Checking DUT Reports and Result Data in SystemLink

Check DUT reports and test result data through a dashboard or query in SystemLink Web Application.

Checking Result Data on a Dashboard

  1. In SystemLink Web Application, click Test Insights.
  2. On the sidebar, hover over Dashboard and click +.
  3. Select how you want to generate a dashboard.
    You can create a new dashboard, add an existing dashboard, or import a dashboard template located in the C:\Users\Public\Documents\National Instruments\Audio and Acoustics\Systemlink\Acoustic Dashboard Template.fpg directory.
  4. Enter required information or select the dashboard or template you want to use, and then click OK.
    A dashboard is created.
    Figure 12. Example Dashboard


  5. Add, modify, or remove tiles on the dashboard according to your needs.
    Refer to the Visualizing Test Data on a Dashboard section in SystemLink Manual for detailed instructions.
  6. Click a tile to see details.
  7. If you want to display data from another test station on the dashboard, complete the following steps:
    Each test station is identified by the ID of the corresponding system.
    1. Click the Configure tile button on a tile to launch the Edit Tile dialog box.
    2. Click + under Data sources.
    3. In the Configure Test Results Binding dialog box, create a query using the system ID corresponding to the test station you want to display on the dashboard.
    4. Repeat the previous steps to add data sources to other tiles on the dashboard.
    The dashboard updates to display data from the test station you specified.

    To check the system ID, select Test Insights » Systems Management » Systems and click the system you want to display. On the page specific to this system, the system ID is displayed in the Minion ID section.

    If the page does not contain Minion ID, click the 1378 button to launch the Edit display properties dialog box and click + to add Minion ID.

Checking DUT Reports and Result Data Through a Query

  1. In SystemLink Web Application, click Test Insights.
  2. On the sidebar, click Results or Reports.
  3. Based on what you clicked in the previous step, complete one of the following tasks:
    • If you click Results, check all the DUT reports or select Save Query to create a new query. The new query appears under Results on the sidebar.
    • If you click Reports, create a new query using one of the following methods:
      • Create a new query and select View Results to switch to the Results page. If you select Save Query on the Results page, the new query appears under Results on the sidebar.
      • Create a new query and select Save Report. The new query appears under Reports on the sidebar.