Model Tab - Sequence Properties Dialog Box

Model Tab

The Model tab contains the following options:

  • Type —Lists the different types of sequences a process model file can contain. The following are the different types of sequences:
    • Normal —Any sequence other than a callback sequence or entry point. When you select this option, nothing else appears on the Model tab.
    • Callback —Model callbacks are sequences entry point sequences call and the client sequence file can override. When you select this option, the following control is visible:
      • Copy Steps and Local Variables When Creating an Overriding Sequence —Determines the behavior of TestStand when you click Add in the Sequence File Callbacks dialog box to create an overriding sequence in the client file. When you enable this option, TestStand copies all the steps and local variables in the callback sequence in the model file to the callback sequence you create in the client file. TestStand always copies the sequence parameters regardless of the option setting.
    • Execution Entry Point and Configuration Entry Point —Each entry point is a sequence in the process model file that invokes a test sequence file from the menus in the TestStand Sequence Editor or a TestStand User Interface . When you select either of these entry points, the following controls appear on the Model tab:
      • Entry Point Name Expression —A string expression for the menu item name of the entry point. If you specify a literal string for the menu item name, you must enclose it in double quotation marks. To store the name in a string resource file , use the ResStr expression function to retrieve the name from the file.
      • Entry Point Enabled Expression —A Boolean expression TestStand evaluates to determine whether to enable the menu item for the entry point. If the expression evaluates to False , TestStand dims the entry point in the menu. If the expression is empty, the entry point in the menu.
      • Menu Hint —A menu for the entry point. If you leave the Menu Hint control empty, TestStand uses the default menu for the entry point type. To specify the menu for the entry point, select one of the following options from the ring control: File , Edit , View , Execute , Debug , Configure , Window , and Help .

        You can enter one or more names directly in the control. If you specify multiple names, you must separate them with commas. TestStand uses the first menu name in the list it can find in the user interface. This option is useful when you use multiple user interfaces that have different menu names. If TestStand cannot find any menus in the user interface with the names you list in the control, it uses the default menu for the entry point type.

      • Allow Interactive Execution of Entry Point —When you enable this option, you can invoke the entry point for steps you run interactively.
      • Entry Point Ignores Client File —Prevents the sequence from using the client file. This option prevents TestStand from preloading the client sequence file when you run the entry point, even if the client sequence file is set to preload when execution begins. For example, the Configure Result Processing entry point uses this option so the Configure»Result Processing command is available for you to use even when TestStand is unable to preload the modules in the active sequence file.
        Note If you are using the equivalent legacy TestStand 2010 process models, the Configure Report Options entry point uses this option so the Configure»Report Options command is available for you to use even when TestStand is unable to preload the modules in the active sequence file.

        When you run the entry point, TestStand uses the callback implementations in the model file regardless of whether the client file overrides them.

      • Hide Entry Point Execution —Prevents TestStand from displaying an Execution window for the execution of the entry point. When you enable this option, you do not see a window for the execution unless a run-time error or breakpoint occurs.
      • Save Modified Sequence Files Before Execution —Causes TestStand to save the contents of windows to disk when you invoke the entry point. If this option is enabled when you run the entry point, TestStand checks all windows that have pathnames. When one or more windows have changes you have not yet saved, TestStand prompts you to save the changes. When you click Yes , TestStand saves the files.
      • Show Entry Point Only in Editor —Causes the entry point to only appear in the sequence editor and not in the user interfaces.
      • Show Entry Point for All Windows —Causes the entry point to appear in the menu regardless of the type of currently active window, if any. For example, because the Configure Result Processing entry point configures the result processing options for the model and has no client-specific effects, you might want to access it from any window or even when no window is active. When you enable this option, TestStand dims the remaining two options.
        Note If you are using the equivalent legacy TestStand 2010 process models, the Configure Report Options entry point configures the report options for the model and has no client-specific effects, you might want to access it from any window or even when no window is active. When you enable this option, TestStand dims the remaining two options.
      • Show Entry Point when Client File Window is Active —Causes the entry point to appear in the menu when a Sequence File window is the active window. For example, the Execution entry points appear in the Execute menu only when a sequence file is active.
      • Show Entry Point when Execution Window is Active —Causes the entry point to appear in the menu when an Execution window is the active window.

See Also

Sequence File Callbacks dialog box