Version Tab - Type Properties Dialog Box

Version Tab

The Version tab contains the following options:

  • Version —Edits the type version number. When you edit a type, you can increment the version number so TestStand does not prompt users to resolve the conflict between the revised type and older versions of the type that might exist in other files. When TestStand loads a file that contains a different version of a type than a currently loaded type, TestStand resolves the conflict by automatically using the type with the highest version number.
  • Modified —Indicates you have edited the type since you last set the version number. If the type no longer corresponds to the version number you assigned, TestStand always prompts the user to resolve a conflict between the type and a differing definition of the type in another file if either type indicates it is modified. Disable this control to inform TestStand that the version number is correct for the current state of the type.
  • Always prompt the user to resolve the conflict —Specifies whether TestStand ignores version numbers and always prompts the user to resolve conflicts between type definitions that differ.
  • Use the definition that has the highest version number —Specifies whether TestStand automatically uses the type with the highest version number when it encounters type definitions that differ and when the Allow Automatic Type Conflict Resolution option on the File tab of the Station Options dialog box does not restrict automatic type conflict resolution in the current situation.
  • TestStand Version That Last Modified this Type —The version of the TestStand Engine that last modified the type.
  • Set Earliest TestStand Version that can Use this Type —Prevents the TestStand Engine from using the type when the version of the engine is earlier than the TestStand version you specify. When you enable this option and an earlier version of the engine attempts to load the type, TestStand ignores the type and loads the file only when an earlier version of the type already exists in memory. If you do not specify the earliest TestStand version that can use a type and you set the Allow Automatic Type Conflict Resolution option on the File tab of the Station Options dialog box to Always, future versions of a type might propagate into type palette files and sequence files that run in the previous TestStand version.

See Also

Station Options dialog box