Semiconductor Multi Test Options Tab

The Options tab contains the following options:

  • Stop Performing Tests after First Failure—When you enable this checkbox and a test fails, the Semiconductor Multi Test does not evaluate any subsequent tests in the step and sets the remaining test results to Skip.
  • Evaluation Comparison Mode—Select how the step compares limits for all tests the step specifies. This drop-down menu is available only when you specify at least one test with a low and high limit on the Tests tab.
  • Test Numeric Display Format—Displays the TestStand numeric format associated with the limits and measurement data. The numeric format determines how the Tests tab displays numeric values and how the TestStand report generators display numeric values in reports. Click the Edit button to launch the Numeric Format dialog box, in which you can specify the numeric format.
  • Offline Mode Data Option—Use this drop-down menu to specify which test data values TSM uses while running in Offline Mode.
    • Use Passing Values—TSM uses passing values and ignores the values the test code module publishes.
    • Use Published Values—TSM uses the values the test code module publishes.
    • Use SimulatedData Property—TSM uses the values you specify on the SimulatedData property for each test.
  • Enable Test Number Generation—When you enable this checkbox, TSM assigns test numbers to tests without a test number.
    • Base Test Number—Specify the test number TSM assigns to the first test without a test number.
    • Increment per Test Index—Specify the test number increment per test index.
    • Increment per Loop Iteration—Specify the test number increment per loop iteration. Increment per Loop Iteration is available only for test steps in For, For Each, While, Do While, and Sweep Loop steps.
  • Multisite Option—Use this drop-down menu to specify how the step executes the step code module on multiple sites:
    • One thread per subsystem—Execute the code module for each subsystem in a separate thread. The Semiconductor Multi Test step identifies subsystems by using the pin map and the pins and relays shown in SemiconductorModuleContext Pins and Relays.
    • One thread only—Execute the code module for all sites in a single thread.
    • One thread per site—Execute the code module for each site in a separate thread. Use this option only when the code module does not use hardware shared among multiple sites.
    • TSM does not synchronize executions when you use the Parallel process model
    • Semiconductor Multi Test steps in the ProcessSetup and ProcessCleanup sequences always execute as if you specified One thread only in the Multisite Option drop-down menu.
  • Multisite Execution Diagram—When you associate a pin map file with the sequence file, this diagram shows the threads the step uses to execute code modules when executing with the Batch process model using multiple sites. Each rectangle represents a single thread. The numbers within the rectangle represent the sites tested in the same thread. Each thread corresponds to one of the test socket threads. The step determines which test socket thread executes the code module at run time. This diagram is available only when you chose Select Manually from the Specify Pins and Relays drop-down menu.
  • Specify Pins and Relays—Specifies which pins and relays are included in the SemiconductorModuleContext. Specify pins and relays manually or by using an expression.
  • SemiconductorModuleContext Pins and Relays—Shows the list of pins and relays or specifies the expression that determines the pins and relays that the SemiconductorModuleContext object contains at run time. By default, the SemiconductorModuleContext object contains all DUT pins in the pin map file and no system pins. If your code module uses any system pins, you must manually select the Include System Pins checkbox or include the system pins in your expression. Code modules that use system pins execute in one thread for all sites. If your code module uses only DUT pins, you can improve performance by specifying only the DUT pins you use in the code module. By default, the SemiconductorModuleContext object contains no relays. If your code module uses any system relays, you must manually select the Include System Relays checkbox or include the system relays in your expression. If your code module uses site relays, you must manually select the Specify Site Relays checkbox and specify the relays or include the site relays in your expression. To specify the pins and relays manually, choose Select Manually from the Specify Pins and Relays drop-down menu and enable the options you want.
    • Include System Pins—Include all system pins.
    • Specify DUT Pins—Select the DUT pins or pin groups you want to include. When you select a pin group, the tab dims the DUT pins that belong to the pin group.
    • Include System Relays—Include all system relays.
    • Specify Site Relays—Select the relays, relay groups, or relay configurations you want to include. When you select a relay group or relay configuration, the tab dims the relays that belong to the relay group or configuration.
    Note If you choose One thread only or One thread per site in the Multisite Option drop-down menu, all pins and relays are included in the SemiconductorModuleContext and the checkboxes are disabled.
    To specify the pins and relays using an expression, select Use Expression from the Specify Pins and Relays drop-down menu. At run time, the expression you use must evaluate to an array of DUT and system pin names, and site and system relay names.
    Note The SemiconductorModuleContext object for steps in the ProcessSetup and ProcessCleanup sequences always contains all DUT and system pins and all site and system relays.