Semiconductor Multi Test Part Average Testing Tab

When a part average testing (PAT) callbacks sequence file exists in the <TestStand Public>\Components\Callbacks\NI_SemiconductorModule directory, the Part Average Testing tab contains a table that lists PAT settings for the tests the step performs.

Entering Data

You can enter data in the table in the following ways:

  • Enter data when a cell is highlighted.
  • Click in a cell when it is highlighted.
  • Double-click a cell.
  • Select a value from a drop-down menu.
  • Drag a variable or property from the Variables pane to a text or expression cell.

Copying and Pasting Data

You can copy and paste data in the Tests table in the following ways:

  • Press <Ctrl-C> to copy the contents of selected table rows, columns, or cells to the clipboard.
  • Press <Ctrl-V> to insert data from the clipboard into the table starting from the top left selected cell. If the number of rows of data on the clipboard is greater than the number of tests in the Tests table, the paste command adds new tests to the step to match the clipboard data.
  • You can copy data to tests on the same Semiconductor Multi Test or Semiconductor Sequence Call step, to tests on other Semiconductor Multi Test or Semiconductor Sequence Call steps, or to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
  • When you modify the data in Excel and paste it back to a Semiconductor Multi Test or Semiconductor Sequence Call step, the step returns an error if the modified data is invalid for a test.


The Part Average Testing table contains the following columns:

  • The current PAT environment settings determine which of the following columns are visible.
  • Part average testing is available only for tests with a Numeric Limit evaluation type.
  • Test Number—The read-only test number for the test to which the PAT settings apply. This column is always visible.
  • Test Name—The read-only test name of the test to which the PAT settings apply. This column is always visible.
  • PAT Base Test Number—A base test number a PAT algorithm can use to automatically generate PAT test numbers. PAT plug-ins that use this setting typically hide and ignore the Dynamic PAT Test Number and Static PAT Test Number settings.
  • Enable Dynamic PAT—Enables dynamic part average testing for the test and enables editing of the other dynamic PAT settings for the test. When this setting is enabled, TSM automatically generates a PAT test associated with the test. The PAT algorithm customizes, assigns limits to, and performs the dynamic PAT tests after all other tests in the MainSequence sequence complete or during the execution of a Perform Part Average Testing step.
  • Dynamic PAT Test Number—The test number for the dynamic PAT test. This setting is available only when Enable Dynamic PAT is enabled.
  • Dynamic PAT Test Name—The test name for the dynamic PAT test. This setting is available only when Enable Dynamic PAT is enabled.
  • Dynamic PAT Software Bin—The software bin for the dynamic PAT test. This bin must be a valid fail bin defined in the bin definitions file. This setting is available only when Enable Dynamic PAT is enabled.
  • Dynamic PAT Low Limit—The low limit for the dynamic PAT test specified in standard deviations from the mean. A typical PAT algorithm uses this setting to convert the test measurement data to standard deviations before performing the PAT test. This setting is available only when Enable Dynamic PAT is enabled.
  • Dynamic PAT High Limit—The high limit for the dynamic PAT test specified in standard deviations from the mean. A typical PAT algorithm uses this setting to convert the test measurement data to standard deviations before performing the PAT test. This setting is available only when Enable Dynamic PAT is enabled.
  • Enable Static PAT—Enables static part average testing for the test and enables editing of the other static PAT settings for the test. When this setting is enabled, TSM automatically generates a static PAT test associated with the test. The PAT algorithm obtains static PAT limits, sets the limits on the static PAT tests, and performs the static PAT tests after all other tests in the MainSequence sequence complete or when a Perform Part Average Testing step executes.
  • Static PAT Test Number—The test number for the static PAT test. This setting is available only when Enable Static PAT is enabled.
  • Static PAT Test Name—The test name for the static PAT test. This setting is available only when Enable Static PAT is enabled.
  • Static PAT Software Bin—The software bin for the static PAT test. This bin must be a valid fail bin defined in the bin definitions file. This setting is available only when Enable Static PAT is enabled.