
Use these constants to specify subproperty names for additional OutputMessage information stored in resource usage output messages.

  • OutputMessageSubProperty_BatchType –(Value: "ResourceUsage.BatchType") This numeric property exists only for batch synchronization operations. The value is the numeric value of the BatchSyncType enumeration that identifies the section type.
  • OutputMessageSubProperty_ExecutionDisplayName –(Value: "ResourceUsage.ExecutionDisplayName") When this string property exists, it indicates the display name of the execution that initiated the synchronization operation.
  • OutputMessageSubProperty_ExecutionId –(Value: "ResourceUsage.ExecutionId") When this numeric property exists, it indicates the ID of the execution that initiated the synchronization operation.
  • OutputMessageSubProperty_FromProcessModel –(Value: "ResourceUsage.FromProcessModel") When the OutputMessage describes a resource usage synchronization state that occurs in a process model file, this Boolean subproperty is True . Otherwise, this subproperty does not exist. This property does not necessarily exist for SyncState_Completed synchronization states that occur in process models.
  • OutputMessageSubProperty_Operation –(Value: "ResourceUsage.Operation") This string property identifies the synchronization operation that generated the OutputMessage .
  • OutputMessageSubProperty_ResourceAlternativeIndex –(Value: "ResourceUsage.ResourceAlternativeIndex") When the OutputMessage describes a resource usage synchronization state of SyncState_InUse for a Use Auto Scheduled Resource step and the step is configured for multiple resource alternatives, this numeric property indicates the zero-based index of the acquired resource alternative. This string property does not exist for all other resource usage synchronization states.
  • OutputMessageSubProperty_ResourceName –(Value: "ResourceUsage.ResourceName") The string subproperty in which the SyncManager.LogAction method stores the name of the resource.
  • OutputMessageSubProperty_SocketCount –(Value: "ResourceUsage.TestSockets.Count") The numeric subproperty in which the SyncManager.LogAction method stores the number of test sockets.
  • OutputMessageSubProperty_SocketIndex –(Value: "ResourceUsage.TestSockets.MyIndex") The numeric subproperty in which the SyncManager.LogAction method stores the Test Socket index of the thread that performs the resource action.
  • OutputMessageSubProperty_SynchronizationMechanism –(Value: "SynchronizationMechanism") This string property identifies the synchronization mechanism that generated the OutputMessage .
  • OutputMessageSubProperty_SynchronizationState –(Value: "ResourceUsage.SynchronizationState") The numeric subproperty in which the SyncManager.LogAction method stores the synchronization state type.
  • OutputMessageSubProperty_ThreadDisplayName –(Value: "ResourceUsage.ThreadDisplayName") When this string property exists, it indicates the display name of the thread that initiated the synchronization operation.
  • OutputMessageSubProperty_ThreadId –(Value: "ResourceUsage.ThreadId") Stores a string that contains the unique thread ID string for the thread that initiated the synchronization action.
  • OutputMessageSubProperty_TimeoutPeriod –(Value: "ResourceUsage.TimeoutPeriod") The numeric subproperty in which the SyncManager.LogAction method stores the timeout period for a synchronization state of SyncState_Blocked . For other synchronization state types, this subproperty does not exist.
  • OutputMessageSubProperty_UseResourceStepDescription –(Value: "ResourceUsage.UseResourceStepDescription") When the OutputMessage describes a resource usage action of the SyncState_InUse type for a Use Auto Scheduled Resource step, this string subproperty indicates the display description of the step.

See Also



