Verifying WTS Instrument Setup

Verify that NI Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) detects the WTS instrument as an Ethernet device.

Note NI-VISA must be installed on the client PC to use MAX. You can search for and download the NI-VISA installer at
  1. Connect your client PC to the LAN or directly to the WTS using a shielded Ethernet cable.
  2. Launch MAX on the client PC by navigating to Start » All Programs » National Instruments » NI MAX or by clicking the NI MAX desktop icon.
  3. Expand Devices and Interfaces.
  4. Click Add Network Device in the right pane, then click VISA TCP/IP Resource.
  5. In the Create New dialog box, choose the type of LAN resource you want to add based on your network connection and firewall settings, then click Next.
  6. Select the LAN resource to add or manually specify the address information for the WTS , then click Finish.
  7. Verify that the WTS appears under Network Devices.
    If the WTS does not appear, press <F5> to refresh the view in MAX.