Semiconductor Multi Test Step Constants

Use the following constants with the Semiconductor Multi Test step properties to configure options for the step:

  • EvaluationType—Use the following constants with the Step.Result.Evaluations[i].EvaluationType property:
    • 0—Numeric Limit test
    • 1—Pass/Fail test
    • 2—None evaluation
  • ComparisonType—Use the following constants with the Step.Result.Evaluations[i].NumericLimit.ComparisonType property:
    • "GELE"—Low <= X <= High
    • "GTLT"—Low < X < High
    • "GELT"—Low <= X < High
    • "GTLE"—Low < X <= High
    • "LOG"—No comparison
  • SynchronizationOption—Use the following constants with the Step.Multisite.SynchronizationOption property:
    • 0—One thread per site
    • 1—One thread only
    • 2—One thread per subsystem
  • SpecifyPinsAndRelaysOption—Use the following constants with the Step.Multisite.SpecifyPinsAndRelaysOption property:
    • 0—Specify manually
    • 1—Use expression
  • DUTPinFilterOption—Use the following constants with the Step.Multisite.DUTPinFilterOption property:
    • 0—Include all DUT pins except those listed in the ExcludedDUTPins array.
    • 1—Exclude all DUT pins except those listed in the IncludedDUTPins array.
  • SpecifySiteRelays—Use the following constants with the Step.Multisite.SpecifySiteRelays property:
    • False—Include all site relays.
    • True—Include only the site relays listed in the IncludedSiteRelays array.
  • TestFailureOption—Use the following constants with the Step.EvaluationFailureOption property:
    • 0—Stop on failure. The step stops performing tests after the first test fails.
    • 1—Continue on failure. The step performs all tests even if one test fails.