Testing Microphones and Speakers with the Audio and Acoustics Test Configurator

Introduced in Audio and Acoustics Test Software 23.3

The Audio and Acoustics Test Configurator provides the following user interfaces:
  • The Configuration pane allows you to configure all the parameters needed for different audio and acoustics test sequences.
  • The Execution pane helps you run tests and check test results and reports in the same way as you do in TestStand.
The Audio and Acoustics Test Configurator has the following features:
  • Tests different types of microphones and speakers in one execution.
  • Supports different types of signals and measurements in one execution.
  • Combines parameter configuration and test execution in one application to improve test efficiency and user experience.
  • Displays real-time test results during test execution.
  • Displays filtered test results and TestStand reports after test execution.
  • Provides a real-time view of configured stimulus signals and parameters.

Configure parameters for different test sequences, run tests, and check test results and TestStand reports with the Audio and Acoustics Test Configurator.