C/C++ DLL Adapter Configuration Dialog Box

Select Configure»Adapters , select the C/C++ DLL Adapter in the list control, and click Configure to launch the C/C++ DLL Adapter Configuration dialog box.

The C/C++ DLL Adapter Configuration dialog box contains the following options:

  • Show Function Arguments in Step Description —When you enable this option, the description for a step displays the function and the parameters of the function. When you disable this option, the description displays the function and DLL name.
  • Default Struct Packing —Specifies how the C/C++ DLL Adapter packs structure parameters it passes . Set the packing options to match the default for structure packing in the DLL development environment. The following packing options are available: 1-, 2-, 4-, 8-, and 16-byte boundaries.
    Note The development environment you use to create DLLs determines the choice for the structure value packing value, as follows:
    • Visual C++ and Symantec C++ have a default of 8-byte packing.
    • LabVIEW, Borland C++, and Watcom C++ have a default of 1-byte packing.
    • For LabWindows/CVI, the default packing can be either 1- or 8-byte, depending on the compatibility mode. For example, in Visual C++ compatibility mode, LabWindows/CVI has a default of 8-byte packing.
  • Version of Visual Studio to Use for Create and Edit Code —The version of Microsoft Visual Studio that the C/C++ DLL Adapter uses to perform Create Code and Edit Code operations.
  • Version of Visual Studio to Use for Debugging —The version of Visual Studio that the C/C++ DLL Adapter uses to debug code modules .

See Also

Type Properties dialog box