Variables Pane - Sequence File Window

Variables Pane

Parameters Section

Sequences can have steps that call other sequences. A sequence can also have parameters so you can pass values to it and retrieve values from it.

When you pass parameters by reference, updates to the object the parameter references affect the object passed as a parameter.

Note When you pass an array to a sequence, the Sequence Adapter does not alter the array bounds. For example, if a sequence defines a parameter with bounds [ 0..2 ] and a Sequence Call step passes an array with bounds [ 3..5 ], the called sequence must access the array with bound [ 3..5 ], not [ 0..2 ].

Lifetime of Parameters

Multiple instances of a sequence can run at the same time. Often this occurs when you call a sequence recursively or when a sequence runs in multiple concurrent threads. Each instance of the sequence has a copy of the sequence parameters. When a sequence completes, TestStand discards the values of the parameters.

See Also

Creating Data Type Instances from Context Menus

Parameters Context Menu