Semiconductor Multi Test Step Properties

The Semiconductor Multi Test step type defines the following step properties:

  • Result.Evaluations—An array that stores the tests you configure for the step on the Tests edit tab. The NI_SemiconductorModule_Evaluation data type defines the following fields:
    • EvaluationType—The type of evaluation the test performs. The default evaluation type is Numeric Limit.
    • Pin—A string that stores the test pin or pin group.
    • MeasurementId—A string that stores the published data ID.
      Note The TSM Code Module API uses the EvaluationType, Pin, and MeasurementId properties to publish measurements from the code module to the corresponding tests the Semiconductor Multi Test step specifies.
    • TestNumberExpr—An expression that determines the test number at run time. If this expression is not empty, the Semiconductor Multi Test step evaluates the expression and copies the evaluated value to the TestNumber property.
    • TestNumber—A number that stores the test number.
    • FailBinExpr—An expression that determines the software fail bin for the test at run time. The expression must evaluate to a valid software bin number. If the test fails and this expression is not empty, the Semiconductor Multi Test step evaluates the expression and copies the evaluated value to the FailBin property.
    • FailBin—A number that stores the software fail bin for the test.
    • TestNameExpr—An expression that determines the test name at run time. If this expression is not empty, the Semiconductor Multi Test step evaluates the expression and copies the evaluated value to the TestName property.
    • TestName—A string that stores the test name.
    • MeasurementSourceExpr—An expression that determines the numeric or Boolean measurement value at run time. If this expression is empty, the step obtains the measurement data from the TSM Code Module API in the code module the step calls.
    • MeasurementDestinationExpr—Optional. An expression that specifies a custom location to store the numeric or Boolean measurement value after the step performs the test.
    • Status—A string that stores the Passed, Failed, Done, Skipped, or Error test result.
    • NumericLimit—The NI_SemiconductorModule_Evaluation_NumericLimit data type defines the following fields:
      • Data—A number that stores the numeric measurement value. The step obtains this value from the TSM Code Module API in the code module the step calls or from the MeasurementSourceExpr property.
      • LowLimitExpr, LowLimit, HighLimitExpr, and HighLimit—The limits for the test.
      • ComparisonType—The type of comparison, such as "GELE".
      • Units—A string that stores the base units for the limits and measurement value.
      • DataScalingExponent, LowLimitScalingExponent, HighLimitScalingExponent—Numbers that determine the scaling factors for the measurement value and each limit value. Each of these properties contains an integer value that TSM uses as an exponent for the number 10 to determine the scaling factor.
      • CorrelationOffset—The correlation offset value to apply to test results on a per-site basis at run time before evaluating the test result data against limits. The Load Correlation Offsets step sets this property.
      • SimulatedData—The SimulatedData container uses the following fields to specify values for tests in Offline Mode:
        • SimulatedDataUsageType—Set to AllSites to specify a single value for all sites. Set to PerSite to specify specific values for each site. Set to UsePublishedValue if you want to use the published values. The default value is None, which specifies the default behavior of Offline Mode to ignore the values of AllSite, PerSite, and the published values.
        • AllSites—Specifies a single value for all sites.
        • PerSite—Specifies specific values for each site.
    • PassFail—The NI_SemiconductorModule_Evaluation_PassFail data type defines the following fields:
      • Data—A Boolean value the step obtains from the TSM Code Module API in the code module the step calls or from the MeasurementSourceExpr property.
      • SimulatedData—The SimulatedData container uses the following fields to specify values for tests in Offline Mode:
        • SimulatedDataUsageType—Set to AllSites to specify a single value for all sites. Set to PerSite to specify specific values for each site. Set to UsePublishedValue if you want to use the published values. The default value is None, which specifies the default behavior of Offline Mode to ignore the values of AllSite, PerSite, and the published values.
        • AllSites—Specifies a single value for all sites.
        • PerSite—Specifies specific values for each site.
  • Result.SemiconductorCommon—A container that stores run-time data about the step. The NI_SemiconductorModule_SemiconductorCommon data type defines the following field:
    • Sites—A string that stores a comma-separated list of sites tested in the current thread, as shown in the Multisite Execution Diagram of the step. The step sets this property at run time.
    • RaisedAlarms—A string that stores a comma-separated list of alarms that were raised by the step. The step sets this property at run time.
  • SemiconductorModuleContext—An object reference that stores the SemiconductorModuleContext object the step code module uses. The SemiconductorModuleContext object describes a subset of pins, relays, sites, and instruments on a test system. Code modules use this property to access the TSM Code Module API.
  • Multisite—A container that stores the multisite options you configure for the step on the Options edit tab. The NI_SemiconductorModule_Multisite data type defines the following fields:
    • SynchronizationOption—The multisite option. The default option is One thread per subsystem.
    • SpecifyPinsAndRelaysOption*—The option for how you specify what pins and relays to include in the SemiconductorModuleContext object for the step.
    • PinsAndRelaysExpression*— The expression that specifies what pins and relays to include in the SemiconductorModuleContext object for the step. The step uses this expression only when the SpecifyPinsAndRelaysOption property is set to 1.
    • DUTPinFilterOption*—The option for determining what pins to include in the SemiconductorModuleContext object for the step. By default, all DUT pins are included. If you try to access a pin that is not included in the SemiconductorModuleContext object, the step returns an error.
    • IncludedDUTPins*—An array that stores the DUT pins to include in the SemiconductorModuleContext object for the step. The step uses this array only when the DUTPinFilterOption property is set to 1.
    • ExcludedDUTPins*—An array that stores the DUT pins to exclude from the SemiconductorModuleContext object for the step. The step uses this array only when the DUTPinFilterOption property is set to 0.
    • IncludeSystemPins*—A Boolean value that specifies whether to include all system pins in the SemiconductorModuleContext object for the step.
    • IncludedPinGroups*—An array that stores the pin groups to include in the SemiconductorModuleContext object for the step.
    • SpecifySiteRelays*—The option to manually specify which site relays to include in the SemiconductorModuleContext object for the step. By default, no site relays are included.
    • IncludedSiteRelays*—An array that stores the site relays to include in the SemiconductorModuleContext object for the step. The step uses this array only when the SpecifySiteRelays property is set to True.
    • IncludedRelayGroups*—An array that stores the relay groups to include in the SemiconductorModuleContext object for the step. The step uses this array only when the SpecifySiteRelays property is set to True.
    • IncludedRelayConfigurations*—An array that stores the relay configurations to include in the SemiconductorModuleContext object for the step. The step uses this array only when the SpecifySiteRelays property is set to True.
    • IncludeSystemRelays*—A Boolean value that specifies whether to include all system relays in the SemiconductorModuleContext object for the step.
  • TestSettings—A container that stores the settings related to the tests in a step on the Options tab. The NI_SemiconductorModule_MultiTestStepSettings data type defines the following fields:
    • OfflineModeMeasurementDataOption—Specifies which test data values TSM uses while running in Offline Mode.
    • EnableAutoTestNumberGeneration—A Boolean value that specifies whether TSM assigns test numbers to tests without a test number
    • BaseTestNumber—Specifies the test number TSM assigns to the first test without a test number.
    • TestNumberIncrementPerTestIndex—Specifies the test number increment per test index.
    • TestNumberIncrementPerLoopIteration—Specifies the test number increment per loop iteration for For, For Each, While, Do While, and Sweep Loop steps.
  • EvaluationFailureOption—The test failure option. The default value is stop on failure.
  • DotNetRuntimeData—A hidden object reference that substeps of the Semiconductor Multi Test step use to cache run-time information about the step. Do not directly interact with this property.
  • The numeric representation for the numeric limit data and limit values must be double-precision, 64-bit floating-point values, and cannot be signed or unsigned 64-bit integers.
  • The TestNameExpr, TestNumberExpr, and FailBinExpr properties do not correspond to options on the Semiconductor Multi Test step edit tabs.
  • * The Semiconductor Multi Test step uses these properties only when the SynchronizationOption is set to One thread per subsystem and the step is executing in a test socket thread. Steps in process model callback sequences such as ProcessSetup and ProcessCleanup include all DUT pins and system pins, and all site and system relays.