Integrate the DUT

Before integrating your DUT, format your controller using MAX.

Refer to the following topics to integrate your DUT with the Inverter Test System:

Getting Started with a Template in VeriStand

The provided templates include basic NI VeriStand Screens and an NI VeriStand system definition file. Templates are preconfigured to match your system configuration.

NI VeriStand Project File

NI VeriStand project files define high-level settings and allow you to complete tasks such as adding Real-Time Sequences, services, alarm responses, and custom files.

NI VeriStand Screens

Template NI VeriStand Screens are a good starting point for displaying data relevant to Inverter Control Board testing.

NI VeriStand System Definition File

The system definition file template includes the OPAL-RT Power Electronics Add-On, which is pre-configured for the Inverter Test System hardware.

Selecting a Template

Ensure that you have already installed the OPAL-RT Power Electronics Add-On.
  1. Launch VeriStand.
  2. Select one of the following project tiles as appropriate for your configuration:
    • Baseline
    • 2 DUT
  3. Select the folder where you want the project to be created.
  4. Name the project and select Create.
  5. From the VeriStand Editor, launch System Explorer by completing either of the following:
    • Double-click the system definition file (.nivssdf) in the Project Files pane of the VeriStand Editor.
    • Launch the system definition file from Project Files and click Configure.
  6. Select Controller.
  7. Update the IP Address to match your controller.
  8. Update your username and password.
  9. Select Hardware » SLSC » SLSC Chassis.
  10. Confirm that the chassis IP address is
  11. Select Controller » Custom Devices » Power Electronics Add-On.
  12. Configure this add-on as necessary for your application.

Add or Modify DUT Characteristics in a VeriStand Project

Once you configure instrumentation in VeriStand, return to the VeriStand project home screen to make updates, which may include the following:

  • Adding a new simulated motor and single inverter DUT
  • Modifying the characteristics of a DUT

Work with User Interfaces, Debug Projects, and View Test States in VeriStand

Use the VeriStand Editor to monitor and debug projects:

  • VeriStand Editor Screens—Use to create user interfaces that an operator can use to interact with or debug a VeriStand project. If your project has multiple DUTs, you can add multiple screens to your project and dedicate a single screen to each DUT.
  • VeriStand Editor Tools Channel Data Viewer—Use to view individual channels or current values of key channels. To filter the list by channel name, select Channel Data Viewer and enter the channel name in the field next to the Filter icon (1378). If you have adopted Aliases in your project, you can also limit the filter to only include Aliases.
Figure 2. View Current Values of Key Test States in VeriStand Screens


Deploying a Project in VeriStand

Deploy the system definition file to the real-time (RT) target to run a project.

  1. Launch the VeriStand Editor.
    Note You can silently run the VeriStand Gateway to deploy the system definition file without launching the VeriStand Editor.
  2. In the Project Files pane, double-click a system definition file (.nivssdf).
    System Explorer opens.
  3. Select Controller in the configuration tree to display the Controller Configuration page.
  4. Select LinuxRT from the Operating System drop-down menu.
  5. Enter the IP Address of the RT target.
    Note You must log in to configure the ITS-16200. The default user name for the ITS-16200 is admin. There is no default password for the ITS-16200. To set a password for your system, refer to for detailed instructions.
  6. Save and close System Explorer.
  7. Click Operate » Deploy.
If a system definition file is already running on the RT target, one of the following happens:
  • If the system definition file on the host computer is the same as the system definition deployed to the target, the host connects to the target and launches the VeriStand Editor or Workspace without affecting the deployed system definition file.
  • If the system definition file on the host computer is different from the system definition deployed to the target, clicking Operate » Deploy stops the system definition on the target and deploys the system definition on the host.

After you deploy the system definition, you can view the VeriStand screens from the project files pane.