Synchronization Tab - Sequence File Properties Dialog Box

Synchronization Tab

The Synchronization tab contains the following options:

  • Batch Synchronization —A batch synchronization setting for the sequence file. The batch synchronization setting applies to each step in the sequence file that specifies the Use sequence file setting batch synchronization option, which is the default for all TestStand step types. TestStand supports the following settings:
    • Use model setting —Steps use the batch synchronization setting in the Sequence File Properties dialog box for the process model. New sequences specify this setting by default.
    • No synchronization —Batch synchronization is not used for steps.
    • Serial (one thread at a time) —Steps use a Serial section to ensure that each thread in the batch executes each step sequentially and in the order you specify when you create the batch. When all threads in a batch arrive at a step, TestStand release one thread at a time in ascending order according to the order number you assign to the threads when you add them to the batch using the Batch Specification step type. As each thread executes the step, the next thread in the batch executes the step. After all threads in the batch execute the step, they continue to the next step.
    • Parallel (all threads enter simultaneously) —TestStand releases all the threads simultaneously when all threads in the batch arrive at their respective instances of a step. Each thread blocks after executing the step until all threads continue together.
    • One thread only (first thread executes step, remaining threads skip) —Only one thread in the batch executes a step. Typically, you use this type of section to perform an operation that applies to the batch as a whole, such as raising the temperature in a test chamber. When all threads in a batch arrive at their respective instances of the step, TestStand releases only the thread with the lowest order number. When that thread executes the step, all remaining threads in the batch skip the step. The threads in the batch then continue together.

See Also

Sequence File Properties dialog box