Installing NI-VCOM on Real-Time Targets

  1. Open NI Measurement and Automation Explorer (MAX) and expand your real-time target.
  2. Right-click the Software menu, and select Add/Remove Software.
  3. Select the Add tab of the Real-Time Software Installation Wizard.
  4. Select both NI Vehicle Communication Toolkit Library and NI Vehicle Communication Toolkit WebUI from the list.
  5. Follow the Real-Time Software Installation Wizard prompts to install the software.
  6. (Optional) To uninstall the toolkit from your real-time target:
    1. Repeat steps 1 and 2.
    2. Select the Remove tab of the Real-Time Software Installation Wizard.
    3. Select both NI Vehicle Communication Toolkit Library and NI Vehicle Communication Toolkit WebUI from the list.
    4. Follow the Real-Time Software Installation Wizard prompts to uninstall the software.

Troubleshooting Network Issues with Real-Time Targets

If you encounter network issues while using remote targets, try either of the following:

  • Check the quality and integrity of your network cables.
  • Contact your IT team and verify that the RT target is correctly configured on your company network.