Part Average Testing Environment Settings (TSM)
- Updated2025-01-22
- 2 minute(s) read
Part Average Testing Environment Settings (TSM)
The part average testing (PAT) environment settings define characteristics of the PAT algorithm TSM uses to customize the TSM environment for the PAT algorithm. Specify these settings in the following properties in the FileGlobals.PartAverageTestingAlgorithmDescription.EnvironmentSettings container property:
- TestNumberOffsetForPinGroupTests—Specifies the offset that the Semiconductor Multi Test step adds to the Dynamic PAT Test Number, to the Static PAT Test Number, and to the Base PAT Test Number when the step creates additional tests for pins in a pin group. When a test specifies a pin group in the Pin column in the Tests table on the Tests tab, the Tests table inserts a test for each pin in the pin group. The Test Number column is computed by adding the test number specified for the pin group test to the zero-based index of the pin in the pin group. Although the Part Average Testing tab does not display the inserted tests for pin group tests, if part average testing is enabled for a test that specifies a pin group, the step creates PAT tests for each inserted test. The values for the Dynamic PAT Test Number, Static PAT Test Number, and Base PAT Test Number are computed by adding the test number specified by the pin group test to the product of the zero-based index of the pin in the pin group and the value of TestNumberOffsetForPinGroupTests.
- AllowExecutionWithDefaultSettingValues—Indicates whether TSM executes a test program that does not include any PAT algorithm settings. TSM uses this setting only when no PAT algorithm settings exist in the test program. When this setting is True, TSM uses the default values for PAT algorithm settings stored in the FileGlobals.PartAverageTestingAlgorithmDescription.AlgorithmSettings property in the PAT callback sequence file. When this setting is False, TSM reports a run-time error.
- EnablePerformPartAverageTestingStep —Enables the Perform Part Average Testing step in the PAT algorithm. By default, this setting is False and the Perform Part Average Testing step is disabled.
StepSettingsPaneUI—Contains Boolean properties that specify which of the following columns to display on the Part Average Testing tab of the Semiconductor Multi Test step.
- EnableBaseTestNumberColumn—Specifies whether the PAT Base Test Number column is visible.
- EnableDynamicEnableColumn—Specifies whether the Enable Dynamic PAT column is visible.
- EnableDynamicTestNumberColumn—Specifies whether the Dynamic PAT Test Number column is visible.
- EnableDynamicTestNameColumn—Specifies whether the Dynamic PAT Test Name column is visible.
- EnableDynamicSoftwareBinColumn—Specifies whether the Dynamic PAT Software Bin column is visible.
- EnableDynamicLowLimitColumn—Specifies whether the Dynamic PAT Low Limit column is visible.
- EnableDynamicHighLimitColumn—Specifies whether the Dynamic PAT High Limit column is visible.
- EnableStaticEnableColumn—Specifies whether the Enable Static PAT column is visible.
- EnableStaticTestNumberColumn—Specifies whether the Static PAT Test Number column is visible.
- EnableStaticTestNameColumn—Specifies whether the Static PAT Test Name column is visible.
- EnableStaticSoftwareBinColumn—Specifies whether the Static PAT Software Bin column is visible.