Editing Test Limits Files in the Test Limits Editor (TSM)

Use the TSM Test Limits Editor to view, compare, and modify your test limits files.

Introduced in TSM 2024 Q3.1

Before you begin, add the test limits files to the test program.
  1. Open your test program and navigate to Semiconductor Module » Edit Test Program: <filename>.
    TSM launches the Test Program Editor for your sequence file.
  2. In the Test Program Editor, click Test Limits Files.
    TSM opens the Test Limits Files panel that lists test limits files. If the test program has a base test limits file assigned, TSM lists the base limits file first.
  3. Optional: To designate a different base test limits file, click Assign as base test limits file next to the file name.
  4. To remove a base test limits file designation, click Unassign as base test limits file next to the file name.
  5. In the Test Limits Files panel, click Open file for edit next to the test limits file you want to edit.
    TSM opens the test limits file in the Test Limits Editor.
  6. In the Test Limits Editor, you can toggle between test limits files or select multiple test limits files to compare.
    When you select multiple files, TSM appends the test limits file name to the column name for most columns. The following columns cannot differ among the files. Therefore, these columns do not have the file name appended to the column name.
    • <SequenceName>
    • <StepName>
    • <StepId>
    • <TestName>
    • <TestNumber>
    • <ScalingFactor>
    • <Units>
  7. Click to select the columns you want to hide or see.
  8. Review the values to understand their source.
    TSM indicates the source of each value by formatting the text. Use the following table to understand where each test limit value comes from.
    Table 1. Understanding Text Formats in the Test Limits Editor
    Text FormatNotes
    PlainThe value is present in the test limits file listed in the column name.

    The value is not overriding any value.

    TSM always formats values in the base test limits file as plain text.

    BoldThe value is present in the test limits file listed in the column name.

    The value is overriding the value in the base file.

    TSM uses this formatting only when the test program has an assigned base test limits file.

    GrayThe value is not present in the test limits file listed in the column name.

    The value is inherited from the base file.

    TSM uses this formatting only when the test program has an assigned base test limits file.

  9. Edit the values based on your goal.
    Goal Task
    Change a value. Enter a new value in the corresponding cell.
    Use a value from the base test limits file. Delete the corresponding value in the column of the non-base file.
    Override a value in the base test limits file with a blank. Type <blank> as the corresponding value in the column of the non-base file.
  10. Optional: You can add rows with additional test limits or delete rows.
  11. Click Save and Close.
The Test Limits Editor saves the edited test limits files.
Note The Test Limits Editor does not update the test program. If you made one of the following changes, you must manually update the test program to match your changes.
  • Modified the values of any ID-related fields such as <StepName> or <TestName>
  • Added or deleted rows
To import a test limits file you edited into your test program, navigate to Semiconductor Module » Import Test Limits into <filename> and select the test limits file.