

Specifications are Warranted unless otherwise noted.


All specifications are valid under the following conditions unless otherwise noted.

  • 30 minutes warm-up time
  • Self-calibration is performed after the specified warm-up period has completed
  • Environment temperature is within the ambient range, and temperatures for individual PXIe-5820, PXIe-3623, PXIe-5653, and mmRH-5582 modules, as reported by their onboard temperature sensors, are within ±5 °C of the last self-calibration temperature, and temperature correction is enabled (default driver behavior)
  • Calibration cycle is maintained
  • Proper connector care and maintenance has been performed
  • Modules are installed in an NI chassis with slot cooling capacity = 82 W
  • The chassis fan mode is set to Auto and Cooling Profile is set to 58 W/82 W in NI Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX)
  • Empty chassis slots contain slot blockers and EMC filler panels to minimize temperature drift and reduce emissions
  • Modules are connected with NI cables as shown in the PXIe-5832 Getting Started Guide
  • RFmx, NI-RFSA 19.6 or later, or NI-RFSG 19.6 or later instrument driver is used, and driver default settings are used unless otherwise noted
  • Calibration IP is used properly during the creation of custom FPGA bitfiles
  • LO Step Size is set to the default value and the LO Source is set to Onboard
  • Acquisition Type is set to IQ

Warranted specifications are valid under the following condition unless otherwise noted.

  • Over ambient temperature ranges of 0 °C to 45 °C for IF ports
  • Over ambient temperature ranges of 23 °C± 5 °C for RF ports

Typical and Typical-95 specifications are valid under the following condition unless otherwise noted.

  • Over ambient temperature ranges of 23 °C± 5 °C for IF and RF ports

Measured specifications do not include measurement uncertainty and are measured immediately after a device self-calibration is performed.

Typical specifications do not include measurement uncertainty.

Instrument Terminology

Refer to the following list for definitions of common PXIe-5832 instrument terms used throughout this document.

Table 1. Instrument Terminology Definitions
Term Definition
IF IN/OUT Ports Refers to the IF IN/OUT 0 and IF IN/OUT 1 connectors on the PXIe-3623 front panel for intermediate frequency (IF) signals.
TRX Ports Refers to the DIRECT TRX PORTS or SWITCHED TRX PORTS on the mmRH-5582 front panel for RF signals.

RF connectors 0, 1, or 8 on mmRH-5582 modules labeled with DIRECT TRX PORTS.


RF connectors 0 through 7 or 0 through 15 on mmRH-5582 modules labeled with SWITCHED TRX PORTS.

LO1 Refers to the local oscillator responsible for the up and down conversion between IF and mmWave frequencies.
LO2 Refers to the local oscillator internal to the PXIe-3623 responsible for the up and down conversion between baseband and IF.

Refers to the value of the LO Source property and changes purpose depending on the designated LO and instrument configuration. A value of Onboard configures the hardware as follows:

  • PXIe-5832 IF only instrument—LO1: N/A LO2: Sets the source of LO2 to one of the internal synthesizers of the PXIe-3623.
  • PXIe-5832 IF and mmWave instrument—LO1: Sets the source of LO1 to the PXIe-5653. LO2: Sets the source of the LO2 to one of the internal synthesizers of the PXIe-3623.
  • Secondary

    Refers to the value of the LO Source property for LO1 in the PXIe-5832 IF and mmWave instrument configuration. The value of Secondary sets the source of LO1 to the internal PXIe-3623 synthesizers.

    This setting optimizes frequency settling time, but may worsen phase noise. NI recommends using this setting when LO sharing and speed optimization for spectral scanning is preferred.

    Offset Mode is Automatic

    Refers to the NI-RFSADownconverter Frequency Offset Mode property or NI-RFSGUpconverter Frequency Offset Mode property set to Automatic.

    The PXIe-5832 contains a direct conversion architecture. Offset mode allows the instrument to operate in low IF mode, which increases the separation between the signal of interest and the residual sideband image and residual LO leakage power. However, low IF mode limits the available instantaneous bandwidth. A setting of Automatic allows the driver to enable low IF mode when the signal bandwidth is small enough to allow it.

    Automatic is the default value. NI recommends keeping offset mode set to the default value.

    Offset Mode is Enabled

    Refers to the NI-RFSADownconverter Frequency Offset Mode property or NI-RFSGUpconverter Frequency Offset Mode property set to Enabled.

    The PXIe-5832 contains a direct conversion architecture. Offset mode allows the instrument to operate in low IF mode, which increases the separation between the signal of interest and the residual sideband image and residual LO leakage power.

    Offset Mode is User-Defined

    Refers to the NI-RFSADownconverter Frequency Offset Mode property or NI-RFSGUpconverter Frequency Offset Mode property set to User-Defined.

    The PXIe-5832 contains a direct conversion architecture. Offset Mode set to User-Defined allows the instrument to operate with maximum instantaneous bandwidth. By default, the offset is selected to maximize the available instantaneous bandwidth.


    For receivers, dBr refers to the power of a received signal with respect to the instrument's configured reference level. For example, if the reference level is set to -10 dBm but the received tone is -7 dBr, the actual power of the received CW is -17 dBm.

    For transmitters, dBr refers to the generated power of a CW with respect to the instrument's peak power setting. For example, with a peak power level setting of +5 dBm and a -3 dBr setting, the power of the transmitted CW is +2 dBm.


    Frequency range[1]

    IF IN/OUT 0, IF IN/OUT 1

    5 GHz to 21 GHz

    TRX ports[2] (Transmit)

    22.5 GHz to 44 GHz

    TRX ports[2] (Receive)

    22.5 GHz to 44 GHz

    Frequency bandwidth

    1 GHz within the specified frequency ranges

    Tuning resolution[3]

    4.45 uHz

    Table 2. Default LO Step Size[4],[5]
    Frequency Range Step Size
    Onboard Secondary
    5 GHz to 14.2 GHz 2 MHz
    >14.2 GHz to 21 GHz 4 MHz
    22.5 GHz to 44 GHz <1 Hz 8 MHz

    Frequency Settling Time

    Table 3. PXIe-5653 Frequency Lock Time,Typical
    Frequency Step Size Frequency Lock Time (ms)
    ≤25 MHz 0.85
    ≤50 MHz 1.10
    ≤75 MHz 1.35
    ≤80 MHz 1.35
    ≤90 MHz 1.35
    ≤100 MHz 1.35
    ≤250 MHz 1.80
    ≤500 MHz 6
    ≤1.0 GHz 10
    ≤2.0 GHz 13
    ≤3.0 GHz 15
    ≤5.1 GHz 17
    Note LO1 Frequency Tuning Time consists of the PXIe-5653 Lock Time + PXIe-5832 (LO1) Settling Time to Required Accuracy. The PXIe-5653 Lock Time is dependent on the RF Center Frequency (CF) frequency step change from initial frequency to final frequency. The relationship between the CF and the PXIe-5653 frequency is governed by the equation: F_PXIe-5653 = (FCF + FIF)/8. FIF is determined by the CF. For CF = 22.5 GHz to 31.3 GHz, FIF = 17.8 GHz; CF = >31.3 GHz to 40 GHz, FIF = 12 GHz; CF = >40 GHz to 44 GHz, FIF = 9 GHz For example, for a CF step change from 28 GHz to 39 GHz, first calculate the equivalent FPXIe-5653 for 28 GHz, which is 5.725 GHz, then the equivalent CF frequency for 39 GHz, which is 6.375 GHz. The PXIe-5653 step size is 6.375 GHz - 5.725 GHz = 650 MHz. The corresponding PXIe-5653 maximum frequency lock time is 10 ms.
    Table 4. PXIe-5832 Frequency Settling Time[6] (LO1), Typical
    Settling Accuracy (Relative to Final Frequency) Settling Time (ms)
    Onboard* Secondary
    ≤1.0 × 10-6 0.00 0.50
    ≤0.1 × 10-6 0.75 0.80
    ≤0.01 × 10-6 1.60 1.00
    Note In Secondary mode, the LO1 frequency settling time includes the frequency lock time. In Onboard mode, the frequency lock time is defined in the previous table.
    * LO1 Frequency Tuning Time consists of the PXIe-5653 Lock Time + PXIe-5832 (LO1) Settling Time to Required Accuracy. The PXIe-5653 Lock Time is dependent on the RF Center Frequency (CF) frequency step change from initial frequency to final frequency. The relationship between the CF and the PXIe-5653 frequency is governed by the equation: F_PXIe-5653 = (FCF + FIF)/8. FIF is determined by the CF. For CF = 22.5 GHz to 31.3 GHz, FIF = 17.8 GHz; CF = >31.3 GHz to 40 GHz, FIF = 12 GHz; CF = >40 GHz to 44 GHz, FIF = 9 GHz For example, for a CF step change from 28 GHz to 39 GHz, first calculate the equivalent FPXIe-5653 for 28 GHz, which is 5.725 GHz, then the equivalent CF frequency for 39 GHz, which is 6.375 GHz. The PXIe-5653 step size is 6.375 GHz - 5.725 GHz = 650 MHz. The corresponding PXIe-5653 maximum frequency lock time is 10 ms.
    Table 5. PXIe-5832 Frequency Settling Time (LO2), Typical
    Settling Accuracy (Relative to Final Frequency) Settling Time (ms), Onboard
    1.0 × 10-6 0.50
    0.1 × 10-6 0.80
    0.01 × 10-6 1.00

    The LO2 frequency settling time includes the frequency lock time and settling time.

    Internal Frequency Reference

    LO1 source

    Initial adjustment accuracy

    ±50 × 10-9

    Temperature stability

    ±50 × 10-9


    ±100 × 10-9 per year


    Initial adjustment accuracy ± Aging ± Temperature stability


    Initial adjustment accuracy

    ±5 × 10-6

    Temperature stability

    ±1 × 10 -6, maximum


    ±1 × 10-6 per year, maximum


    Initial adjustment accuracy ± Aging ± Temperature stability

    LO2 source (Onboard)

    Initial adjustment accuracy

    ±5 × 10-6

    Temperature stability

    ±1 × 10 -6, maximum


    ±1 × 10-6 per year, maximum


    Initial adjustment accuracy ± Aging ± Temperature stability

    Spectral Purity

    Table 6. IF Single Sideband Phase Noise (IF IN/OUT Ports), Typical
    Frequency Phase Noise (dBc/Hz, Single Sideband)
    5 GHz to 7.1 GHz -103
    >7.1 GHz to 14.2 GHz -97
    >14.2 GHz to 21 GHz -95

    Conditions: 20 kHz offset; module temperatures within ± 5 °C of last self-calibration temperature; LO2 LO Source: Onboard.

    Table 7. RF Single Sideband Phase Noise (Direct/Switched TRX Ports), Typical
    Frequency Phase Noise (dBc/Hz, Single Sideband)
    Onboard Secondary
    22.5 GHz to 31.3 GHz -97 -86
    >31.3 GHz to 40 GHz -99 -86
    40 GHz to 44 GHz -103 -85

    Conditions: 20 kHz offset; module temperatures within ± 5 °C of last self-calibration temperature; LO1 LO Source: Onboard or Secondary.

    Figure 1. Onboard LO2 Phase Noise at 5.5 GHz, 10 GHz, and 18 GHz, Measured (Spurs Not Shown)


    Figure 2. Onboard LO1 Phase Noise at 28 GHz and 39 GHz, Measured[7] (Spurs Not Shown)


    Transmit (IF IN/OUT Ports)

    IF Output Amplitude Range

    Table 8. IF Output Maximum Power (dBm), CW
    Upconverter Center Frequency Leveled Power, Specification Unleveled Power, Typical
    IF0 IF1 IF0 IF1
    5 GHz to 8 GHz 12 12 17 16
    >8 GHz to 12 GHz 12 12 15 14
    >12 GHz to 18 GHz 12 12 15 14
    >18 GHz to 21 GHz 8 7 10 9

    Conditions: Valid over 23 °C ± 5 °C with the last self-calibration performed at 23°C.

    Measured with a tone 10 MHz offset from upconverter center frequency. For 0 °C to 45 °C, the leveled power specification output powers are 3 dB less than that of 23 °C ± 5 °C.

    Minimum output power

    Noise floor

    Output attenuator (analog power) resolution

    1 dB, nominal

    Digital attenuation resolution[8]

    <0.1 dB

    Figure 3. IF Output Maximum CW Average Power, Measured


    IF Output Amplitude Settling Time

    Note [9]

    <0.5 dB of final value

    27 µs, nominal

    <0.1 dB of final value

    40 µs, nominal

    IF Output Amplitude Accuracy

    Table 9. IF Output Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (dB) (Offset Mode is User-Defined)
    Upconverter Center Frequency 23 °C ± 5 °C 0 °C to 45 °C
    Specification Typical-95 Typical Specification
    5 GHz to 8 GHz ±1.2 ±0.8 ±0.5 ±1.9
    >8 GHz to 12 GHz ±1.4 ±1.0 ±0.6 ±2.1
    >12 GHz to 18 GHz ±1.8 ±1.4 ±0.8 ±2.7
    >18 GHz to 21 GHz ±2.1 ±1.7 ±1.0 ±2.9

    Conditions: Peak power level -30 dBm to IF Output maximum leveled power specification; measured with a CW signal at 10 MHz offset from the configured upconverter center frequency; Upconverter/Downconverter Frequency Offset Mode: User-Defined; measurement performed after the PXIe-5832 has settled.

    This specification is valid only when the instrument is operating within the specified ambient temperature range and each module is within ±5 °C from the last self-calibration temperature, as measured with its onboard temperature sensors.

    Table 10. IF Output Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (dB) (Offset Mode is Enabled)
    Upconverter Center Frequency 23 °C ± 5 °C 0 °C to 45 °C
    Specification Typical-95 Typical Specification
    5 GHz to 8 GHz ±1.2 ±0.8 ±0.5 ±2.0
    >8 GHz to 12 GHz ±1.4 ±1.0 ±0.6 ±2.1
    >12 GHz to 18 GHz ±1.8 ±1.4 ±0.8 ±2.7
    >18 GHz to 21 GHz ±2.1 ±1.7 ±1.0 ±2.9

    Conditions: Peak power level -30 dBm to IF Output maximum leveled power specification; measured with a CW signal at I/Q center frequency, where I/Q center frequency is offset 257.5 MHz offset from the configured upconverter center frequency where the driver automatically applies a 257.5 MHz offset for signals with 450 MHz bandwidth or less. Upconverter/Downconverter Frequency Offset Mode: Enabled; measurement performed after the PXIe-5832 has settled.

    This specification is valid only when the instrument is operating within the specified ambient temperature range and each module is within ±5 °C from the last self-calibration temperature, as measured with its onboard temperature sensors.

    Table 11. IF Output Relative Amplitude Accuracy (Offset Mode is User-Defined), Typical
    Upconverter Center Frequency Relative Amplitude Accuracy (dB)
    5 GHz to 8 GHz ±0.25
    >8 GHz to 12 GHz ±0.30
    >12 GHz to 18 GHz ±0.40
    >18 GHz to 21 GHz ±0.40

    Conditions: Peak power level -30 dBm to IF Output maximum leveled power specification; measured with a CW signal at 10 MHz offset from the configured upconverter center frequency; Upconverter/Downconverter Frequency Offset Mode: User-Defined; measurement performed after the PXIe-5832 has settled.

    Relative accuracy describes the residual absolute accuracy error when compared to the absolute accuracy error at 0 dBm.

    This specification is valid only when the instrument is operating within the specified ambient temperature range and each module is within ±5 °C from the last self-calibration temperature, as measured with its onboard temperature sensors.

    Table 12. IF Output Relative Amplitude Accuracy (Offset Mode is Enabled), Typical
    Upconverter Center Frequency Relative Amplitude Accuracy (dB)
    5 GHz to 8 GHz ±0.25
    >8 GHz to 12 GHz ±0.30
    >12 GHz to 18 GHz ±0.40
    >18 GHz to 21 GHz ±0.40

    Conditions: Peak power level -30 dBm to IF Output maximum leveled power specification; measured with a CW signal at I/Q center frequency, where I/Q center frequency is offset 257.5 MHz offset from the configured upconverter center frequency; Upconverter/Downconverter Frequency Offset Mode: Enabled; measurement performed after the PXIe-5832 has settled.

    Relative accuracy describes the residual absolute accuracy error when compared to the absolute accuracy error at 0 dBm.

    This specification is valid only when the instrument is operating within the specified ambient temperature range and each module is within ±5 °C from the last self-calibration temperature, as measured with the onboard temperature sensors.

    IF Output Frequency Response

    Table 13. IF Output Frequency Response (dB)
    Upconverter Center Frequency 23 °C ± 5 °C 0 °C to 45 °C
    Specification Typical-95 Typical Specification
    5 GHz to 8 GHz 1.45 0.95 0.80 1.90
    >8 GHz to 12 GHz 1.45 0.85 0.75 1.95
    >12 GHz to 18 GHz 1.70 1.10 0.95 2.25
    >18 GHz to 21 GHz 1.95 1.30 1.10 2.55

    Conditions: Peak power level -30 dBm to IF Output maximum leveled power specification; module temperature within ±5 °C of last self-calibration temperature.

    Frequency response is defined as the maximum relative amplitude deviation from the reference offset frequency over the instantaneous bandwidth. For the PXIe-5832 IF output, the reference offset frequency is 10 MHz higher than the upconverter center frequency. For the absolute amplitude accuracy at the reference offset, refer to the IF Output Amplitude Accuracy section.

    Figure 4. IF Output Frequency Response, 0 dBm, Peak Output Power Level, Equalized, Measured


    Figure 5. Maximum IF Output Frequency Response Deviation versus Upconverter Center Frequency, Measured


    IF Output Average Noise Density

    Table 14. Output Average Noise Density (dBm/Hz), Typical
    Upconverter Center Frequency Output Power Level Setting
    -10 dBm 0 dBm 15 dBm
    5 GHz to 8 GHz -156 -149 -135
    >8 GHz to 12 GHz -154 -148 -135
    >12 GHz to 18 GHz -151 -145 -132
    >18 GHz to 21 GHz -149 -145 -131

    Conditions: 10 averages; 40 dB baseband signal attenuation; noise measurement frequency offset by 200 MHz from the upconverter center frequency; the instrument driver is in peak mode.

    Measured on the PXIe-3623IF IN/OUT 1 port. The IF IN/OUT 0 port has a 1 dB to 5 dB degradation compared to the IF IN/OUT 1 port.

    IF Output Third-Order Intermodulation

    Table 15. IF Output Third-Order Intermodulation Distortion (IMD3) (dBc), Typical
    Upconverter Center Frequency IF IN/OUT 0 IF IN/OUT 1
    Output Power Level Setting Output Power Level Setting
    -30 dBm 0 dBm 15 dBm -30 dBm 0 dBm 15 dBm
    5 GHz to 8 GHz -56 -56 -49 -45 -46 -46
    >8 GHz to 12 GHz -58 -57 -41 -53 -52 -39
    >12 GHz to 18 GHz -55 -55 -37 -53 -50 -35
    >18 GHz to 21 GHz -55 -54 -50 -50

    Conditions: Measured by generating two -7 dBr tones at +95 MHz and +105 MHz off from the upconverter center frequency. The nominal peak envelope power is 1 dB below the Output Power Level Setting; the instrument driver is in peak mode.

    IF Output Harmonic Spurs

    Table 16. IF Output Out of Band Spur Levels, Measured
    Upconverter Center Frequency Harmonic Level (dBc)
    5 GHz to 8 GHz -32
    >8 GHz to 12 GHz -34
    >12 GHz to 21 GHz -34
    >18 GHz to 21 GHz -48

    Conditions: Peak power level 0 dBm; measured with a CW signal at 100 MHz offset from the configured upconverter center frequency; Upconverter/Downconverter Frequency Offset Mode: User-Defined; measurement performed after the PXIe-5832 has settled.

    Includes CW and LO harmonics.

    Measured at 23 °C ambient within ±5 °C from the last self-calibration temperature.

    IF Output Nonharmonic Spurs

    Table 17. IF Output Nonharmonic Spurs (dBc) (Default LO Step Size), Typical
    Upconverter Center Frequency Offset ≤ 500 kHz 500 kHz < Offset ≤ 20 MHz Offset > 20 MHz
    5 GHz to 8 GHz -62 -44 <-70
    >8 GHz to 12 GHz -59 -51 <-70
    >12 GHz to 18 GHz -54 -51 <-70
    >18 GHz to 21 GHz -53 -59 <-70

    Conditions: Measured relative to a 0 dBm output tone.

    The maximum offset is limited to the instantaneous 1 GHz bandwidth at the referenced upconverter center frequency.

    Note Offset refers to ± desired signal offset (Hz) around the current upconverter center frequency.
    Table 18. IF Output Nonharmonic Spurs (dBc) (1 MHz LO Step Size), Measured
    Upconverter Center Frequency 0 Hz ≤ Offset ≤ 5 MHz
    5 GHz to 7.1 GHz -64
    >7.1 GHz to 14.2 GHz -46
    >14.2 GHz to 21 GHz -40

    Conditions: Measured relative to a 0 dBm output tone.

    Note Offset refers to ± desired signal offset (Hz) around the current upconverter center frequency.

    IF Output LO Residual Power

    Table 19. IF Output LO Residual Power (dBr), Typical
    Upconverter Center Frequency Self-Calibration °C ± 1 °C Self-Calibration °C ± 5 °C
    5 GHz to 8 GHz -50 -47
    >8 GHz to 12 GHz -48 -36
    >12 GHz to 18 GHz -46 -35
    >18 GHz to 21 GHz -36 -28

    Conditions: Peak output power levels -30 dBm up to the IF Output maximum leveled power specifications. The transmit output tone power at a maximum of -3 dBr. LO2 LO Source property set to Onboard.

    Figure 6. IF Output LO Residual Power, Measured


    IF Output Residual Sideband Image

    Table 20. IF Output Residual Sideband Image (dBc), Typical
    Upconverter Center Frequency Self-Calibration °C ± 1 °C Self-Calibration °C ± 5 °C
    5 GHz to 8 GHz -39 -34
    >8 GHz to 12 GHz -48 -41
    >12 GHz to 18 GHz -50 -46
    >18 GHz to 21 GHz -48 -43

    Conditions: Peak output power levels -30 dBm up to the IF Output maximum leveled power specifications. Output tone power at a maximum of -3 dBr. LO2 LO Source property set to Onboard.

    This specification describes the maximum residual sideband image within the 1 GHz device instantaneous bandwidth.

    Figure 7. IF Output Residual Sideband Image, 0 dBm Peak Power, Measured


    Figure 8. Maximum IF Output Residual Sideband Image Versus Upconverter Center Frequency, Measured


    Transmit (TRX Ports)

    RF Output Amplitude Range

    Table 21. RF Output Maximum Power (dBm), CW
    Upconverter Center Frequency Leveled Power, Specification Unleveled Power, Typical
    Direct TRX Ports Switched TRX Ports Direct TRX Ports Switched TRX Ports
    22.5 GHz to <24 GHz 10 6 14 10
    24 GHz to 31.3 GHz 10 6 15 10
    >31.3 GHz to <37 GHz 10 6 11 7
    37 GHz to 40 GHz 6 0 11 7
    >40 GHz to 44 GHz 2 0 11 5

    Conditions: Valid over 23 °C ± 5 °C. Measured with a tone 10 MHz offset from upconverter center frequency.

    Minimum Output Power

    Noise Floor

    Output attenuator (analog power) resolution

    1 dB, nominal

    Digital attenuation resolution[10]

    <0.1 dB

    Figure 9. RF Output Maximum Unleveled CW Power, Measured


    RF Output Amplitude Settling Time

    Note Settling time refers to the time it takes the amplitude to settle once the hardware receives the amplitude change command. The additional time due to software-initiated amplitude changes is not included and varies by computer. When changing frequencies, reconfiguration time is dominated by the frequency settling. Refer to Frequency Settling Time for more information.
    Note Varying RF output power range.

    <0.5 dB of final value

    31 µs, nominal

    <0.1 dB of final value

    43 µs, nominal

    RF Output Amplitude Accuracy

    Table 22. RF Output Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (dB) (Offset Mode is User-Defined)
    Upconverter Center Frequency Specification Typical-95 Typical
    22.5 GHz to 31.3 GHz ±2.1 ±1.6 ±1.1
    >31.3 GHz to <37 GHz ±1.9 ±1.5 ±0.9
    37 GHz to 40 GHz ±2.2 ±1.9 ±1.2
    >40 GHz to 44 GHz ±3.0 ±2.2 ±1.5

    Conditions: Valid for RF output power levels from -40 dBm up to the RF Output maximum leveled power specifications for direct and switched ports; measured with a CW signal at 10 MHz offset from the configured upconverter center frequency; Upconverter/Downconverter Frequency Offset Mode: User- Defined; measurement performed after the PXIe-5832 has settled.

    This specification is valid over 23 °C ± 5 °C with the last self-calibration performed at 23 °C.

    Table 23. RF Output Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (dB) (Offset Mode is Enabled), Typical
    Upconverter Center Frequency Direct TRX (dB) Switched TRX (dB)
    22.5 GHz to 31.3 GHz ±1.1 ±1.4
    >31.3 GHz to <37 GHz ±0.9 ±1.4
    37 GHz to 40 GHz ±1.2 ±1.2
    >40 GHz to 44 GHz ±1.5 ±1.8

    Conditions: Valid for RF output power levels from -40 dBm up to the RF Output maximum leveled power specifications for direct and switched ports; measured with a CW signal at I/Q center frequency, where I/Q center frequency is offset 257.5 MHz offset from the configured upconverter center frequency where the driver automatically applies a 257.5 MHz offset for signals with 450 MHz bandwidth or less; Upconverter/Downconverter Frequency Offset Mode: Enabled; measurement performed after the PXIe-5832 has settled.

    This specification is valid over 23 °C ± 5 °C with the last self-calibration performed at 23 °C.

    Table 24. RF Output Relative Amplitude Accuracy (Offset Mode is User-Defined), Typical
    Upconverter Center Frequency Direct TRX (dB) Switched TRX (dB)
    22.5 GHz to 31.3 GHz ±0.50 ±0.75
    >31.3 GHz to <37 GHz ±0.35 ±0.50
    37 GHz to 40 GHz ±0.55 ±0.80
    >40 GHz to 44 GHz ±0.60 ±0.85

    Conditions: Valid for RF output power levels from -40 dBm up to the RF Output maximum leveled power specifications for direct and switched ports; measured with a CW signal at 10 MHz offset from the configured upconverter center frequency; Upconverter/Downconverter Frequency Offset Mode: User- Defined; measurement performed after the PXIe-5832 has settled.

    Relative accuracy describes the residual absolute accuracy error when compared to the absolute accuracy error at 0 dBm.

    This specification is valid only when the instrument is operating within the specified ambient temperature range and each module is within ±5 °C from the last self-calibration temperature, as measured with its onboard temperature sensors.

    Table 25. RF Output Relative Amplitude Accuracy (Offset Mode is Enabled), Typical
    Upconverter Center Frequency Direct TRX (dB) Switched TRX (dB)
    22.5 GHz to 31.3 GHz ±0.6 ±0.8
    >31.3 GHz to <37 GHz ±0.35 ±0.75
    37 GHz to 40 GHz ±0.55 ±0.8
    >40 GHz to 44 GHz ±0.75 ±0.9

    Conditions: Valid for RF output power levels from -40 dBm up to the RF Output maximum leveled power specifications for direct and switched ports; ; measured with a CW signal at I/Q center frequency, where I/Q center frequency is offset 257.5 MHz offset from the configured upconverter center frequency; Upconverter/Downconverter Frequency Offset Mode: Enabled; measurement performed after the PXIe-5832 has settled.

    Relative accuracy describes the residual absolute accuracy error when compared to the absolute accuracy error at 0 dBm.

    This specification is valid only when the instrument is operating within the specified ambient temperature range and each module is within ±5 °C from the last self-calibration temperature, as measured with its onboard temperature sensors.

    RF Output Frequency Response

    Table 26. RF Output Frequency Response (dB)
    Upconverter Center Frequency Specification Typical-95 Typical
    22.5 GHz to 23 GHz 2.8 2.4 1.1
    >23 GHz to 31.3 GHz 2.2 1.8 1.0
    >31.3 GHz to <37 GHz 2.0 1.6 1.0
    37 GHz to 40 GHz 2.3 1.9 1.1
    >40 GHz to 44 GHz 2.8 2.6 1.4

    Conditions: Valid for RF output power levels from -35 dBm up to the RF Output maximum leveled power specifications for direct and switched ports.

    This specification is valid only when the instrument is operating within the specified ambient temperature range and each module is within ±5 °C from the last self-calibration temperature, as measured with its onboard temperature sensors.

    Frequency response is defined as the maximum relative amplitude deviation from the reference offset frequency. For the PXIe-5832 RF output, the reference offset frequency is 10 MHz higher than the upconverter center frequency over the instantaneous bandwidth. For the absolute amplitude accuracy at the reference offset, refer to RF Output Amplitude Accuracy.

    Figure 10. Direct TRX RF Output Frequency Response, 0 dBm, Peak Output Power Level, Equalized, Measured


    Figure 11. Direct TRX Maximum RF Output Frequency Response Deviation versus Upconverter Center Frequency, Measured


    Figure 12. Switched RF Output Frequency Response Deviation versus Upconverter Center Frequency, Measured


    RF Output Average Noise Density

    Table 27. RF Output Average Noise Density (dBm/Hz), Measured
    Upconverter Center Frequency Output Power Level Setting
    -10 dBm 0 dBm +10 dBm (Direct TRX Ports Only)
    22.5 GHz to 31.3 GHz -153 -143 -132
    >31.3 GHz to <37 GHz -152 -142 -131
    37 GHz to 40 GHz -153 -142 -131
    >40 GHz to 44 GHz -152 -144 -132

    Conditions: Measured at both switched and direct TRX ports, +10 dBm valid for direct TRX ports only; 30 averages; 40 dB baseband signal attenuation; noise measurement frequency offset 200 MHz relative to the upconverter center frequency.

    The instrument driver is in peak mode.

    RF Output Third-Order Intermodulation

    Table 28. Direct TRX RF Output Third-Order Intermodulation Distortion (IMD3) (dBc), Typical
    Upconverter Center Frequency Output Power Level Setting
    -20 dBm 0 dBm 10 dBm
    22.5 GHz to 31.3 GHz -48 -45 -41
    >31.3 GHz to <37 GHz -48 -45 -41
    37 GHz to 40 GHz -54 -50 -36
    >40 GHz to 44 GHz -49 -48 -37

    Conditions: Measured by generating two -7 dBr tones applied at +95 MHz and +105 MHz offset from the upconverter center frequency. The nominal peak envelope is 1 dB below the Output Power Level Setting; the instrument driver is in peak mode.

    Table 29. Switched TRX RF Output Third-Order Intermodulation Distortion (IMD3) (dBc), Typical
    Upconverter Center Frequency Output Power Level Setting
    -30 dBm 0 dBm 5 dBm
    22.5 GHz to 31.3 GHz -51 -47 -48
    >31.3 GHz to <37 GHz -51 -47 -42
    37 GHz to 40 GHz -59 -44
    >40 GHz to 44 GHz -52 -39

    Conditions: Measured by generating two -7 dBr tones applied at +95 MHz and +105 MHz offset from the upconverter center frequency. The nominal peak envelope is 1 dB below the Output Power Level Setting; the instrument driver is in peak mode. For >37 GHz, +5 dBm is outside the leveled power range and was not measured.

    RF Output LO Residual Power

    Table 30. RF Output LO Residual Power (dBr), Typical
    Upconverter Center Frequency Self-Calibration °C ± 1 °C Self-Calibration °C ± 5 °C
    22.5 GHz to 31.3 GHz -48 -34
    >31.3 GHz to <37 GHz -52 -40
    37 GHz to 40 GHz -50 -38
    >40 GHz to 44 GHz -47 -34

    Conditions: Peak output power levels -30 dBm up to the RF Output maximum leveled power specifications for direct and switched ports. The transmit tone power at a maximum of -3 dBr. LO1 and LO2 LO Source property set to Onboard. The values are with respect to the peak power level setting, hence dBr.

    Figure 13. RF Output LO Residual Power at Direct TRX Port, Measured


    RF Output Residual Sideband Image

    Table 31. RF Output Residual Sideband Image (dBc), Typical
    Upconverter Center Frequency Self-Calibration °C ± 1 °C Self-Calibration °C ± 5 °C
    22.5 GHz to 31.3 GHz -51 -41
    >31.3 GHz to <37 GHz -47 -44
    37 GHz to 40 GHz -50 -44
    >40 GHz to 44 GHz -45 -40

    Conditions: Peak output power levels -30 dBm up to the RF Output maximum leveled power specifications for direct and switched ports. The transmit tone power at a maximum of -3 dBr. LO1 and LO2 LO Source property set to Onboard.

    This specification describes the maximum residual sideband image within the 1 GHz device instantaneous bandwidth.

    Figure 14. RF Output Residual Sideband Image, 0 dBm Peak Power Setting at Direct TRX Port, Measured


    Figure 15. Maximum RF Output Residual Sideband Image Versus Upconverter Center Frequency at Direct TRX Port, Measured


    RF Output In-Band and Out-of-Band Maximum Spur Levels

    Table 32. RF Output Residual Spurs, Typical
    Upconverter Center Frequency LO1 x 2 (dBr) In-Band (dBc) Out-of-Band [500 MHz < offset < 5 GHz], (dBc)
    22.5 GHz to 31.3 GHz -32 -69 -60
    >31.3 GHz to <37 GHz -80 -37 -37
    37 GHz to 40 GHz -80 -47 -37
    >40 GHz to 44 GHz -80 -60 -48

    Conditions: 23 °C; peak output power is set to within -40 dBm to the RF output maximum leveled power specification for direct and switched TRX ports.

    LO1 x 2 refers to out-of-band leakage where an LO1 harmonic product appears at the TRX port output as a function of the configured peak power level (hence dBr units), and upconverter center frequency (UCF). The relationship between the UCF frequency and the LO1 x 2 frequency is governed by the equation: FLO1x2 =(FUCF+FIF)/2. FIF is determined by the UCF. For UCF = 22.5 GHz to 31.3 GHz, FIF = 17.8 GHz; UCF > 31.3 GHz to 40 GHz, FIF = 12 GHz; UCF >40.0 GHz to 44 GHz, FIF = 9 GHz. In the frequency range 22.5 GHz to 31.3 GHz, the minimum frequency for FLO1x2 is when CF = 22.5 GHz and here FLO1x2 = 20.15 GHz; the maximum frequency for FLO1X2 is when CF = 31.3 GHz and there FLO1x2 = 24.55 GHz. In all cases, LO1x2 is out-of-band.

    The in-band residual spurs are a function of the transmit tone power (hence dBc units) and are measured to within the instantaneous 1 GHz bandwidth. This does not include carrier leakage and residual image.

    The out-of-band spur numbers refer to spurs that are offset from the upconverter center frequency between 500 MHz to 5 GHz away, but does not include the LO1 x 2. These spurs are a function of the transmit tone power and hence have dBc units.

    Figure 16. RF TRX Output Residual Spurs (Out-of-band and In-band) vs Upconverter Center Frequency, Measured[11]


    Table 33. RF Output Second and Third Harmonics at Direct TRX Port, Measured
    Upconverter Center Frequency 2nd Harmonic (dBc) 3rd Harmonic (dBc)
    22.5 GHz to 26 GHz -30 -105
    >26 GHz to 31.3 GHz -90 -98
    >31.3 GHz to <37 GHz -90
    >37 GHz to 40 GHz -90
    >40 GHz to 44 GHz -93

    The RF Output power is set to +10 dBm. Includes CW harmonics only. For >37 GHz, the 3rd harmonic frequency is >110 GHz and outside the measured range.

    Receive (IF IN/OUT Ports)

    IF Input Amplitude Range

    Amplitude range

    Average noise level to +20 dBm (CW RMS)

    Gain resolution

    1 dB, nominal

    Table 34. IF Input Analog Gain Range, Nominal
    Downconverter Center Frequency IF Analog Gain Range (dB)
    5 GHz to 8 GHz ≥61
    >8 GHz to 12 GHz ≥57
    >12 GHz to 18 GHz ≥58
    >18 GHz to 21 GHz ≥57

    IF Input Amplitude Settling Time

    Note Settling time refers to the time it takes the amplitude to settle once the hardware receives the amplitude change. The additional time due to software initiated amplitude changes is not included and varies by computer. When changing frequencies, reconfiguration time is dominated by the frequency settling. Refer to Frequency Settling Time for more information.
    Note Constant RF input signal, varying input reference level.

    <0.5 dB of final value

    27 µs, nominal

    <0.1 dB of final value

    40 µs, nominal

    IF Input Amplitude Accuracy

    Table 35. IF Input Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (dB) (Offset Mode is User-Defined)
    Downconverter Center Frequency 23 °C ± 5 °C 0 °C to 45 °C
    Specification Typical-95 Typical Specification
    5 GHz to 8 GHz ±1.2 ±0.8 ±0.5 ±1.6
    >8 GHz to 12 GHz ±1.4 ±1.0 ±0.7 ±1.6
    >12 GHz to 18 GHz ±1.8 ±1.4 ±0.9 ±2.0
    >18 GHz to 21 GHz ±2.0 ±1.5 ±0.9 ±2.6

    Conditions: Reference level -30 dBm to 0 dBm for specification; -30 dBm to 20 dBm for typical; measured with a CW signal at 10 MHz offset from the configured downconverter center frequency when a user-defined frequency offset is not applied; Upconverter/Downconverter Frequency Offset Mode: User-Defined; measurement performed after the PXIe-5832 has settled.

    This specification is valid only when the instrument is operating within the specified ambient temperature range and each module is within ±5 °C from the last self-calibration temperature, as measured with the onboard temperature sensors.

    Table 36. IF Input Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (dB) (Offset Mode is Enabled)
    Downconverter Center Frequency 23 °C ± 5 °C 0 °C to 45 °C
    Specification Typical-95 Typical Specification
    5 GHz to 8 GHz ±1.2 ±0.9 ±0.5 ±1.7
    >8 GHz to 12 GHz ±1.4 ±1.0 ±0.7 ±1.9
    >12 GHz to 18 GHz ±1.8 ±1.4 ±0.9 ±2.1
    >18 GHz to 21 GHz ±2.0 ±1.5 ±0.9 ±2.6

    Conditions: Reference level -30 dBm to 0 dBm for specification; -30 dBm to 20 dBm for typical; measured with a CW signal at the I/Q center frequency, where the I/Q center frequency is 257.5 MHz offset from the configured downconverter center frequency where the driver automatically applies a 257.5 MHz offset for signals with 450 MHz bandwidth and less; Upconverter/Downconverter Frequency Offset Mode: Enabled; measurement performed after the PXIe-5832 has settled.

    This specification is valid only when the instrument is operating within the specified ambient temperature range and each module is within ±5 °C from the last self-calibration temperature, as measured with the onboard temperature sensors.

    Table 37. IF Input Relative Amplitude Accuracy (Offset Mode is User-Defined), Typical
    Downconverter Center Frequency Relative Amplitude Accuracy (dB)
    5 GHz to 8 GHz ±0.25
    >8 GHz to 12 GHz ±0.40
    >12 GHz to 18 GHz ±0.40
    >18 GHz to 21 GHz ±0.40

    Conditions: Reference level -30 dBm to +20 dBm; measured with a CW signal at 10 MHz offset from the configured downconverter center frequency; Upconverter/Downconverter Frequency Offset Mode: User-Defined; measurement performed after the PXIe-5832 has settled.

    Relative accuracy describes the residual absolute accuracy error when compared to the absolute accuracy at 0 dBm.

    This specification is valid only when the instrument is operating within the specified ambient temperature range and each module is within ±5 °C from the last self-calibration temperature, as measured with the onboard temperature sensors.

    Table 38. IF Input Relative Amplitude Accuracy (Offset Mode is Enabled), Typical
    Downconverter Center Frequency Relative Amplitude Accuracy (dB)
    5 GHz to 8 GHz ±0.25
    >8 GHz to 12 GHz ±0.40
    >12 GHz to 18 GHz ±0.40
    >18 GHz to 21 GHz ±0.40

    Conditions: Reference level -30 dBm to +20 dBm; measured with a CW signal at ±257.5 MHz offset from the configured downconverter center frequency where the driver automatically applies at the I/Q center frequency, where the I/Q center frequency is 257.5 MHz offset for signals with 450 MHz bandwidth and less; Upconverter/Downconverter Frequency Offset Mode: Enabled; measurement performed after the PXIe-5832 has settled.

    Relative accuracy describes the residual absolute accuracy error when compared to the absolute accuracy at 0 dBm.

    This specification is valid only when the instrument is operating within the specified ambient temperature range and each module is within ±5 °C from the last self-calibration temperature, as measured with the onboard temperature sensors.

    IF Input Frequency Response

    Table 39. IF Input Frequency Response (dB)
    Downconverter Center Frequency 23 °C ± 5 °C 0 °C to 45 °C
    Specification Typical-95 Typical Specification
    5 GHz to 8 GHz 2.2 1.8 1.2 2.8
    >8 GHz to 12 GHz 2.3 2.0 1.1 3.2
    >12 GHz to 18 GHz 2.4 2.0 1.2 3.4
    >18 GHz to 21 GHz 2.7 2.1 1.2 3.4

    Conditions: Reference level -30 dBm to 0 dBm for specification; -30 dBm to 20 dBm for typical; module temperatures within ±5 °C of last self-calibration temperature.

    Frequency response is defined as the maximum relative amplitude deviation from the reference offset frequency over the instantaneous bandwidth. For the PXIe-5832 IF input, the reference offset frequency is 10 MHz higher than the downconverter center frequency. For the absolute amplitude accuracy at the reference offset, refer to the IF Input Amplitude Accuracy section.

    Figure 17. IF Input Frequency Response, 0 dBm, Reference Level, Equalized, Measured


    Figure 18. Maximum IF Input Frequency Response Deviation versus Downconverter Center Frequency, Measured


    IF Input Average Noise Density

    Table 40. Input Average Noise Density (dBm/Hz), Typical
    Downconverter Center Frequency -30 dBm Reference Level 0 dBm Reference Level
    5 GHz to 8 GHz -162 -142
    >8 GHz to 12 GHz -162 -142
    >12 GHz to 18 GHz -159 -141
    >18 GHz to 21 GHz -158 -141

    Conditions: Input terminated with a 50 Ω load; 10 averages; noise measurement frequency offset by 6 MHz from the downconverter center frequency.

    Measured on the PXIe-3623IF IN/OUT 1 port. The IF IN/OUT 0 port has a 2 dB degradation compared to the IF IN/OUT 1 port.

    IF Input Third-Order Intermodulation

    Table 41. IF Input Third-Order Intercept Point (IIP3), Typical
    Downconverter Center Frequency Reference Level
    -30 dBm 0 dBm 15 dBm
    5 GHz to 8 GHz -6 20 35
    >8 GHz to 12 GHz -4 19 33
    >12 GHz to 18 GHz -7 20 33
    >18 GHz to 21 GHz -7 16 31

    Conditions: Measured with two -6 dBr tones applied at +95 MHz and +105 MHz offset from the downconverter center frequency.

    IF Input Residual Spurs

    Table 42. IF Input Residual Spurs (dBm), Typical
    Downconverter Center Frequency 60 kHz ≤ Offset < 60 MHz Offset ≥ 60 MHz[12]
    5 GHz to 8 GHz -74 -74
    >8 GHz to 12 GHz -75 -75
    >12 GHz to 18 GHz -73 -77
    >18 GHz to 21 GHz -78 -78

    Conditions : Reference level 0 dBm. Measured with the IF IN 1 port terminated with 50 Ω.

    The maximum offset is limited to the instantaneous bandwidth at the referenced downconverter center frequency.

    Note Offset refers to ± desired signal offset (Hz) around the current downconverter center frequency.

    IF Input LO Residual Power

    Table 43. IF Input LO Residual Power (dBr[13]), Typical
    Downconverter Center Frequency Self-Calibration °C ± 1 °C Self-Calibration °C ± 5 °C
    5 GHz to 8 GHz -54 -44
    >8 GHz to 12 GHz -47 -38
    >12 GHz to 18 GHz -49 -38
    >18 GHz to 21 GHz -44 -35

    Conditions: Reference level is -30 dBm to +15 dBm. Input tone power at a maximum of -3 dBr. LO2 LO Source property set to Onboard.

    Figure 19. IF Input LO Residual Power, Measured


    IF Input Residual Sideband Image

    Table 44. IF Input Residual Sideband Image (dBc), Typical
    Downconverter Center Frequency Self-Calibration °C ± 1 °C Self-Calibration °C ± 5 °C
    5 GHz to 8 GHz -47 -39
    >8 GHz to 12 GHz -51 -42
    >12 GHz to 18 GHz -50 -41
    >18 GHz to 21 GHz -50 -44

    Conditions: Reference Level is -30 dBm to +15 dBm. LO2 LO Source property set to Onboard.

    This specification describes the maximum residual sideband image within the 1 GHz device instantaneous bandwidth.

    Figure 20. IF Input Residual Sideband Image, 0 dBm, Reference Level, Measured


    Figure 21. Maximum IF Input Residual Sideband Image Versus Downconverter Center Frequency, Measured


    Receive (TRX Ports)

    RF Input Amplitude Range

    Amplitude range

    Average noise level to +30 dBm (CW RMS)

    RF gain resolution

    1 dB, nominal

    Table 45. Input RF Analog Gain Range, Nominal
    Downconverter Center Frequency RF Analog Gain Range (dB)
    22.5 GHz to 31.3 GHz ≥66
    >31.3 GHz to 37 GHz ≥69
    >37 GHz to 40 GHz ≥68
    >40 GHz to 44 GHz ≥67

    RF Input Amplitude Settling Time

    Note Settling time refers to the time it takes the amplitude to settle once the hardware receives the amplitude change. The additional time due to software initiated amplitude changes is not included and varies by computer. When changing frequencies, reconfiguration time is dominated by the frequency settling. Refer to Frequency Settling Time for more information.
    Note Constant RF input signal, varying input reference level.

    <0.5 dB of final value

    31 µs, nominal

    <0.1 dB of final value

    43 µs, nominal

    RF Input Amplitude Accuracy

    Table 46. Direct RF Input Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (dB) (Offset Mode is User-Defined)
    Downconverter Center Frequency Specification[14] Typical-95[15] Typical[15]
    22.5 GHz to 31.3 GHz ±2.4 ±1.9 ±1.0
    >31.3 GHz to 37 GHz ±2.1 ±1.5 ±0.8
    >37 GHz to 40 GHz ±2.5 ±2.0 ±1.0
    >40 GHz to 43.5 GHz ±2.6 ±2.1 ±1.1
    >43.5 GHz to 44 GHz ±2.9 ±2.7 ±1.6

    Conditions: Measured with a CW signal at 10 MHz offset from the configured downconverter center frequency; Upconverter/Downconverter Frequency Offset Mode: User-Defined; measurement performed after the PXIe-5832 has settled.

    This specification is valid only when the instrument is operating within 23 °C ± 5 °C ambient temperature range and each module is within ±5 °C from the last self-calibration temperature, as measured with its onboard temperature sensors.

    Table 47. Switched RF Input Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (dB) (Offset Mode is User-Defined)
    Downconverter Center Frequency Specification[14] Typical-95[15] Typical[15]
    22.5 GHz to 31.3 GHz ±2.4 ±1.9 ±1.0
    >31.3 GHz to 37 GHz ±2.2 ±1.9 ±1.0
    >37 GHz to 40 GHz ±2.5 ±2.0 ±1.0
    >40 GHz to 43.5 GHz ±2.9 ±2.5 ±1.2
    >43.5 GHz to 44 GHz ±3.2 ±2.7 ±1.6

    Conditions: Measured with a CW signal at 10 MHz offset from the configured downconverter center frequency; measurement performed after the PXIe-5832 has settled; Upconverter/Downconverter Frequency Offset Mode: User-Defined.

    This specification is valid only when the instrument is operating within 23 °C ± 5 °C ambient temperature range and within ±5 °C from the last self-calibration temperature, as measured with the onboard temperature sensors.

    Table 48. RF Input Relative Amplitude Accuracy (dB) (Offset Mode is User-Defined), Typical
    Downconverter Center Frequency Direct TRX Switched TRX
    22.5 GHz to 31.3 GHz ±0.5 ±0.5
    >31.3 GHz to 37 GHz ±0.6 ±0.6
    >37 GHz to 40 GHz ±0.7 ±0.7
    >40 GHz to 43.5 GHz ±0.7 ±0.7
    >43.5 GHz to 44 GHz ±1.0 ±1.0

    Conditions: Reference level -30 dBm to +30 dBm; measured with a CW signal at 10 MHz offset from the configured downconverter center frequency; Downconverter Frequency Offset Mode: User-Defined; measurement performed after the PXIe-5832 has settled.

    Relative accuracy describes the residual absolute accuracy error when compared to the absolute accuracy at 0 dBm.

    This specification is valid over 23 °C ± 5 °C with the last self-calibration performed at 23 °C.

    Table 49. RF Input Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (dB) (Offset Mode is Enabled), Typical
    Downconverter Center Frequency Direct TRX Switched TRX
    22.5 GHz to 31.3 GHz ±1.0 ±1.0
    >31.3 GHz to 37 GHz ±1.4 ±1.4
    >37 GHz to 40 GHz ±1.4 ±1.4
    >40 GHz to 43.5 GHz ±1.4 ±1.4
    >43.5 GHz to 44 GHz ±1.6 ±1.6

    Conditions: Valid for reference level -30 dBm to +30 dBm; measured with a CW signal at the I/Q center frequency, where the I/Q center frequency is257.5 MHz offset from the configured downconverter center frequency where the driver automatically applies a 257.5 MHz offset for signals with 450 MHz bandwidth and less; Upconverter/Downconverter Frequency Offset Mode: Enabled; measurement performed after the PXIe-5832 has settled.

    This specification is valid over 23 °C ± 5 °C with the last self-calibration performed at 23 °C.

    Table 50. RF Input Relative Amplitude Accuracy (dB) (Offset Mode is Enabled), Typical
    Downconverter Center Frequency Direct TRX Switched TRX
    22.5 GHz to 31.3 GHz ±0.8 ±0.8
    >31.3 GHz to 37 GHz ±0.9 ±0.9
    >37 GHz to 40 GHz ±1.0 ±1.0
    >40 GHz to 43.5 GHz ±0.9 ±0.9
    >43.5 GHz to 44 GHz ±1.1 ±1.1

    Conditions: Reference level -30 dBm to +30 dBm; measured with a CW signal at the I/Q center frequency, where the I/Q center frequency is 257.5 MHz offset from the configured downconverter center frequency where the driver automatically applies a 257.5 MHz offset for signals with 450 MHz bandwidth and less; Downconverter Frequency Offset Mode: Enabled; measurement performed after the PXIe-5832 has settled.

    Relative accuracy describes the residual absolute accuracy error when compared to the absolute accuracy at 0 dBm.

    This specification is valid over 23 °C ± 5 °C with the last self-calibration performed at 23 °C.

    RF Input Frequency Response

    Table 51. TRX RF Input Frequency Response (dB)
    Downconverter Center Frequency Specification[] Typical-95[] Typical[]
    22.5 GHz to 31.3 GHz 2.4 1.5 1.2
    >31.3 GHz to 37 GHz 2.5 1.3 1.1
    >37 GHz to 40 GHz 2.6 1.4 1.3
    >40 GHz to 44 GHz 3.2 1.8 1.6

    Conditions: Valid over 23 °C ± 5 °C with self-calibration at 23 °C; for Direct and Switched TRX ports; input reference level -30 dBm to 0 dBm for specification; -30 dBm to 30 dBm for typical.

    Frequency response is defined as the maximum relative amplitude deviation from the reference offset frequency over the instantanous bandwidth. For the PXIe-5832 RF input, the reference offset frequency is 10 MHz higher than the downconverter center frequency. For the absolute amplitude accuracy at the reference offset, refer to the RF Input Amplitude Accuracy section.

    Figure 22. RF Input Frequency Response, 0 dBm, Reference Level, Equalized, Measured at Direct TRX Port


    Figure 23. Maximum RF Input Frequency Response Deviation Versus Downconverter Center Frequency, Measured at Direct TRX Port


    Figure 24. Maximum RF Input Frequency Response Deviation versus Downconverter Center Frequency, Measured at Switched Port


    RF Input Average Noise Density

    Table 52. RF Input Average Noise Density (dBm/Hz), Typical
    Downconverter Center Frequency -30 dBm Reference Level 0 dBm Reference Level
    Direct TRX Ports Switched TRX Ports Direct TRX Ports Switched TRX Ports
    22.5 GHz to 31.3 GHz -161 -156 -137 -136
    >31.3 GHz to 37 GHz -163 -158 -141 -139
    >37 GHz to 40 GHz -162 -157 -139 -139
    >40 GHz to 44 GHz -160 -155 -139 -138

    Conditions: Input terminated with a 50 Ω load; 30 averages; 40 dB baseband signal attenuation; noise measurement frequency offset by 6 MHz from the downconverter center frequency.

    RF Input Third-Order Intermodulation

    Table 53. Direct RF Input Third-Order Intercept Point (IIP3) (dBm), Typical
    Downconverter Center Frequency Reference Level
    -30 dBm 0 dBm 15 dBm
    22.5 GHz to 31.3 GHz -15 15 28
    >31.3 GHz to 37 GHz -21 10 26
    >37 GHz to 40 GHz -23 9 25
    >40 GHz to 44 GHz -20 10 26

    Conditions: Measured by generating two -6 dBr tones centered at +95 MHz and +105 MHz offset from the downconverter center frequency.

    Table 54. Switched RF Input Third-Order Intercept Point (IIP3) (dBm), Typical
    Downconverter Center Frequency Reference Level
    -30 dBm 0 dBm 15 dBm
    22.5 GHz to 31.3 GHz -18 13 26
    >31.3 GHz to 37 GHz -17 10 26
    >37 GHz to 40 GHz -18 9 24
    >40 GHz to 44 GHz -23 8 25

    Conditions: Measured by generating two -6 dBr tones centered at +95 MHz and +105 MHz offset from the downconverter center frequency.

    RF Input Residual Spurs

    Table 55. RF Input Residual Spurs (dBm), Typical
    Frequency Direct TRX Port Switched TRX Port
    22.5 GHz to 31.3 GHz -74 -78
    >31.3 GHz to 37 GHz -75 -72
    >37 GHz to 40 GHz -73 -72
    >40 GHz to 44 GHz -78 -79

    Conditions: Reference level 0 dBm. Measured with the TRX ports terminated with 50 Ω.

    RF Input LO Residual Power

    Table 56. RF Direct and Switched TRX Input LO Residual Power (dBr[16]), Typical
    Downconverter Center Frequency Self-Calibration °C ± 1 °C Self-Calibration °C ± 5 °C
    22.5 GHz to 31.3 GHz -52 -40
    >31.3 GHz to 37 GHz -52 -40
    >37 GHz to 40 GHz -52 -40
    >40 GHz to 44 GHz -53 -40

    Conditions: Reference level is -30 dBm to +15 dBm. Input tone power at a maximum of -3 dBr. LO1 and LO2 LO Source property set to Onboard.

    Figure 25. RF Input LO Residual Power, Measured


    RF Input Residual Sideband Image

    Table 57. RF Direct and Switched TRX Input Residual Sideband Image (dBc), Typical
    Downconverter Center Frequency Self-Calibration °C ± 1 °C Self-Calibration °C ± 5 °C
    22.5 GHz to 31.3 GHz -53 -43
    >31.3 GHz to 37 GHz -60 -54
    >37 GHz to 40 GHz -60 -53
    >40 GHz to 44 GHz -55 -45

    Conditions: Peak input power levels -30 dBm to +15 dBm. LO1 and LO2 LO Source property set to Onboard.

    This specification describes the maximum residual sideband image within the 1 GHz device instantaneous bandwidth.

    Figure 26. RF Input Residual Sideband Image, 0 dBm, Input Power Level, Measured at Direct TRX Port


    Figure 27. Maximum RF Input Residual Sideband Image Versus Downconverter Center Frequency, Measured at Direct TRX Port


    Application-Specific Modulation Quality

    WLAN 802.11ax

    IF IN/OUT Ports

    The following measurements were taken using RFmx and corresponding RFmx default values.

    Table 58. WLAN 802.11ax RMS EVM (dB), Shared Onboard LO2, Nominal[17],[18]
    I/Q Carrier Frequency Signal Bandwidth
    80 MHz 160 MHz
    5.1 GHz to 7.2 GHz -50 -47
    Figure 28. WLAN 802.11ax RMS EVM Versus Average Power, Measured[17]


    Figure 29. WLAN 802.11ax RMS EVM Versus Frequency, Nominal[17],[18]


    Figure 30. WLAN 802.11ax 80 MHz RMS EVM Versus Average Power, Measured [19],[20]


    Figure 31. WLAN 802.11ax 160 MHz RMS EVM Versus Average Power, Measured [19],[20]


    Figure 32. WLAN 802.11ax 80 MHz RMS EVM Versus Average Power (Loopback vs IF Out EVM), Measured [19],[20]


    5G New Radio (NR)

    IF 5G NR (IF IN/OUT Ports)

    Table 59. IF 5G NR EVM (dB), Shared Onboard LO2, Typical[21]
    I/Q Carrier Frequency NR Carrier Configuration
    1 × 100 MHz [22] 2 × 100 MHz [23] 1 × 400 MHz [24]
    5 GHz to 8 GHz -50 -47 -43
    >8 GHz to 12 GHz -49 -46 -43
    >12 GHz to 18 GHz -47 -44 -41
    >18 GHz to 21 GHz -44 -43 -41

    Conditions: IF average power level is -25 dBm to 0 dBm. LO2 LO Source: SG_SA_Shared.

    Table 60. IF 5G NR EVM (dB), Independent Onboard LO2, Typical[21]
    I/Q Carrier Frequency NR Carrier Configuration
    1 × 100 MHz [22] 2 × 100 MHz [23] 1 × 400 MHz [24]
    5 GHz to 8 GHz -41 -41 -40
    >8 GHz to 12 GHz -39 -39 -38
    >12 GHz to 18 GHz -35 -35 -35
    >18 GHz to 21 GHz -35 -35 -35

    Conditions: IF average power level is -25 dBm to 0 dBm. LO2 LO Source: Onboard.

    Figure 33. IF 5G NR 1 CC x 100 MHz RMS EVM versus Average Power, Measured[21],[22]


    Figure 34. IF 5G NR 2 CC x 100 MHz RMS EVM versus Average Power, Measured[21],[23]


    Figure 35. IF 5G NR 1 CC x 400 MHz RMS EVM versus Average Power, Measured[21],[24]


    Figure 36. IF 5G NR 2 CC x 400 MHz RMS EVM versus Average Power, Measured[21],[25]


    Figure 37. IF 5G NR RMS EVM versus Frequency (Shared LO2), Measured[21],[26],[27]


    Figure 38. IF 5G NR RMS EVM versus Frequency (Independent LO2), Measured[21],[26],[27]


    RF 5G NR

    Table 61. Direct TRX to Direct TRX RF 5G NR EVM (dB), Nominal[28]'[29]
    I/Q Carrier Frequency Shared Onboard LO2 Independent Onboard LO2
    22.5 GHz to 31.3 GHz -45 -40
    37 GHz to 40 GHz -43 -40
    >40 GHz to 44 GHz -43 -42

    Conditions: RF average power level is -10 dBm. LO1 LO Source: Onboard.

    Table 62. Switched to Switched RF 5G NR EVM (dB), Nominal[28]'[29]
    I/Q Carrier Frequency Shared Onboard LO2 Independent Onboard LO2
    22.5 GHz to 31.3 GHz -42 -39
    37 GHz to 40 GHz -43 -41
    >40 GHz to 44 GHz -42 -41

    Conditions: RF average power level is -10 dBm. LO1 LO Source: Onboard.

    Table 63. Direct TRX to Switched or Switched to Direct TRX RF 5G NR EVM (dB), Nominal[28]'[29]
    I/Q Carrier Frequency Shared Onboard LO2 Independent Onboard LO2
    22.5 GHz to 31.3 GHz -43 -39
    37 GHz to 40 GHz -43 -40
    >40 GHz to 44 GHz -42 -41

    Conditions: RF average power level is -10 dBm. LO1 LO Source: Onboard.

    Figure 39. Direct TRX to Direct TRX RF 5G NR 1 CC × 100 MHz RMS EVM versus Average Power, Measured[28]'[29]


    Figure 40. Switched to Switched RF 5G NR 1 CC x 100 MHz RMS EVM versus Average Power, Measured[28]'[29]


    Figure 41. Direct TRX to Direct TRX RF 5G NR RMS EVM versus Frequency, Measured[28]'[29]'[30]


    Front Panel I/O


    Refer to the PXIe-5820 Specifications for more information about characteristics of the PXIe-5820 front panel input and output.


    I/Q IN


    MMPX (female)

    Input coupling, per terminal


    Input type


    Number of channels


    Differential impedance

    100 Ω

    I/Q OUT


    MMPX (female)

    Output coupling, per terminal


    Output type


    Number of channels



    100 Ω

    LO1 IN and LO2 IN


    MMPX (female)

    Frequency range[31]

    3.55 GHz to 7.1 GHz

    Input power range[32]

    +6 dBm to +10 dBm, nominal

    Input return loss

    10 dB, nominal

    Absolute maximum input power

    +10 dBm

    LO1 coupling

    AC coupled

    LO2 coupling

    DC coupled to ground


    50 Ω

    LO1 OUT and LO2 OUT


    MMPX (female)

    Frequency range

    3.55 GHz to 7.1 GHz

    Absolute maximum output power

    +10 dBm

    LO1 coupling

    AC coupled

    LO2 coupling

    DC coupled to ground

    Output power resolution[33]

    0.5 dB, nominal


    50 Ω

    Output return loss

    10 dB, nominal



    Mini HDMI

    IF OUT mmWave


    SMA 27 GHz (female)

    Output impedance

    50 Ω

    Return loss

    10 dB, nominal


    AC coupled

    IF IN mmWave


    SMA 27 GHz (female)

    Input impedance

    50 Ω

    Return loss

    10 dB, nominal


    AC coupled



    SMA 27 GHz (female)


    50 Ω during active mode, ∞ impedance after reboot and reset


    AC coupled

    Absolute maximum input power

    +25 dBm

    Absolute maximum reverse power

    Not to exceed the active RF output power setting

    Figure 42. PXIe-3623 IF IN Port Return Loss, Measured


    Figure 43. PXIe-3623 IF OUT Port Return Loss, Measured


    LO1 0 mmWave


    SMA 27 GHz (female)

    Frequency range

    3.55 GHz to 14.2 GHz

    LO1 1 mmWave


    SMA 27 GHz (female)

    Frequency range

    3.55 GHz to 14.2 GHz



    MMPX (female)


    10 MHz

    Input tolerance[34]

    ±10 × 10-6

    Input amplitude[35]

    0.7 V pk-pk to 3.3 V pk-pk, typical



    Output amplitude

    1.65 V pk-pk into 50 Ω, nominal


    50 Ω


    Table 64. LO Output Level
    LO Minimum Nominal Maximum
    LO1 (from 3.2 GHz to 8.2 GHz) Nominal Value - 2.5 dB Varies by frequency according to the following equation:
    Nominal Value + 2.5 dB
    LO1 (at 8.3 GHz) +4 dBm +6.5 dBm +9 dBm
    LO2 +6.5 dBm +9 dBm +13 dBm
    LO3 +7 dBm +9 dBm +13 dBm
    Note The PXIe-5653LO2 OUT and LO3 OUT connectors are not used in any PXIe-5832 instrument configuration.




    2.4 mm (female)

    Absolute maximum input power

    Reference power ≤+30 dBm

    Reference power + 6 dB

    Reference power >+30 dBm

    +36 dBm


    50 Ω

    Absolute maximum reverse power

    Not to exceed the active RF output power setting



    Figure 44. mmRH-5582 RF Input Port Return Loss, Measured at Direct TRX Port


    Figure 45. mmRH-5582 RF Output Port Return Loss, Measured at Direct TRX Port


    Figure 46. mmRH-5582 RF Input Port Return Loss, Measured at Switched TRX Port


    Figure 47. mmRH-5582 RF Output Port Return Loss, Measured at Switched TRX Port




    2.4 mm (female)

    Absolute maximum input power

    Reference power ≤+30 dBm

    Reference power + 6 dB

    Reference power >+30 dBm

    +36 dBm


    50 Ω

    Absolute maximum reverse power

    Not to exceed the active RF output power setting



    IF OUT


    SMA 27 GHz (female)


    50 Ω

    LO IN


    SMA 27 GHz (female)

    Frequency range

    10 GHz to 13.5 GHz

    Input power

    +5 dBm, nominal


    50 Ω, nominal

    Absolute maximum input power

    +20 dBm



    IF IN


    SMA 27 GHz (female)


    50 Ω, nominal

    Absolute maximum input power

    +10 dBm



    DIO IN


    Mini HDMI



    Mini HDMI

    Power Requirements

    Table 65. PXIe-5832 Power Requirements, Nominal
    Module +3.3 VDC +12 VDC Total Power (W)
    PXIe-5820 3.3 A (10.89 W) 6.0 A (72.0 W) 82.89
    PXIe-3623 5.0 A (6.93 W) 5.0 A (67.2 W) 74.13
    PXIe-5653 1.10 A (3.63 W) 4.0 A (48.0 W) 51.63
    PXIe-5832 (combined instrument) 208.65
    Table 66. mmRH-5582 Power Requirements
    Module +12 VDC Total Power (W)
    mmRH-5582 (Direct TRX Ports Only) 3.8 A 45.6
    mmRH-5582 (Switched and Direct TRX Ports) 4.1 A 49.2
    mmRH-5582 (Switched TRX Ports Only) 4.4 A 52.8



    1 year [36]

    Physical Characteristics

    Table 67. PXIe-5832 Physical Characteristics, Nominal
    Module Dimensions Weight
    Grams Ounces
    PXIe-5820 3U, 2 slots 795 28.0
    PXIe-3623 3U, 2 slots 1,066 37.6
    PXIe-5653 3U, 2 slots 1,076 37.8
    PXIe-5832 (combined instrument) 3U, 6 slots 2,937 103.4
    Table 68. mmRH-5582 Physical Characteristics, Nominal
    Module Dimensions Weight
    Grams Ounces
    mmRH-5582 (Direct TRX Ports Only) 21.9 cm × 15.5 cm × 9.9 cm (8.65 in. × 6.11 in. × 3.91 in.) 2,940 103.7
    mmRH-5582 (Switched and Direct TRX Ports) 3,132 110.5
    mmRH-5582 (Switched TRX Ports Only) 3,324 117.3

    Environmental Characteristics



    0 °C to 45 °C


    -41 °C to 71 °C



    10% to 90%, noncondensing


    5% to 95%, noncondensing

    Pollution Degree


    Maximum altitude

    2,000 m (800 mbar) (at 25 °C ambient temperature)

    Shock and Vibration

    Operating vibration

    5 Hz to 500 Hz, 0.3 g RMS

    Non-operating vibration

    5 Hz to 500 Hz, 2.4 g RMS

    Operating shock

    30 g, half-sine, 11 ms pulse

    Environmental Management

    NI is committed to designing and manufacturing products in an environmentally responsible manner. NI recognizes that eliminating certain hazardous substances from our products is beneficial to the environment and to NI customers.

    For additional environmental information, refer to the Engineering a Healthy Planet web page at ni.com/environment. This page contains the environmental regulations and directives with which NI complies, as well as other environmental information not included in this document.

    EU and UK Customers

  • 1378 Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)—At the end of the product life cycle, all NI products must be disposed of according to local laws and regulations. For more information about how to recycle NI products in your region, visit ni.com/environment/weee.
  • 电子信息产品污染控制管理办法(中国RoHS)

  • 1378 中国RoHSNI符合中国电子信息产品中限制使用某些有害物质指令(RoHS)。关于NI中国RoHS合规性信息,请登录 ni.com/environment/rohs_china。(For information about China RoHS compliance, go to ni.com/environment/rohs_china.)
  • Appendix A: PXIe-5653 LO1 Single Sideband Phase Noise

    Figure 48. PXIe-5653 Phase Noise, Measured[37] (Spurs Not Shown)


    Appendix B: PXIe-3623 Single Sideband Phase Noise

    Figure 49. PXIe-3623 Internal LO1 VCO Phase Noise, Measured[38] (Spurs Not Shown)


    1 Frequency range refers to the range of upconverter or downconverter center frequencies. The actual frequency coverage extends beyond the upconverter or downconverter frequency by up to half of the frequency bandwidth.

    2 The mmRH-5582DIRECT TRX PORTS and SWITCHED TRX PORTS share the same frequency ranges and are only available on the PXIe-5832 mmWave instrument configurations.

    3 Tuning resolution combines LO step size capability and frequency shift DSP implemented on the FPGA.

    4 The worst case LO spurious content degrades for smaller LO step sizes and improves for larger LO step sizes that are multiples of 2 MHz and 10 MHz.

    5 LO step size can be set using the driver software.

    6 Frequency settling refers to the time it takes the frequency to settle once the hardware receives the frequency change. The additional time due to software-initiated frequency changes is not included and varies by computer.

    7 LO1 LO Source property is set to Onboard.

    8 Average output power ≥ -40 dBm.

    9 Refers to the time it takes to switch between two analog gain states with frequency unchanged once the hardware receives the amplitude change. The additional time due to software-initiated amplitude changes is not included and varies by computer. When changing frequencies, reconfiguration time is dominated by the frequency settling. Refer to Frequency Settling Time for more information.

    10 Average output power ≥ -40 dBm.

    11 Does not show LO1 x 2, RF output residual LO leakage and RF output residual sideband image.

    12 The maximum offset is limited to within the equalized bandwidth of the referenced downconverter center frequency.

    13 dBr is relative to the full scale of the configured reference level.

    14 Specification is applied to -30 dBm to 0 dBm reference level.

    15 Typical is applied to -30 dBm to +30 dBm reference level.

    16 dBr is relative to the full scale of the configured RF reference level.

    17 Conditions: IF0 loopback to IF1; waveform bandwidth: 80 MHz; waveform PAPR: 10.55 dB; MCS Index: 11; 16 OFDM data symbols; 20 packet averages; Channel Estimation Type: Ch Estimation Ref (Preamble); Upconverter/Downconverter Frequency Offset Mode: Enabled; LO2 LO Source: SG_SA_Shared; Reference Level: Average Power Level + Waveform PAPR; Reference Level Headroom: 0 dB.

    18 EVM shown is the average of RF output power levels including -24 dBm to 0 dBm.

    19 All measurements are taken in loopback from IF0 output to IF1 input (generator and analyzer combined performance) on the front panel representing effects from both IF Out and IF IN except IF OUT EVM in the figure titled WLAN 802.11ax 80 MHz RMS EVM Versus Average Power (Loopback vs IF Out EVM), Measured, which shows only the IF OUT effects (generator only performance). ​Standard: 802.11ax, MCS:11 . Equalization = Preamble only. Local Oscillators: Shared.

    20 Noise Compensated refers to measurements taken while compensating for receiver noise. Return loss for DUT is 6 dB or better.

    21 Conditions: NR Downlink, FDD, FR2, 64-QAM, Fully Filled Resource Blocks; IF0 loopback to IF1; Upconverter/Downconverter Frequency Offset Mode: Automatic; Reference Level: Average Power Level + Waveform PAPR; Reference Level Headroom: 0 dB; 2 slots analyzed; 1 packet averages.

    22 1 × 100 MHz Carrier: 60 kHz Subcarrier Spacing, 11.23 dB PAPR.

    23 2 × 100 MHz Carrier: 60 kHz Subcarrier Spacing, 11.06 dB PAPR; CC 0 or 1.

    24 1 × 400 MHz Carrier: 120 kHz Subcarrier Spacing, 11.41 dB PAPR.

    25 2 × 400 MHz Carriers: 120 kHz Subcarrier Spacing, 11.88 dB PAPR; CC 0.

    26 1 × 100 MHz Carrier: 60 kHz Subcarrier Spacing, 11.23 dB PAPR. 2 × 100 MHz Carrier: 60 kHz Subcarrier Spacing, 11.06 dB PAPR; CC 0. 1 × 400 MHz Carrier: 120 kHz Subcarrier Spacing, 11.41 dB PAPR. 2 × 400 MHz Carriers: 120 kHz Subcarrier Spacing, 11.88 dB PAPR; CC 0.

    27 IF output average power level is -10 dBm.

    28 Conditions: NR Downlink, FDD, FR2, 64-QAM, Fully Filled Resource Blocks; RF loopback to RF; Upconverter/Downconverter Frequency Offset Mode: Automatic; Reference Level: Average Power Level + Waveform PAPR; Reference Level Headroom: 1 dB from 22.5 GHz to 31.3 GHz and 1 dB from 37 GHz to 44 GHz; LO1 LO Source: Onboard; 2 slots analyzed; 1 packet averages.

    29 1 × 100 MHz Carrier: 120 kHz Subcarrier Spacing, 11.16 dB PAPR.

    30 RF average power level is -10 dBm.

    31 This frequency range is applicable for only LO2 IN when using the PXIe-5832 IF and mmWave instrument configuration.

    32 The PXIe-5832 supports receiving an external LO with a range of signal power levels. To properly configure the PXIe-5832 LO signal path for the provided level, set NIRFSA_ATTR_LO_IN_POWER or NIRFSG_ATTR_LO_IN_POWER.

    33 Output power resolution refers to the RF attenuator step size used to compensate for the LO output power.

    34 Frequency Accuracy = Input Tolerance × Reference Frequency

    35 Jitter performance improves with increased slew rate of input signal.

    36 PXIe-5832 modules are externally calibrated together as a unique instrument at the factory. Modules cannot be swapped between instruments.

    37 LO1 frequency is 5 GHz. Representative of nominal performance difference across the entire frequency range of LO1.

    38 Measured at the PXIe-3623 LO1 OUT port.