Error Code Editor Dialog Box

Select Tools»Advanced»Edit Error Codes to display this dialog box.

Use this dialog box to create or edit a filename-errors.txt file for custom error codes between the range of –8999 through –8000, 5000 through 9999, or 500,000 through 599,999.

This dialog box includes the following components:

Option Description
Range Name The internal, non-localized name of the error codes.
Range Display Name Name that appears as the error category in the Select Error dialog box.
Comments about this file Enter comments into this text box about the error code text file. LabVIEW places text you type here within <nicomment></nicomment> tags at the top of the error code text file. LabVIEW ignores the text within these tags.
Errors Displays the list of currently defined error codes and related text. Select an error code or text to edit, add, sort, or delete.
Add Error Code Click this button to add a new error code to the Errors list.
Sort Error Codes Click this button to sort the error codes in ascending order.
Delete Selected Error Code Click this button to delete the selected error code from the Errors list.

Use <B> and </B> tags around any text in the description you want to format as bold.