The Diagnostic Toolkit

If your system uses the Diagnostic Toolkit for NI-VCOM, refer to the following topics for more information and contact NI for additional support as needed.

Viewing a Diagnostic Database File

Complete the following steps to view a diagnostic database file:
  1. Launch the WebUI.
  2. Select Diagnostic.
  3. Upload or select a diagnostic database file.
  4. Select View Database File to access a detailed view.
    The following tabs appear.
    • Project: Displays a list of available database files.
    • Services: Displays available services with accompanying requests, responses, and parameters. Select an ECU variant to view its content.
    • Comm Parameters: Displays communication parameters for ECU variants. Select an ECU variant to view its content.
    • DIDs: Displays read/write data IDs with detailed information. Select an ECU variant to view its content.
    • DTC: Displays diagnostic trouble codes for ECU variants. Select an ECU variant to view its content.

Using Diagnostic APIs

You can develop with the Diagnostic Toolkit using the LabVIEW API. Refer to your in-product help or contact NI for more information about specific VIs.

The C API is available as an alternative development option upon request. Contact NI for more information.

The following diagram represents a typical diagnostic API workflow in LabVIEW:
Figure 18. Diagnostic LabVIEW API Workflow

Note When initializing a diagnostic session, the connection fails if the specified port is already in use. If this occurs, you must specify a different port to connect to the diagnostic server. The default host is localhost and the default port is 9876. Complete the following steps to specify a different port:
  1. Open TM.ini, located in the %Public%\Documents\PROVEtechTA\cfg directory.
  2. Locate the [gRPC1] tag and change the last four digits of the Listen line to your desired port value.
  3. Save the INI file.