Advanced Page (Installer Properties Dialog Box)

Use this page of the Installer Properties dialog box to configure advanced settings for the installer build.

This page includes the following components:

Option Description
Enable media spanning

Place a checkmark in this checkbox to specify the type of media on which you want to store the product, such as a CD or DVD.

By default, Application Builder builds the installer to one volume. Use this feature to divide the final installer distribution into directories that fit on the required media type, such as 650 MB folders for a CD.
  • Media type

    Specifies the type of media on which you want to store the product, such as a CD or DVD.

  • Media size (MB)

    Displays the size of the selected media type in megabytes. Application Builder automatically generates this value. Select Custom in the media type pull-down menu to manually enter this value.

Run executable at end of installation

Runs a stand-alone application after the installation is complete.

For example, you can include a DOS batch program or an executable that modifies a .ini file. Include the file as part of the installation so the application makes the necessary modifications when it runs.
  • Executable

    Specifies the filename of the stand-alone application that runs after the installer completes installation. You must include the file in the LabVIEW project with a .EXE or .BAT extension.

    Click the Add Executable button to select the .EXE or .BAT file from a list of executable files in the installer build. Click the Remove Executable button to delete the filename from the Executable text box. Click the Add Executable button to select the .EXE or .BAT file from a list of executable files in the installer build. Click the Remove Executable button to delete the filename from the Executable text box.
  • Command line arguments

    Specifies the arguments to send to the application you want to run after the installation is complete. For each argument that represents a path, enclose the argument with quotation marks because paths can contain spaces.

    In addition to specifying standard arguments, you can embed any of the variables you can imbed in the Command line arguments field of the Run executable at end of installation checkbox.

    In addition to specifying standard arguments, you can embed any of the following variables in the Command line arguments field.

    Command-Line ArgumentDescription
    [INSTALLDIR]Application installation directory that the user selects.
    [DISTROOT]Full directory path containing the install.exe file that launched this installer.
    If any of these strings are present at installation, the installer replaces them with the correct values before it sends the arguments to the application.
    Note LabVIEW automatically adds the \ character after the [INSTALLDIR]. Including the \ character within the quotation marks of the command line argument entry may cause incorrect formatting of the command line. For example, entering "[INSTALLDIR]\readme.txt" in Command line arguments sends the application an argument such as C:\Program Files\command line\readme.txt, with two \ characters before the filename.
Run executable before uninstallation

Runs a stand-alone application before uninstallation begins.

Ensure that you include the file as part of the installation.
  • Executable

    Specifies the filename of the stand-alone application that runs before the installer begins uninstallation. You must include the file in the LabVIEW project with a .EXE or .BAT extension.

  • Command line arguments

    Specifies the arguments to send to the application you want to run before uninstallation begins. For each argument that represents a path, enclose the argument with quotation marks because paths can contain spaces.

Install custom error code files

Includes LabVIEW error code files in the installer build.

LabVIEW includes all files in the labview\project\errors and labview\user.lib\errors folders that end in *-errors.txt. Remove the checkmark from the checkbox if you do not want to include error code files.

Note You must manually create an errors folder in the labview\user.lib directory to organize your error code files.
Require the LabVIEW x.x development system or later

Place a checkmark in the checkbox to require that users have the LabVIEW x.x development system, where x.x is the current version of LabVIEW, or later installed to run the installer.

System Requirements

Specifies the operating system the installer requires.

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