Measuring Performance (TSM)

You can use TSM, LabVIEW, and TestStand tools to measure execution times so you can determine how changes you make affect performance.


During the test program development phase, you can use built-in TSM tools to measure test program performance and then analyze the resulting data with the Test Program Performance Analyzer. Some common use cases include identifying the slowest test times, identifying low parallel test efficiency (PTE) values, and displaying the overall socket time and the calculated PTE value for each site configuration.

One way to measure overall performance of the test system is to test a number of DUTs using the TSM operator interface and study the values of the Socket Time and Cycle Time controls. The socket time primarily corresponds to the time it takes to perform test code. The cycle time includes the socket time and the time required to perform other tasks, such as binning, placing DUTs, and generating reports.

When you measure performance, test enough DUTs to obtain consistent results and minimize the number of processes running simultaneously that could affect the performance of the TSM operator interface. The first batch in a lot typically takes longer to load than the following batches because you must also load resources.

Note Executing a test program in a TSM operator interface is typically faster than executing the test program in the TestStand Sequence Editor development environment.


Use the following tools to help analyze the performance of VIs:

  • LabVIEW VI Analyzer—A static code analyzer that identifies potential performance problems.
  • LabVIEW Desktop Execution Trace Toolkit—Performs dynamic code analysis to identify problems that might negatively affect performance, such as memory leaks and reference leaks.
  • Profile Performance and Memory window—Built-in LabVIEW tool that determines how an individual VI spends time and how the VI uses memory. Complete the following steps to use the Profile Performance and Memory window:
    1. Configure the TestStand LabVIEW Adapter to execute VIs in the LabVIEW Development System process.
    2. Open the LabVIEW project that contains the VIs you want to analyze.
    3. Select Tools » Profile » Performance and Memory to launch the Profile Performance and Memory window.
    4. Click the Start button to begin collecting performance data.
    5. Use the TSM operator interface to test a number of DUTs to execute VIs you want to profile multiple times.
    6. Click the Snapshot button in the Profile Performance and Memory window to acquire execution time data for the VIs.


During test program development, use the Execution Profiler to view and record duration the of steps, code modules, and other resources a multithreaded TestStand system uses over a period of time. For example, you can identify parts of the test program that take longest to execute or identify what shared tester resources cause throughput bottlenecks.

You can also use the Model Plug-in - Basic Step Time Report example tool to measure step execution times. The example includes a sample report generator that generates a report in Microsoft Excel format that includes time data for individual steps. Use the TestStand Execution Profiler to measure execution times of steps and code modules.