Report File Pathname Tab - Report Options Dialog Box
- Updated2024-10-09
- 4 minute(s) read
Report File Pathname Tab - Report Options Dialog Box
Report File Pathname Tab
You can specify a fixed pathname to use for all report files or you can specify options the report generator uses to generate report file pathnames. The Report File Pathname tab of the Report Options dialog box contains a Generate Report File Path section, which provides a graphical indicator to illustrate how the options you select affect the names and contents of the report files.
The controls located on the Report File Pathname tab vary according to the process model you use. The Report File Pathname tab contains the following options:
- Specify Fixed Report File Path —When you enable this option, TestStand automatically enables the Report File Path control, in which you can specify a pathname that applies to all report files. You must specify an absolute pathname. Each report file the report generator creates overwrites the previous report file unless you enable the Append if File Already Exists option on the Contents tab.
Generate Report File Path
—When you enable this option, you enable controls in which you can specify how the process model builds a pathname for report files.
Note Using NI DataFinder to index TestStand report files in directories to which TestStand writes report files can lead to report generation errors in TestStand because of file access contention issues. Refer to the Using NI DataFinder with TestStand topic for information about how to avoid these issues.
- Type of Model —Specify Sequential , Batch , or Parallel to determine which report options to display. If you create a custom process model based on the default TestStand process model and you do not modify the default report settings in the process model sequence file , the custom process model uses the report options defined by the process model type.
- Use Temporary File —Enables the control in which you set the pathname for a temporary report file. TestStand deletes the file when you exit the TestStand Sequence Editor or a TestStand User Interface . Enable this option when you do not want to save the test report.
File/Directory Options
—The directory and the file in which the report generator writes the report file. The following options are available in the ring control:
- Client Sequence File Directory —The directory that contains the client sequence file. For example, if you select Test UUTs from the Execute menu when the d:\Tests\MySeqs\Seq2.seq sequence file is active, the process model writes the report file in the d:\Tests\MySeqs directory.
- <TestStand Temp Directory>\Reports\ —The TestStand Temp Directory is a subdirectory named TestStand in the directory the TEMP environment variable specifies, which by default is %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp on Microsoft Windows 10/8.1/7.
- Specific Directory —The directory you specify in the string control that appears under the ring control. You must enter an absolute path in the string control.
- Specify Report File Path by Expression —A TestStand expression that specifies the report file path . Use the ring control to view a list of predefined macros, such as $(ClientFileName) , $(UUTStatus) , $(FileDate) , and $(FileTime) .
Note The following options are not available when you enable the Specify Report File Path by Expression option. You can substitute functionality for these options. - Base Name —The base name for the report filename. Depending on the settings for other options, the report generator might add text to the base name. Do not include a file extension in this control.
- Batch Base Name —The base name for the batch report filename. Depending on the settings for other options, the report generator might add text to the batch base name. Do not include a file extension in this control. This control is available only when you use the Batch process model.
- Prefix Sequence File Name to Report File Name —Adds the base name of the client sequence file to the beginning of the name you specify in the Base Name control. For example, if the client filename is auto.seq and you enter report in the Base Name control, TestStand names an HTML version of the report auto_report.html .
- Add Time and Date to File Name —Appends a string containing the current time and date in localized format to the base name of the report file. For example, auto_report.html becomes auto_report[12 47 54 PM][6 24 99].html . Select Append Time First , Append Date First , Time Only , or Date Only from the ring control to specify how the time and date append to the filename.
- Force File Name to be Unique —Appends a unique numeric value to the report filename if the file already exists. For example, auto_report.html becomes auto_report_00002.html .
- Use Standard Extension for Report Format —TestStand applies the file format extension that corresponds to the report format you specify on the Contents tab of this dialog box. Otherwise, you can enter a file format extension, such as doc in the Extension control. Notice that you do not include the dot character in the entry.
- New UUT Report File for Each UUT —Appends a string containing the current UUT serial number to the base name of the report file. For example, uut_report.html becomes uut_report[SN000001].html . This setting is not available when you select Store UUT Report in Batch Report File.
- New UUT Report File for Each Batch —Appends a string containing the batch serial number to the base name of the report file. For example, uut_report.html becomes uut_report[B10].html . This setting is not available when you select Store UUT Report in Batch Report File.
- New UUT Report File for Each Test Socket —Appends a string containing the test socket number to the base name of the report file. For example, auto_report.html becomes uut_report[0].html . This setting is not available when you select Store UUT Report in Batch Report File.
- New Batch Report File for Each Batch —Appends a string containing the batch serial number to the base name of the report file. For example, batch_report.html becomes batch_report[B10].html .
- Store UUT Report in Batch Report File —Stores UUT reports in the same file as the batch report. This control is available only when you use the Batch process model.