Test Limits Files Panel

Click Add Test Limits File or Remove Test Limits File at the bottom of the panel to add or remove test limits files. Each test program configuration can specify a test limits file to load when test program execution begins. The Test Limits Files panel contains the following options:

  • Test Limits File list—If the test program has a base test limits file assigned TSM lists the base limits file first. Each entry in the list contains the following fields.
    • Name—Specifies the name for the test limits file. You can use the Unassign as base test limits file and Assign as base test limits file buttons to change which file is the base test limits file.

      A red exclamation point indicates that the test limits reference name is invalid. A tooltip displays the error message.

    • Test Limits File Path—Specifies the relative pathname to the test limits file. A red exclamation point indicates that the file is invalid. A tooltip displays the error message.
    • Open file for edit —Launches the Test Limits Editor so you can view, compare, and modify the values in the test limits files. The Test Limits Editor opens all test limits files from the test program except for the following:
      • Files that are embedded
      • Files that TSM cannot find on disk
  • Add Test Limits File—Adds a new test limits file reference to the list.
  • Remove Test Limits File—Removes the test limits file reference you select from the list.
  • Embed Test Limits File—Embeds the contents of the selected test limits file in the test program sequence file. To protect limits files from modification or viewing, embed the limits file in the test program sequence file and lock the sequence file with a password. The Embed Test Limits File option is available when the test limits file path is valid and not already embedded in the sequence file.
    Note NI does not recommend using passwords as the only way of protecting intellectual property.
  • Extract Test Limits File—Extracts an embedded test limits file from the test program sequence file. Use this option to view or change the contents of the test limits file.