Invocation Info Cluster

Use the Invocation Info cluster to pass additional information to the VI.

The following table lists the elements of the Invocation Info cluster, specifies the data type of the cluster element, and describes how the LabVIEW Adapter uses each cluster element.

Cluster Element Data Type TestStand Property to Which the Adapter Copies the Value
Test Name The adapter uses the name of the step that invokes the test VI.
loop # The adapter uses the loop count when the step that invokes the test VI loops on the step.
Sequence Path The adapter uses the name and absolute path of the sequence file that runs the test VI.
UUT Info The adapter uses the value from the RunState.Root.Locals.UUT.SerialNumber property, when the property exists. Otherwise, the adapter copies an empty string. Use the Serial Number String option in the Legacy VI Settings dialog box to specify an expression the LabVIEW Adapter evaluates at run time to generate a value to pass to the UUT Info element.
UUT # The adapter uses the value from the RunState.Root.Locals.UUT.UUTLoopIndex property, when the property exists. Otherwise, the adapter copies an empty string. Use the UUT Iteration Number option in the Legacy VI Settings dialog box to specify an expression the LabVIEW Adapter evaluates at run time to generate a value to pass to the UUT # element.

See Also

Legacy VI Settings dialog box