Cluster Passing Tab - Type Properties Dialog Box

Cluster Passing Tab

You can use the LabVIEW NXG Adapter to pass a TestStand variable or property to a cluster terminal on a VI connector pane. The data type of the variable or property you pass must contain all the fields the cluster expects. If a data type contains a subproperty that is a named data type, you must also allow the LabVIEW NXG Adapter to pass objects of the named data type as a cluster.

Use the Cluster Passing tab to specify how TestStand maps the subproperties of a data type to the elements of a cluster parameter. The Cluster Passing tab contains the following options:

  • Allow Objects of this Type to be Passed as LabVIEW NXG Clusters —Enables you to pass instances of the data type to cluster parameters.
  • Property —Use this ring control to select a subproperty of the data type in order to display the type and specify the name of the cluster element to which TestStand maps the property.

    If a subproperty of the data type is a named type, the control does not include the subproperties of the type in the ring control. You must separately configure the named data type to allow the LabVIEW NXG Adapter to pass objects of the named type as a cluster, and specify the cluster elements to map.

  • Exclude when Passing Cluster —When you enable this option, TestStand does not include the selected subproperty in the mapping between the data type and cluster.
  • Is Binary String —Indicates whether the cluster element contains binary data. When you select this option, the LabVIEW NXG Adapter automatically compresses the binary string for output parameters and uncompresses the binary string for input parameters.
  • Type —The data type of the selected subproperty.
  • Cluster Item Label —The name of the cluster element to which TestStand maps the property.

See Also

Cluster Parameters

Passing Existing TestStand Container Variables to LabVIEW NXG

Updating Cluster Element Mapping