Accessing Station Settings from a Test Program (TSM)
- Updated2025-01-22
- 3 minute(s) read
Accessing Station Settings from a Test Program (TSM)
Use the Get Test Information step to access standard and custom station settings in a test program sequence file.
The following table lists the properties of the NI_SemiconductorModule_StandardStationSettings data type, the fields of the Master Information Record (MIR) or Site Description Record (SDR) of the Standard Test Data Format (STDF) version 4 specification that the STDF Log result processing plug-in sets using the properties, or other purpose of each property.
Property Name | Corresponding STDF Record Field or Other Purpose |
AllowMorePinMapSitesThanTestSockets | Specifies whether TSM runs a test program with a pin map with more sites than the number of test sockets configured in the model options. If you disable this option, TSM reports a run-time error if the pin map has more sites than test sockets. |
AllowFewerPinMapSitesThanTestSockets | Specifies whether TSM runs a test program with a pin map with fewer sites than the number of test sockets configured in the model options. If you disable this option, TSM reports a run-time error if the pin map has fewer sites than test sockets. |
AvailableSiteNumbers | Specifies which site numbers from a pin map for a test program to use when running the test program. Other sites in the pin map are ignored. For example, you can set this property to disable specific sites or to use the particular connections of a pin map that match the DIB for the test station. If you leave this array empty, TSM uses the first N sites in the pin map, where N is the number of available test sockets in the station model up to the total number of sites in the pin map. The default Configure Lot Settings dialog box sets this property based on the Enabled Sites control. |
DIBBoardId | SDR: DIB_ID |
DIBBoardType | SDR: DIB_TYP |
ExtraEquipmentId | SDR: EXTR_ID |
ExtraEquipmentType | SDR: EXTR_TYP |
GenerateUniquePartIds | Specifies whether TSM generates unique values for the PartId field of Part
Results Records (PRRs) of the STDF log file. Set this value to False to generate
unique PartId values using a custom algorithm you implement. When the GenerateUniquePartIds property is True, TSM reassigns the same unique Part ID to the part when it is retested. Complete the following steps to assign a new unique Part ID to a part when it is retested:
HandlerContactorId | SDR: CONT_ID |
HandlerContactorType | SDR: CONT_TYP |
HandlerDriverSequenceFilePath | Stores the absolute path and sequence filename of the real or simulated handler/prober driver. When the value of the HandlerMode property is 0, TSM does not use this property. |
HandlerId | SDR: HAND_ID |
HandlerMode | Stores the current handler/prober mode. |
HandlerType | SDR: HAND_TYP (Default value depends on the handler/prober mode. It is the handler/prober driver sequence filename or "No Handler" or "Simulated Handler".) |
InlineQAEnabled | Specifies whether you enabled inline QA. |
InlineQAAlgorithmSequenceFilePath | Stores the absolute path of the inline QA algorithm sequence file. |
InterfaceCableId | SDR: CABL_ID |
InterfaceCableType | SDR: CABL_TYP |
LaserId | SDR: LASR_ID |
LaserType | SDR: LASR_TYP |
LoadBoardId | SDR: LOAD_ID |
LoadBoardType | SDR: LOAD_TYP |
NodeName | MIR: NODE_NAM (Default value is the TestStand Station ID.) |
PartCountWindowSize | Specifies the number of part test results tracked per site. The site status indicators in the default operator interface display the results of the last n parts, where this option specifies n. |
TimeStatisticsWindowSize | Specifies the number of parts used to compute the average cycle time displayed in the default operator interface. Use a negative value to use the default, which is 10 *n, where n is the number of sites. Use a value of 0 to use the cycle time of all tested parts. Regardless of the setting value, TSM never includes the cycle time of the first part in the average. |
OfflineMode | Specifies whether Offline Mode is enabled, which allows you to develop, run, and debug test programs only on a computer without access to NI instruments. |
ProbeCardId | SDR: CARD_ID |
ProbeCardType | SDR: CARD_TYP |
StationNumber | MIR: STAT_NUM |
TesterSerialNumber | MIR: SERL_NUM |
TesterType | MIR: TSTR_TYP (Default value is "National Instruments".) |
TestFacilityId | MIR: FACIL_ID |
TestFloorId | MIR: FLOOR_ID |