Measuring and Publishing Values in Offline Mode (TSM)

Note Although simulated instruments behave as closely as possible to real instruments, measurements and data differ in Offline Mode. Additionally, custom code that processes results, test time performance, instrument functionality, and error reporting might differ in Offline Mode and can result in different behavior of the test program.

Complete the following step to measure and publish values in Offline Mode:

Launch your test program in the TestStand Sequence Editor and enable Offline Mode.
  1. Select one of the following options from the Offline Mode Data Option drop-down menu on the Options tab.
    Use Passing Values (Default) TSM uses passing values and ignores the values the test code module publishes.

    For Numeric Limit tests with limits, TSM uses the average of the limits. For Numeric Limit tests without limits, TSM logs 0. For Pass/Fail tests, TSM uses the value True.

    Use Published Values TSM uses the values the test code module publishes.
    Use SimulatedData Property TSM uses the values you specify in the SimulatedDataUsageType property for each test.
  2. If you select Use SimulatedData Property, specify a single value for all sites and how to specify values per site for a test.
    Type of Test Single Value for All Sites Specific Value Per Site
    Numeric Limit
    1. Set the Step.Result.Evaluations[i].NumericLimit.SimulatedData.SimulatedDataUsageType property to AllSites.
    2. Specify the value you want to use in the Step.Result.Evaluations[i].NumericLimit.SimulatedData.AllSites property.
    1. Set the Step.Result.Evaluations[i].NumericLimit.SimulatedData.SimulatedDataUsageType property to PerSite.
    2. Specify the values you want to use in the Step.Result.Evaluations[i].NumericLimit.SimulatedData.PerSite property.
    1. Set the Step.Result.Evaluations[i].PassFail.SimulatedData.SimulatedDataUsageType property to AllSites.
    2. Specify the value you want to use in the Step.Result.Evaluations[i].PassFail.SimulatedData.AllSites property.
    1. Set the Result.Evaluations[i].PassFail.SimulatedData.SimulatedDataUsageType property to PerSite.
    2. Specify the values you want to use in the Result.Evaluations[i].PassFail.SimulatedData.PerSite property.
You can view the published values in data logs and reports.

Data Logs and Reports in Offline Mode

The following table lists how data logs and reports include the state of Offline Mode to indicate that the file includes real or simulated data.

File Implementation
STDF log file NIDTR:<OfflineMode>Disabled</OfflineMode> NIDTR:<OfflineMode>Enabled</OfflineMode>
Lot Summary Report Offline Mode entry in lot description header
Debug Test Results Log Offline Mode entry in header
Test Program Performance Analyzer summary log file Offline Mode entry
Note The CSV Test Results Log does not include the state of Offline Mode.