LabWindows/CVI Adapter Configuration Dialog Box

Select Configure»Adapters , select the LabWindows Adapter in the list control, and click Configure to launch the LabWindows/CVI Adapter Configuration dialog box.

The LabWindows/CVI Adapter Configuration dialog box contains the following options:

  • Show Function Arguments in Step Description —When you enable this option, the description for a step in the TestStand Sequence Editor and the TestStand User Interfaces include the parameters with the function. When you disable the option, the description displays only the function and module name.
  • Default Struct Packing —Specifies how the LabWindows/CVI Adapter packs structure parameters it passes. Set the packing options to match the default for structure packing in the application development environment. You can select 1-, 2-, 4-, 8-, or 16-byte boundaries.
    Note The compatibility mode of the LabWindows/CVI development environment you use to create DLLs determines the choice for the structure packing value, as follows:
    • For LabWindows/CVI, the default structure packing can be 1- or 8-byte. For example, in Microsoft Visual C++ compatibility mode, LabWindows/CVI has a default of 8-byte packing.
    • Visual C++ and Symantec C++ have a default of 8-byte packing.
    • LabVIEW, Borland C++, and Watcom C++ have a default of 1-byte packing.

The Step Execution section contains the following options:

  • Execute Steps in an External Instance of CVI—Specifies which project the LabWindows/CVI Adapter uses to run code modules .
  • Pathname of the LabWindows/CVI Project Containing the Execution Server —The pathname of the LabWindows/CVI project file the LabWindows/CVI Adapter uses to run steps out-of-process.
  • Execute Step In-Process (CVI is NOT Required for This Mode)—This is the fastest mode for running steps. However, you cannot debug .c files in this mode. For a .c file, TestStand locates the corresponding .obj file and uses it in the place of the .c file.

    You can debug DLLs in this mode when you launch this application from the DLL development environment. Refer to the LabWindows/CVI Help for more information.

  • Code Template Policy —Specify the code module templates to use during code creation. The following options are available:
    • Allow Only New Templates —Only searches for new code module templates. When you select this option, the Code Template ring control on the LabWindows/CVI Module tab contains only the new code templates associated with the step type.
    • Allow Only Legacy Templates —Only searches for legacy code module templates, which are files you can call from previous versions of TestStand. When you select this option, the Code Template ring control on the LabWindows/CVI Module tab contains only the legacy code templates associated with the step type.
    • Allow New and Legacy Templates —Searches for both new and legacy code module templates. When you select this option, the Code Template ring control on the LabWindows/CVI Module tab contains all the code templates associated with the step type.

See Also

Calling Legacy LabWindows/CVI Code Modules