NI_SemiconductorModule_LotSettings Data Type

The NI_SemiconductorModule_LotSettings data type defines the properties for each instance of the LotSettings sequence parameter, which the test program can access.

TSM obtains the values for the NI_SemiconductorModule_LotSettings data type from the ConfigureLotSettings and GetLotSettings callback sequences. The NI_SemiconductorModule_LotSettings data type contains the following properties:

  • Standard—An instance of the NI_SemiconductorModule_StandardLotSettings data type. This property contains the standard lot settings TSM recognizes.
  • Custom—An instance of the NI_SemiconductorModule_CustomLotSettings data type. By default, this property is an empty container. You can add properties to the NI_SemiconductorModule_CustomLotSettings data type to add custom lot settings that appear in this container.
  • CustomTestConditions—An empty container. TSM adds properties to this container at run time that match the custom test conditions in the active test program configuration.