Resolve Project Conflicts Dialog Box

Select Project»Resolve Conflicts from the Project Explorer window to display this dialog box. You also can click the Resolve Conflicts toolbar button or right-click a conflicting item in the Project Explorer window and select Resolve Conflicts from the shortcut menu to display this dialog box.

Note LabVIEW disables the Resolve Conflicts menu and toolbar button unless the project contains conflicting items.

Use this dialog box to resolve project conflicts. A conflict is a potential cross-link that occurs when a LabVIEW project contains two or more items with the same qualified name in the same application instance.

This dialog box includes the following components:

Option Description

Displays the project conflicts grouped by qualified name. Double-click a specific conflict to highlight the item in the Project Explorer window. LabVIEW automatically updates this information as you resolve conflicts.


Compares two conflicting VIs or controls. Select two items from the same group in the Conflicts tree, then click this button to show differences.

Use Selected Item

Resolves a conflict using the item you select. If the item you select is part of a group in the Conflicts tree that involves only top-level items, LabVIEW removes all items in that group from the project except the item you select. If the group of items involves subVIs or type definitions that other items refer to, LabVIEW removes all items in that group from the project except the item you select and updates or prompts you to update the referencing items.

Note Under certain conditions, LabVIEW cannot use the item you select to resolve conflicts and disables the Use Selected Item button.
Details for Selected Item(s)

Displays details for each item you select. Details include the item icon, path, qualified name, creation date, and modification date. This content updates automatically depending on the item(s) you select. When you compare two items, LabVIEW displays information for both items.

  • Referencing Items

    Displays all referencing items that require updates if you use the selected item to resolve the conflict.

    The Status column contains one of the following conditions for each referencing item:
    • OK—The referencing item is up to date.
    • —LabVIEW must update and save this item to resolve the conflict. If you click the Use Selected Item button while any referencing items contain this condition, LabVIEW might prompt you to confirm you want to update and save these items. If you do not save, the conflict is not completely resolved. LabVIEW might display the Resolve Load Conflicts dialog box while updating these referencing items.
    • —LabVIEW cannot modify the reference in the listed item, for example, because the item is running or in conflict itself. You must manually update the listed item before you can resolve the conflict.

Exports the list of project conflicts to a text file organized by the name of the conflicting items.