Checking System Connections with the Audio and Acoustics Debug Tool VI

Before testing your DUT, run the Audio and Acoustics Debug Tool VI to check system connections.

Introduced in Audio and Acoustics Test Software 22.5

The Audio and Acoustics Debug Tool VI identifies issues, such as dead lines, low gain, and frequency shift, only after you set up the hardware as described in the Hardware Setup for a Microphone Test and Hardware Setup for a Speaker Test sections in Audio and Acoustics Test System Design.

The Audio and Acoustics Debug Tool VI has the following features:

  • Provides a real-time view of stimulus signals in time and frequency domains.
  • Supports the following four types of stimulus signals: single-tone signal, continuous frequency sweep signal (also known as chirp signal), stepped frequency sweep signal, and stepped level sweep signal.
  • Supports the following three types of microphones: analog microphone, digital PDM microphone, and digital I2S microphone.
  • Provides a view of acquired signals in time domain and a view of frequency response.
  • Supports simultaneously displaying current and previous test results for comparison.
  • Supports saving test results into a file and recalling the test results for comparison.
Figure 1. Audio and Acoustics Debug Tool VI Front Panel


Running the Audio and Acoustics Debug Tool VI

  1. Open the Audio and Acoustics Debug Tool VI in the C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW version\examples\Audio and Acoustics\DebugUI directory.
  2. Click the Stimulus tab, select a type in the signal type box, and then specify the signal parameter values.
  3. Click the AO Settings tab and specify the AO channel parameter values.
  4. Click the Acquire Settings tab and complete the following tasks based on the type of microphones you want to test:
    • Select the Analog Mic Enable checkbox and move the AI settings horizontal scrollbar to the right to add more channels if needed.
    • Select the PDM Mic Enable or I2S Mic Enable checkbox and specify the parameter values for PDM or I2S microphone channels.
    Note You cannot use the PDM and I2S microphones simultaneously.
    Note Select the Analog Mic Enable checkbox as well as the PDM Mic Enable or I2S Mic Enable checkbox if you want to simultaneously test analog and digital microphones.
  5. Click Test to run tests and check test results on the right section.
  6. Click Exit to exit the Audio and Acoustics Debug Tool VI when all the tests are completed.