Advanced Page (.NET Interop Assembly Properties Dialog Box)

Use this page of the .NET Interop Assembly Properties dialog box to change advanced settings for a .NET interop assembly.

This page includes the following components:

Option Description
Enable debugging

Enables debugging for the application, shared library, .NET interop assembly, or Web service.

Note Disabling this checkbox does not ensure full optimization.
  • Wait for debugger on launch

    Sets the application, shared library, or .NET interop assembly to load but not run until the user enables it to run through the LabVIEW debugging controls. Place a checkmark in the Enable debugging checkbox to enable this option.

Copy error code files

Adds copies of XML-based LabVIEW error code text files from the project\errors and user.lib\errors directories to the run-time engine.

Note You must manually create an errors folder in the labview\user.lib directory to organize your error code files.
Use custom aliases file

Copies the project aliases file with the application, shared library, or .NET interop assembly. If you remove the checkmark from the checkbox, the Select Project File dialog box appears and you can select another aliases file in the project.

  • Aliases file in project

    Specifies the aliases file to use with the application, shared library, or .NET interop assembly if you do not select Use the default project aliases file.

    • Browse Project

      Displays the Select Project File dialog box, which you can use to select an aliases file.

Enable Enhanced DSC Run-Time support

This option only appears if you have the LabVIEW Datalogging and Supervisory Control (DSC) Module installed. Builds the application with the enhanced DSC Module Run-Time Engine. The DSC Module Run-Time Engine adds additional support for programmatic project library and shared variable management in applications that you build with the DSC Module.

You must place a checkmark in this checkbox in the following situations:
  • The application you want to build uses VI Server references to modify a library file programmatically.
  • The application you want to build uses the Save to Library VI.
If you do not enable the enhanced DSC Module Run-Time Engine in these two situations, LabVIEW returns error code 1055 when you run the built application, shared library, or .NET interop assembly.
Note Enabling this option increases the file size and reduces the start-up performance of the built application, shared library, or .NET interop assembly.
Enable strong name signing

Specifies whether to sign the assembly with a strong name key file.

The signing of application and deployment manifests is a process distinct from the signing of an assembly. Also, the storage of key file information differs for manifest signing and assembly signing. For manifest signing, key information is stored in the cryptographic storage database and the Windows certificate store for the current user. For assembly signing, key information is stored only in the cryptographic storage database.
Note Refer to the KnowledgeBase at for more information about using a strong name key file to sign the .NET assembly.
  • Strong name key file in project

    Specifies an existing strong name key file to sign the assembly. Click the Browse Project button to display the Select Project File dialog box, which you can use to select a key file.

Generate build log file

Specifies whether to create a log file for the build. The build log file lists all files contained in the build, including subVIs you do not specify as Startup VIs or Always Included. The log file also contains general build information such as build start and end time, the build specification and project name, and any errors that occurred during the build.

  • Log file path

    Specifies the path to save the build log file.

LabVIEW 2011 compatibility mode

Specifies to use a flat file layout to store source files inside a stand-alone application, shared library, or Web service. LabVIEW enables this option by default for build specifications you load from LabVIEW 8.6 or earlier. National Instruments recommends you disable this option for applications you develop in LabVIEW 2009 or later.

The following table lists how each style changes the generated assembly.

LabVIEW 2011 compatibility mode LabVIEW 2012 and later
Generated methods use the default refnum class and are not type safe. Generated methods use type-safe refnum classes.
The generated method prototype lists output parameters before input parameters. The generated method prototype lists parameters according to their arrangement on the VI connector pane. Inputs appear first, arranged according to the order of the terminals on the connector pane from top to bottom, left to right. Outputs appear after inputs, arranged according to the order of the terminals on the connector pane from top to bottom, right to left.
All methods generated from Vis belong to a single class specified in the .NET interop assembly class name section on the Information page of the .NET Interop Assembly Properties dialog box. If a VI belongs to a project library, then the .NET method generated from that VI belongs to a class with the same name as the project library. For nested project libraries, LabVIEW generates nested classes. If a VI does not belong to a project library, the .NET method generated for this VI belongs to the class specified in the .NET interop assembly class name section on the Information page of the .NET Interop Assembly Properties dialog box.
Methods generated from Vis containing error in and error out clusters include error in and error out parameters. .NET methods do not typically accept and return errors. When LabVIEW generates a .NET method for a VI, LabVIEW does not export the error in and error out clusters as parameters of the new method. Instead, the new method throws a .NET exception if an error occurs while the method is executing. This exception contains the same information as the error cluster.
Allow future versions of LabVIEW to load this .NET assembly

Enables binary files to load either in the LabVIEW versions that they are built with or in the latest version of the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine installed on the machine. This option applies to stand-alone applications, shared libraries, packed project libraries, and source distributions. LabVIEW enables this option by default for build specifications you create in LabVIEW 2017 and later. For real-time applications, this option does not appear in the dialog box but the functionality is enabled by default.

You can disable this option to bind a build specification to a specific version of LabVIEW. Disabling this option prevents any changes to the performance profiles and helps you avoid unexpected problems resulting from compiler upgrades.

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