Configure Close Sessions Dialog Box

In a TestStand User Interface , select Configure Close Session in the context menu for the step, or click Configure Close Session on the General tab of the Step Properties dialog box to launch the Configure Close Session dialog box. Use this dialog box to specify which IO sessions you want to close.

The Configure Close Sessions dialog box contains the following options:

  • Close All open Sessions —Automatically closes all sessions that are currently open in the executing sequence, including Locals, Parameters, File Globals and Station Globals. The sessions close in the order the IO session variables were created in Locals, Parameters, File Globals and Station Globals. Use the Close Selected Sessions option to close the IO sessions in a specific order.
  • Close Selected Sessions —Closes the sessions you select. The IO sessions close in the order they are listed in the selected session list. You can choose an existing Create Session and Apply Configuration step, or specific IO session variables defined as Locals, Parameters, FileGlobals, or StationGlobals. Click Add/Modify Sessions to add or modify sessions in the list. Click Remove Session to remove the selected session from the list. Click Move Session Up to move the currently selected session up, and click Move Session Down to move the currently selected session down. Settings available for each IO session are:
    • Ignore Error —Ignores any errors that occur while closing the session.
    • Session Variable —The TestStand variable used to store the session.
    • Session Description —The description about a session.