Selecting Built-In Errors from the Error Ring

Complete the following steps to select built-in errors from the Error Ring.

  1. Add the Error Ring to the block diagram.
  2. Click the drop-down arrow to display the Select Error dialog box.
  3. In the Error Code Range drop-down listbox, specify the error code category you want to use. You also can create a custom error message for a one-time use from this dialog box.
  4. Select the error from the list that appears.
  5. Use the radio buttons to configure the Error Ring to return either an error or a warning.
  6. Remove the checkmark from the Include Call Chain checkbox if you do not want to include the call chain information in the error cluster. If you include the call chain, the error description displays the chain of callers from the current VI to the top-level VI, which is useful when determining where in the VI hierarchy the error occurred. (Real-Time Module) Exclude the call chain to reduce jitter in real-time applications.
  7. Click OK.

After you configure the Error Ring, you can adjust the configuration without returning to the dialog box.

  • Click the two icons on the Error Ring to toggle the error/warning setting and the include/exclude call chain setting, respectively.
  • Right-click the Error Ring and select Generate Error, Generate Warning, Include Call Chain, or Exclude Call Chain from the shortcut menu to affect the relevant configuration.
  • Right-click the Error Ring and select Visible Items»Error Explanation Text from the shortcut menu to show or hide the error description.