Automating Client Software Installation

Automate the installation of Volume License Installers onto client machines.

Specifying Groups

The /groups command line option is supported when you have configured your Volume License Installer to send either a group permission request or a client information only request to NI VLM.

Use the /groups command to specify which groups a client will request permissions to when running a Volume License Installer. Groups are specified using their Group Unique ID. Refer to Finding a Group Unique ID for more information.

Syntax: setup.exe /groups "groupid[,groupid,...]"

Examples: setup.exe /groups "{498EE0C5-D626-4952-9E5D-D35ED217765E}"setup.exe /groups "{498EE0C5-D626-4952-9E5D-D35ED217765E},{01588B1A-140E-41CF-A886-3E8134B11254}"

Finding a Group Unique ID

You can find a Group Unique ID using the following steps:

  1. In NI VLM, select the Groups view.
  2. Double-click on the group for which you need a Group Unique ID.
  3. Right-click on the icon in the top left corner and select Copy Group Unique ID to copy it to your clipboard.

Enabling Silent Installation

Use the /groups command, along with the normal silent installer commands, to specify which groups a client will automatically request permissions to when running the Volume License Installer silently.

  1. Obtain the Group Unique ID.
  2. From a command line, run the Volume License Installer with the following command line flags, depending on how many groups you use. Example: setup.exe /q /acceptlicenses yes /groups "groupid"
    Note If you have configured your Volume License Installer to request permissions for groups, but you want to override that setting when running the Volume License Installer silently, you can provide an empty string as the Group Unique ID as follows: setup.exe /q /acceptlicenses yes /groups ""
    Note For Volume License Installers created from NI Package Installer, use the following command for silent installation: setup.exe --progress-only --accept-eulas /groups ""