Semiconductor Module Toolbar Buttons

The TSM toolbar contains the following buttons.

Note Use the TSM toolbar buttons to control execution and view lot statistics while debugging a sequence.
Command Name Icon Description
Edit Test Program: <filename>

Launches the Test Program Editor in which you can edit the test program settings for the active sequence file.
Edit Pin Map File

Opens the pin map file associated with the active sequence file in the Pin Map Editor.
Edit Bin Definitions File

Opens the bin definitions file in the Bin Definitions Editor.
Configure Station

Launches the Configure Station Settings dialog box.
Configure Lot

Launches the Configure Lot Settings dialog box.
Active Configuration

The test program configuration to use when testing. The available items correspond to the configurations in the active sequence file. The value initially corresponds to the value of the LotSettings.Standard.ActiveConfigurationName property in the lot settings. If the active sequence file does not contain a configuration that corresponds to the ActiveConfigurationName lot setting, the control displays one of the configurations in the sequence file. Changing the selected configuration with this control does not modify the ActiveConfigurationName lot setting. You can also use the Configure Lot Settings dialog box to change the test program configuration.
Import Test Limits into <filename>

Imports Semiconductor Multi Test step test data into the active sequence file from an external test data file.
Export Test Limits from <filename>

Exports Semiconductor Multi Test step test data from the active sequence file to an external test data file.
Single Test

Starts a lot and tests a single DUT for each site for the active sequence file if no lot is active and pauses between DUTs when complete or, if paused between DUTs, tests a single DUT for each site before pausing again. Testing pauses between DUTs after completing the tests for the current DUTs on each site and before TSM sends the end-of-test (EOT) signal to the handler or prober.
Start/Resume Lot

Starts testing a new lot, resumes a suspended sequence execution at a breakpoint, or resumes a sequence execution that is paused between DUTs.

Pauses testing of the lot. Testing pauses between DUTs after completing the tests for the current DUTs on each site and before TSM sends the end-of-test (EOT) signal to the handler or prober.

After a single test completes or when you pause a lot, retests a single DUT for each site for the active sequence file and then pauses execution. TSM does not communicate with the handler or prober when you use the Retest button.
End Lot

Ends testing the current lot at any time by stopping testing and closing instrument sessions by calling the ProcessCleanup model callback sequence.
Step Into

Enters and suspends within a function, VI, or sequence the step calls. If the step calls a code module TestStand cannot suspend within, TestStand suspends the execution at the next step.
Note When you step into a VI from TestStand and then select Return to Caller without executing the VI, any values you change in the controls or indicators of the suspended VI are not returned to TestStand.
Step Over

Executes the step to which the execution pointer points when the sequence execution is in a breakpoint state. If the step is a Sequence Call step to another sequence, Step Over executes the entire sequence. The execution then enters a breakpoint state on the step following the Sequence Call step. If the engine encounters a breakpoint within the Sequence Call step, the execution pauses at the breakpoint.
Step Out

Resumes execution through the end of the current sequence and suspends/pauses on the next step in the calling sequence.
Show Lot Statistics Viewer

Opens the Lot Statistics Viewer window to control execution and view lot statistics while debugging a sequence.
Show Runtime Data Viewer

Opens the Runtime Data Viewer window so you can see test results and debug issues at runtime.
Launch Digital Pattern Editor

Launches the Digital Pattern Editor and opens the digital pattern project file, if any, associated with the active sequence file.
Launch InstrumentStudio

Launches InstrumentStudio, which is a pin- and site-aware, software-based front panel application you can use to monitor, control, and record measurements from supported devices.
Note If you launch InstrumentStudio in any other way, such as from the Microsoft Windows Start menu, InstrumentStudio is not pin and site aware.
Enable Offline Mode

Indicates Offline Mode is disabled. Click to enable Offline Mode, which allows you to develop, run, and debug test programs only on a computer without access to NI instruments.
Disable Offline Mode

Indicates Offline Mode is enabled. Click to disable Offline Mode.