Safety Information

Caution Before undertaking any troubleshooting, maintenance, or exploratory procedure, carefully read the following caution notices.

This equipment contains voltage hazardous to human life and safety, and is capable of inflicting personal injury.

  • Grounding—The WTS requires a connection from the premise wire safety ground to the WTS ground. The earth safety ground must be connected during use of this equipment to minimize shock hazards. Refer to the Connecting Safety Ground section for instructions on connecting safety ground.
  • Live Circuits—Operating personnel and service personnel must not remove protective covers when operating or servicing the WTS . Adjustments and service to internal components must be undertaken by qualified service technicians. During service of this product, the MAINS[1] connector to the premise wiring must be disconnected. Dangerous voltages may be present under certain conditions; use extreme caution.
  • Explosive Atmosphere—Do not operate the WTS in conditions where flammable gases are present. Under such conditions, this equipment is unsafe and may ignite the gases or gas fumes.
  • Part Replacement—Only service this equipment with parts that are exact replacements, both electrically and mechanically. Contact National Instruments for replacement part information. Installation of parts with those that are not direct replacements may cause harm to personnel operating the chassis. Furthermore, damage or fire may occur if replacement parts are unsuitable.
  • Modification—Do not modify any part of the WTS from its original condition. Unsuitable modifications may result in safety hazards.

1 MAINS is defined as a hazardous live electrical supply system that powers hardware. Suitably rated measuring circuits may be connected to the MAINS for measuring purposes.