Alarms Panel

When you open the Alarms panel, TSM checks the pin map and queries each instrument driver to determine which alarms the instrument supports. The Alarms panel lists the pins connected to instruments with alarms support and the supported alarm types for each pin. Use this panel to enable alarms and specify the run-time behavior for each pin and alarm combination. When a test runs, TSM checks for alarms after each test step and executes the behavior you specified.

The Alarms panel contains the following options:

  • Alarms enabled—Specifies whether alarms are enabled. Enable alarms if you want TSM to check for alarms after each step and execute the action specified in the Behavior column. Test times may increase when you enable alarms.
    Note Code modules can temporarily disable and re-enable alarms for specific pins using the TSM Code Module API.
  • Pin—Specifies the pin.
  • Alarm Type—Specifies the type of alarm.

    Refer to Using Alarms to Report Error Conditions at Runtime for information about supported alarm types.

  • Behavior—Specifies the action that TSM will execute if the alarm is raised. When you enable alarms and specify Log, Fail step and any tests in step, or Error step and bin part to alarm bin in the Behavior drop-down menu, TSM displays a warning in the Output pane for each raised alarm. Select one of the following behaviors:
    • Ignore—Ignore the alarm.
    • Log—Log the alarm in the STDF Log file. TSM logs alarm information in the following STDF Log file records based on the test result data acquired:
      • Parametric Test Records (PTR) or Functional Test Records (FTR)—Logs the alarm type and associated pin in the ALARM_ID field.
      • Datalog Text Record (DTR)—Creates a new record for each alarm occurrence and displays the alarm type and associated pin.
      • Test Results Record (TSR)—Increments the alarm count stored in the ALRM_CNT field.
    • Fail step and any tests in step—Set the step status to Failed and assign the default fail bin to the DUT.
      Note If the test is part of a Semiconductor Multi Test step, all tests in the step are set to Failed and the fail bin you specified for the Semiconductor Multi Test step is assigned to the DUT. If no bin is specified, the default fail bin is assigned to the DUT.
    • Error step and bin part to alarm bin—Set the step status to Error and generate a run-time error. If executing in the sequence editor, TSM will launch the Semiconductor Module Run-Time Error dialog box. The alarm bin you specified in the bin definitions file for the test program is assigned to the DUT.
      Note If the test is part of a Semiconductor Multi Test step, all tests in the step are set to Failed.