Steps Pane - Sequence File Window

Steps Pane

The toolbar contains the following buttons:

Command Name Shortcut Icon Description
Test UUTs <F5> Initiates an execution using the active sequence file as the client sequence file for the Test UUTs Execution entry point in the process model.
Single Pass <Ctrl+F5> Initiates an execution using the active sequence file as the client sequence file for the Single Pass Execution entry point in the process model.
Run < Sequence > Initiates an execution of the active sequence without using a process model.
Analyze < file or project name > Starts analysis. If the Current Sequence Analyzer Project window is active, the TestStand Sequence Analyzer analyzes the project. If a sequence file or workspace file is active, the sequence analyzer analyzes the sequence file or workspace file using the rules and settings from the current sequence analyzer project.

When the sequence file is running, the toolbar displays the following buttons:

Command Name Shortcut Icon Description
Resume All Continues any suspended execution.
Break All Suspends all executions. A running execution only suspends after completing the currently executing step.
Terminate All Terminates all running or suspended executions. A running execution only terminates after completing the currently executing step. When you terminate an execution, TestStand runs the Cleanup step groups for all active sequences on the call stack.

The Setup, Main, and Cleanup groups of the Steps pane display a list of the steps in the step group. This list is called the step list. The step list contains the following default columns:

  • Step —Displays the name of the step and the step icon. Click to the left of the step icon to toggle the breakpoint for the step. If you add a comment for a step, the comment appears in light text above the step name.

    You can distinguish between step types on the Steps pane according to the colors the icons use. The following table lists the color corresponding to each step type:

    Step Type Color
    Test Magenta
    Action Green
    Sequence Call Blue
    Label Purple
    Flow Control Brown
    Other Green
  • Description —Displays a description of the step that varies according to the type of step and the adapter with which it was created.
  • Settings —Displays the properties of the step that contain non-default values. Use the Step Settings pane to specify step settings.

You can insert new steps in a sequence by dragging and dropping one or more files on to the Steps pane. TestStand inserts Action steps for the files you select and selects the corresponding module adapter. TestStand sets the module path to the name of the file if the file resides in the TestStand search directories. Otherwise, TestStand sets the module path to the absolute path of the file.

By default, the Step Settings pane contains the following view configurations: <Default> , Requirements , and Large . Use the Step List Configurations context menu in the Steps pane to select the configuration the Steps pane uses to display step details. Use the Edit Step List Configurations dialog box to create and modify layouts and settings for the Steps pane.

Note The default font for the Large configuration does not support multi-byte characters. You can change the font for the configuration using the Edit Step List Configurations dialog box.

See Also

Edit Step List Configurations dialog box

Steps Pane Context Menu

Step Settings pane