Array Parameters - LabVIEW VI Call Parameters

Array Parameters

You can specify an array that contains elements of any type. For numeric arrays, TestStand reformats the contents of the numeric array argument into a temporary array that contains elements that have the specific numeric type the VI expects. For an array of clusters, you must specify an array of containers. The data type for the array of containers must have cluster passing enabled, and it must match the cluster structure the array of clusters expects.

For inputs, the number of dimensions in the TestStand array must match the number of dimensions in the LabVIEW array. For outputs, the TestStand array is resized to match the LabVIEW array.

For small, one-dimensional arrays, you can specify an argument for each element of the array. To add elements at the bottom of the array, click the <+> button at the root of the array. To insert a new element after an existing element, click the <+> button next to the existing element. Click the <–> button to delete the selected array element.

See Also

Accessing Arrays Using API from LabVIEW Code Modules (Example)

LabVIEW Data Types in TestStand

Mapping Parameters