Computers View
- Updated2025-01-24
- 1 minute(s) read
Computers View
Use the Computers view to manage any computer listed in NI VLM.
The Computers view displays the following columns:
- Computer name
- Computer ID
- Any custom fields you created
- Disconnection Expiration
- Home License Expiration
- Home Computer ID
Note To see hidden columns, right click
on any column header, select Add/Remove Columns, and select
any available columns you want to view.
Viewing Computer
Expand each computer to view more information, including the following:
- A summary of the computer's permissions
- The computer's groups
- The computer's explicit licenses
Note To see hidden
columns, right click on any column header, select Add/Remove
Columns, and select any available columns you want to view.
Editing Computers
From this view, you can perform the following tasks:
- Add a computer to NI VLM
- Edit a listed computers
- Delete one or more of the listed computers
- Disconnect one or more of the listed computers
- Reconnect one or more of the listed computers
- Create a home license for a listed computers
- Batch update a custom field value for multiple computers to a single value.
- Email multiple computers