StartOfTest Handler/Prober Driver Entry Point (TSM)

Use the StartOfTest entry point to determine when the handler or prober has placed untested DUTs in test sites by waiting for the handler start-of-test notification.

The StartOfTest entry point must notify TSM to continue or stop testing. When you execute using the Batch process model, the StartOfTest entry point must also notify TSM of the active or disabled state of each test site. When you execute using the Sequential or Parallel process model, TSM calls the StartOfTest entry point for each site independently.

The StartOfTest entry point accepts the following parameters:

Parameter Type Description
HandlerDriverData Input or Output Container that stores handler-specific settings, prober-specific, or run-time data. In a handler/prober driver sequence file, you can modify the default structure of this parameter, such as by changing the data type from the default Container to a custom container data type. However, the Configure entry point must create, and optionally assign, each field of this parameter using the TestStand API, such as the PropertyObject.NewSubProperty method or a PropertyObject Set value method, such as SetValNumber.

Do not enable the Check Type option for this parameter. Right-click the parameter and remove the checkmark from Check Type in the context menu to disable the Check Type option.

RequestedSiteState Input Array of Boolean values that the StartOfTest entry point uses to determine the sites in which the handler must place DUTs or the prober should test. The index to the array corresponds to the site number of the test site.

A value of True indicates that the handler must place a DUT in the site and that the handler driver must wait to receive the start-of-test notification for that site. A value of False indicates that the handler must not place a DUT in the site and that the handler driver must not wait to receive a start-of-test notification for that site. For probers, a value of True indicates that the prober should test the die that corresponds to the test site.

When you execute using the Batch process model, TSM sets values in the array that correspond to sites being tested to True. When you execute using the Sequential or Parallel process model, TSM sets to True only the value in the array that corresponds to the current site.

ContinueTesting Output Boolean value the StartOfTest entry point uses to notify TSM to continue or stop testing. A value of True indicates that testing can continue because DUTs are in place. A value of False indicates that testing must stop. Set the value to False if the handler or prober indicates that it has no DUTs to test.
ActualSiteState Output Array of Boolean values the StartOfTest entry point uses to notify TSM of the active or disabled state of each test site on the tester. The index to the array corresponds to the site number of the test site. TSM uses this parameter only when you use the Batch process model to execute the test.

A value of True indicates that the tester must test the site. A value of False indicates that the tester must skip the site. For each site that the handler or prober indicates is active, set the corresponding array element to True. For each site that the handler or prober indicates is disabled, set the corresponding array element to False.

SitePartIds Output Array of strings that specifies the PART_ID field in the Part Results Records (PRR) of each part to test. The index to the array corresponds to the site number of the test site.
SitePartTexts Output Array of strings that specifies the PART_TXT field in the PRR of each part to test. The index to the array corresponds to the site number of the test site.
WaferRuntimeData Instance of the NI_SemiconductorModule_WaferRuntimeData data type, which is a container with the following properties:
  • StartOfWafer [Out]—Boolean value that indicates whether the tester is starting to test a new wafer. Set this property to True when the prober indicates that it is starting a new wafer. TSM uses this property to determine when to generate Wafer Information Records (WIR) of the STDF file. When executing with the Batch process model, TSM also uses this property to determine the end of the previous wafer if the prober driver does not set the EndOfWafer parameter in the EndOfTest handler/prober driver entry point.
  • SiteDieCoordinates [Out]—Array of NI_SemiconductorModule_WaferDieCoordinate data type that specifies the coordinates of each die to test. Set the elements in this array using the die coordinates the prober provides. Each element in the array contains the coordinates of one die. The index to the array corresponds to the site number of the test site. TSM uses the die coordinates to set the X_COORD and Y_COORD fields in the Part Results Records (PRR) of the STDF log file. Values for die coordinates must be in the range -32767 to 32767. By default, the die coordinates have the value -32768, which indicates that the coordinate is missing or unknown.
  • Identity—Container of properties that identify the wafer, including the following components:
    Note Set the Identity properties only when starting to test a new wafer. TSM uses the values in the Identity property only when the StartOfWafer property value is True.
    • WaferId [In/Out]—String that specifies the wafer ID to set the WAFER_ID field in the WIR of the STDF log file. The SemiconductorModule automatically generates unique wafer IDs, but the handler driver can override those IDs by setting this property.
    • FabWaferId [Out]—String that specifies the value to use for the FABWF_ID field in the WRR of the STDF log file.
    • FrameId [Out]—String that specifies the value to use for the FRAME_ID field in the WRR of the STDF log file.
    • MaskId [Out]—String that specifies the value to use for the MASK_ID field in the WRR of the STDF log file.
    • UserDescription [Out]—String that specifies the value to use for the USR_DESC field in the WRR of the STDF log file.
    • ExecDescription [Out]—String that specifies the value to use for the EXC_DESC field in the WRR of the STDF log file.
SemiconductorModuleManager Input or Output Object reference to an instance of a Semiconductor Module Manager. Use this object reference with the TSM Application API to get information about test execution, obtain test statistics, monitor the state of the test system, and so on.